On Epstein Island, was it a tunnel or a shack/hut, or something else?

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Recently new drone footage gives a closer view of what looked like a tunnel. In the most recent footage we see that it looks like a shack, which seems to have recent work done to it; electric cabling lying next to it etc., Since it has been so many years between when the footage was taken it is hard to say if they are the same object; although if it was, it has clearly been painted, since it was a darker almost black color in the older footage. I go into this as well as a few other things in this video – the full video from Rusty Shackeford’s channel can be found here:

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Why was there a Temple on Epsteins Island? What famous stars and politicians visited the Island? Why are reporters not jumping all over this story? LETS START NAMING SOME NAMES. Post below all facts and pictures of those people associated with Epstein and his Island!

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