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RE: Two asteroids will come past this weekend; one will pass closer to Earth than the Moon's orbit!

That's disturbing. I've been to places in the world where it was cheaper to have a dozen people dig a trench than to hire a backhoe to dig it because the machine cost a lot more than $2 per day.

It seems like someone would realize that bees could be a lucrative business and start breeding them to rent out as pollinators. Or maybe the bees just die and that's why no one does it.


People are cheap, and bees do Not do well with the level of pollution over there.


It's just sad. People should be able to get a wage that allows them to live. And bees should be able to just fly around and find plants to pollinate. I think it should be an automatic sign that you're doing something wrong when the bees die off because there's too much pollution.

We are getting bad over here too. WE are killing off our bees here too. And yes they are the worst polluters in the World!

The government decides who lives, and who does Not. They want the same option here....


From what I understand there are governments around the world that have legalized euthanasia and within those countries, older people are now afraid to have doctors visits because there are statistically-significant reports of people being killed without their permission or even knowledge. They're just being murdered by their doctors. Scary stuff!

It is much more cost effective, and cold blooded! They have death panels in the ACA here in the USA. I can tell you one instance, where a half a million people were allowed to die, that could have been saved, and the bastards that killed them will never be held to count for it!


Half a million?! Wow, that's really a lot. I mean, 10 is a lot, but that's staggering. I worry for the future of the country when we don't value human life.

The day they assigned a dollar value to our health, we were done for. When life moves from priceless, to X number of dollars, life became cheap and common. Once a value is established that value can be modified, and will always be modified; and always downwards.Until We are with out any worth at all!

THIS is the inevitable conclusion of the path they have forced us onto....


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