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RE: Precious Metals are Falling!

I'd like it to drop below $1 before it shoots back up for good. Then those who stay will be able to load up on Steem at a good price. Those who aren't committed will leave and those who stay will be able to get rewarded.

I love Costco! Say it ain't so. :)


It was a low moment. I was turning 30, I think, the year of my first pre-mid-life crisis, and I was just not happy with me, or the world. I was talking to a good friend from work and somehow we got onto Costco and I can't even remember if we had a membership yet, but I think we did, and all I could think of was the money we would spend there and I was tired of spending money all the time.

Anyway, the economic forces and the good business practices of Costco were not in my favor for such a prediction. And now they're taking away my polish dogs! If there ever was a time for them to go out of business, just for that treachery, it would be now!

We all get it wrong sometimes. For what it's worth, I'm glad Costco is still around.

What? They're taking away the polish dogs? That's crazy talk! I hadn't realized that was happening. All good things come to an end, I guess. There's always the hot dog. Or you can buy the polish dogs in bulk and grill them at home. Or you can get one of the new healthier options. :P

It's the 'healthier' options that are making the polish dogs go away. For me, it was less about the taste really—they're fine, but I really like German sausage better, but you can't find that as easily—but more about the price. It's really tough to beat a dog and a drink for $1.50.

As it is, hot dogs aren't my favorite food. I just eat them because others like them or the price. You can feed four adults on $6, unless they have larger appetites and you spring for a slice of pizza or something. Still, amazingly cheap. :)

The price really can't be beat. I don't think they've made money on those things for a long time, but people really liked the price so they kept it. Why not, if it's getting people in the door, right? It's called a loss leader.

Hang in there. I hear there are petitions being started to bring the polish dog back. We'll see if it works.

I was trying to say I would probably live longer if there isn't a polish dog. :) I do like it with deli mustard and sauerkraut though. Unfortunately, the local Costco we go to always seems to be out of sauerkraut, so I end up eating the polish dog without it. Because we don't eat enough sauerkraut otherwise to justify buying our own jar of it just so once a month or so I can eat it with my polish dog. That no longer exists. Which will actually allow me to live longer.

I've seen some of the reactions to the polish dog being removed and it's just bizarre how people can be so upset and so attached to it. It's got to be the internet that makes people go berserk over relatively small things. I mean, I think they're tastier than the hotdogs, but it's not all that. It's not worth getting so upset over.

No doubt, though, if Costco is like most businesses these days, they will feel compelled to retract and the polish dog will be restored. And then the vegan backlash can begin and they'll have to get rid of the chicken bake or something. :)

No doubt, though, if Costco is like most businesses these days, they will feel compelled to retract and the polish dog will be restored. And then the vegan backlash can begin and they'll have to get rid of the chicken bake or something. :)

That's pretty much life nowadays. You can't win and if you change anything you'll likely be crucified for it. That's why we can't have nice things, people don't like any change.

I think you're right. I blame the internet too. Ha ha.

By the way, just eat the sauerkraut straight out of the jar. It's delicious! ;)

Straight out of the jar?! Okay, Herr No Name. :)

I know I wouldn't do very well in any major position, corporate, governmental or otherwise, because there's no way, unless I truly misspoke, that I would be walking back my words or apologizing. It's just dumb. People act like they own everything, when most of them don't own anything. A culture of the entitled. I mean, I'm not happy with it, but I'm not going to yell obscenities at Costco or picket their store or do whatever else. They bring it back, I might get one once in a while. If not, no big deal.

Okay, Herr No Name. :)

Ha ha, that's a good one!

Especially if you've worked for yourself for a lot of years, it can be tough to reintegrate into a system and culture that doesn't necessarily see you as an enlightened, capable person. Most companies just want drones to do the work and if you speak up or think outside the box, you can be crushed down.

I'm glad you're going to be ok about the Polish dog. I hear that Costco is coming out with a double patty hamburger. It's supposed to be delicious! They are also doing kiosks where you order and pay, then you just go to the window for pickup.

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