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RE: Precious Metals are Falling!

Okay, Herr No Name. :)

Ha ha, that's a good one!

Especially if you've worked for yourself for a lot of years, it can be tough to reintegrate into a system and culture that doesn't necessarily see you as an enlightened, capable person. Most companies just want drones to do the work and if you speak up or think outside the box, you can be crushed down.

I'm glad you're going to be ok about the Polish dog. I hear that Costco is coming out with a double patty hamburger. It's supposed to be delicious! They are also doing kiosks where you order and pay, then you just go to the window for pickup.


Most companies want young drones. I used to be young, but not anymore. Sad thing is, though, if they wouldn't mind an older wiser drone, I would probably, for the most part, mind my own business, speak up when it was necessary or when I was asked, and I could probably figure out a way to streamline the tasks I was given and potentially take on more work.

And, I'd probably stick around longer if they treated me right than most of the younger generation do because of one reason or another. I can't see myself working much past 65, but it would depend, I suppose on the kind of work and the pay.

I just read about the double cheeseburger. I guess it's been demoed in other parts of the country for at least a year. $4.99 is a little steep compared to $1.50 hot dog, but the review I read said it was a decent burger.

Lots of companies like younger people because they can pay them less money. They also tend to have lower health care costs, so the company doesn't have to pay as much to get insurance for everyone. The older folks normally know a few tricks though and could save the company money. But a lot of companies like predictability of outcome more than potential for savings.

$4.99 is considerably more than the $1.50 for the hot dog, but the costs to make it are higher, and there's more that goes into it. It's really not a bad price considering the size of the burger. If you go to Red Robin or something, it would be $10+

Yeah, everything has gone up, sigh. Thirty years ago I could get five cheeseburgers and a water for $1.45. They weren't the greatest, but they were cheap. :)

I guess the last time I went to a doctor was during my three week illness several years ago where I lost roughly 20 lbs. and pretty much slept through two weeks of it. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, their Catscan machine was on the fritz, and three people, including one from the emergency room couldn't draw blood. So I drank the gunk they give you to take for nothing and never did get the catscan. I came back two days later and the regular phlebotomist managed to get something out of me.

I told everyone after I was recovered that I discovered a great weight loss technique but that I couldn't recommend it to anyone. :)

Five cheeseburgers for $1.45 sounds good. Your weight loss technique does not. It's not fun when there's something wrong and the doctors can't find out what it is. And then if you're having to go through a bunch of invasive tests and having to drink gunky junk for nothing, that's just the garbage icing on top of a terrible cake.

I'm glad you're better. Maybe eating fewer of those aforementioned cheeseburgers helps with that. As Tim McGraw said, "eat a few more salads and not stay up so late."

Yeah. So, my going to the doctor has been a variation on that experience one after another, just not that drastic, thankfully. Add to that a decent record at self-diagnosis, or at least not sweating the small stuff, and I'm the health industry's worst nightmare!

I'm already well into my next 30 years, thank you, Mr. McGraw, and I'm happy to note that I have successfully maintained the beer consumption at zero, and that my salad eating has increased. Overall, I'd say my eating has decreased. And yes, so has my physical activity. I guess I could eat nothing and only exercise. That would definitely help me lose weight, and never accomplish anything else. :)

Sounds like you're doing well overall. I wouldn't recommend giving up food entirely and only working out. I'm not a fitness expert though, so don't take that as professional advice. Heh.

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