Canada winter.. long and dark

A lot of the world thinks us northern Canadian's are nut's, Which is partially true. Our winter's are long , cold and very dark. Around this time of year where I live we get about eight hours of daylight. Go to work in the dark and get home from work in the dark. Despite all the frigid windy cold their is a lot of positive in it, a lot of the time us Canadian's get so used to being in it day through day and cant see the wonderful blessing's we have. The view out our quarter at 6pm in the dark with the northern lights going wild is something that can only be explained in person. We live in a wonderful place next time your thinking about how hard it is just slow down and look at the great things at our fingertips. Canada is awesome take it in and if you haven't been here hopefully you will see it one day.IMG_1899[1].JPG


Frig I love the north. God help me but I even love the cold. Maybe not the cold itself but the feeling of resilience you get from surviving the extremes of the climate. You know that feeling when you've been out in -50 and can get something done, maybe not much done, maybe just getting a truck going, but then you get back into a building with some kind of heat. It's hard to explain to most people in the world, but I suspect you know what I mean, lol. Anyway I work in SK all the way up to the 60th. Check out #teamcanada if you haven't already!

its awesome i know exactly what your saying. I have woodstoves in all my outbuildings and that extreme cold to extreme heat is just such a great feeling after being out for a while.

Agreed! We live in a land so beautiful in every way, we must never forget to look around and be grateful for the rivers, lakes, trees and mountains that through the seasons accompany our lives. This land is part of our hearts. I have always wanted to visit the north it must be quite a sight to see. In which part of the country do you live @thenextmotoking ?

It is incredible. I live North west 7 hours of Edmonton, Alberta

Nice! It must be cold up there! Can't wait to see more and learn about of your part of the country!

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