Stack of beds shown inside Epstein Temple in new drone footage

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Recently new drone footage showed a close up of what was inside, at least now, of Epstein Temple. What we can see is a stack of beds and what looks like rippling on the floor; caused by varnish painted quickly without allowing correct drying time. The MSM has said that the temple is a gym for Jeffery Epstein although in my opinion the workout area looks too small for a gym. I go into these things in this video as well as some updates on other things on the island. The full drone video of the temple can be seen here:

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Stack of bed? Well that's interesting, it looks quite patched up in my opinion I mean for somewhere that could be considered a gym looks like there's more to it than meet the eyes.

Starting to look like New Alcatraz.

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