Have You Heard? Halloween AND Christmas Are In September Now // Pusing Deh!

in #sublimesunday6 years ago (edited)


How's everyone doing this cold snowing Sunday?

We had snow the other day, then sunny yesterday, but back to grey and snowing today. This year's winter definitely is too early. Normally yes we would get snow in September, but would only lasted like 1-2 days, then Autumn would return for at least until before Halloween, but not so sure for this year *sigh*.

Speaking of Halloween, my gosh, the stores have their Halloween AND Christmas products at the same time, for almost a month now. So crazy. Every where you go shopping, you would find little babes crying and begging for this and that, for Halloween and Christmas, when they are still months away still. Poor us, parents *lol*.

Anyways. Today I am sharing more fun photoshoot of my family and I, and I guess for #sublimesunday, as I am not good in using tags :P Besides, sublimesunday is a gathering day where you have an excuse to post just about anything you want to, hosted by @c0ff33a.

We started the week with....SNOW in September, boo-hoo

Hai Teman,

Sudah hari Minggu aja deh, ga kerasa. Barusan juga unggah foto-foto aneh aku dan keluarga, eh dah waktunya unggah lagi wkwkkwk

Bagaimana akhir pekan kalian? Semoga menyenangkan yah.

Disini lagi-lagi turun salju lagi. Bener deh, musim Dingin tahun ini benar-benar aneh. Terlalu cepat datangnya. Biasanya sih emang bakalan salju turun di bulan September, tapi hanya bertahan satu dua hari. Lah ini, dah mau semingguan salju mulu, euy.

Bosen ah ngomongin cuaca, habis dingin hahaha

Yuk, kita unggah foto aja, mumpung ini #sublimesunday, tagar yang teman bisa pakai untuk unggah akan hal apapun setiap hari Minggunya, yang dicanangkan oleh @c0ff33a.

Sudah pernah ikutan? Biasanya dia akan kasin upvote-an dan juga resteem artikel/foto/puisi/resep dll yang teman punya, selama menggunakan tagar tersebut pada hari Minggu (berarti Sabtu waktu Indonesia).

Yep, that's what my 4 yo said. Snowing? Is Santa Coming? Where is Santa?

And those goodies at the stores, they are not helping the case at all. Snowing, goodies out, mad crazy parents can't have a nice shopping time but hit-and-run style. Grab what you need, run to the cashier til to avoid cray-cray little babes, but you would turn crazy mad at yourself when you realize you forgot to grab the one thing you needed for the day, garlic that is *lol*.

Not to mention, the (giant) pumpkins are everywhere as well. Sooooo, seriously, Halloween, really is knocking at the door. Kids have been telling their friends to wait for invitations for our annual Halloween party, which in return, the parents of their friends been coming up to me telling how excited their kids are, and here I am, don't know yet what I will have for Halloween menu, but since they all made me excited as well, I grabbed a new Halloween costume ALREADY, on Friday :P - I am such a sheep :P

Anyways. Doesn't matter that it was snowing, that it is snowing, I am decorating my house for Autum now. I want my Thanksgiving! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin buns, pumpkin cookies, here I come.

Di toko tuh dah banyak hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan Halloween dan Natalan. Bete jadinya kalau kita lagi belanja di toko, karena Halloween dan Natal kan masih lama, namun para managemen toko tuh pinter-pinter, sudah mulai menawarkan barang-barang/pernak-pernik jauh lebih dini, yang tentunya membuat para anak kecil menjadi super tertarik dan ga sabar untuk menunggu kedatangan Halloween maupun Sinterklas.

Pinter managemen, namun kesal para orang tua.

Bagaimana tidak, setiap mau ke toko, meski hanya beli satu pensil kek, ataupun butuh bawang putih, susah kalau anak-anak dah lihat pernak-pernik yang berbau Halloween dan Natalan. Datanglah rengekan mereka. Bukan anakku doang sih, anak-anak pada umumnya. Jadi lah toko-toko penuh dengan wajah bete para ortu hahaha

Anak-anak merengek, para orang tua mengomel. Waktu yang indah buat belanja deh.

Dan tentunya, sudah pasti di toko sana-sini sudah banyak labu raksasa, yang biasa di ukir dan dihias buat Halloween.

This week photoshoot isn't complete though, only me and the boys, as my husband is in Texas, working and promoting Steemit at the same time.

We went apple picking a few days ago and as I know my husband does check and read my Steemit, this morning I snapped a picture of my 8 yo with the apples he picked and obviously his father has not seen this picture, I have not send it to him yet, imma just let him see it here for the first time lol.

Meski musim Gugur belum resmi datang, biasanya tanggal 22 September, namun karena hasil panen sudah meruah karena cuaca yang cepat berubah, tidak hanya labu raksasa yang identik dengan musim Gugur, melainkan juga buah apel.

Kami menyempatkan pergi untuk memetik buah apel hari Jum'at tadi. Jadi yah tentunya, aku pun mengabadikan anakku yang sulung untuk bergaya dengan buah apel petikannya :D

Now the ball is in your hand, Apu. Snap a picture of you wearing Steemit t-shirt somewhere in Texas, and maybe with a board as well? - and awesome writing too! Something funny, something rhyming, something borrow, just ask Om Google :P Maybe something from one of the bed time stories that the boys like hahahaha

Thanks for looking, you guys!

Karena suamiku sedang di Amrik, ga ada foto dia untuk minggu ini hihihih

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haha! that first picture is a classic! what in the world though? snow? what's wrong with Canada? why are you guys so far North anyways? maybe you're addicted to snow or something.

My husband is there in Texas atm, and he sent pictures of him sweating like crazy I laughed til tears came out seriously hahahah and noooo, too much snow is crazy too but yeah, i dont want too hot of a sun as well :P

haha! yes it was 96 degrees here today, a little warm for this time of year but we are in too much heat, Canada is too much cold so middle of the country here or maybe Australia! they have great weather don't they?

Hahaha i know! They sell halloween and Christmas stuff together!!! And my kids would go insane in the store! Hahaha! But I’m not complaining i love holidays!!! Hahaha (sorry too much laughing just excited 😆)

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i do love the holidays, but if its way too early already up at the stores, its crazy :P

We don't have Halloween here only the Day of the Dead, November 2nd and that is the day they go to the cemeteries and take a picnic lunch to have with the relatives. I am not sure about this custom...They started putting out the Christmas stuff out in August. Way too early for me! LOL

indeed way too early

there is a cartoon movie I cant seem to remember the title top of my head, they have Day of The Dead, seems so festive. Tons of pretty sugar skulls :)

Yes... Jesus was born in a Sukkah during the September Festival of Sukkot.

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It seems like it is all shifting a bit...sumer ends and starts earlier, same for winter.

I am up north Canada, its pretty unpredictable most of the times. Our winter starts in October (September would snow yes, but usually only a few days) and would last until end of May and sometimes in June would be snowing too, crazy lol

I wish it would cool off here! It was 95 degrees today!


The kids and I went to Nashville for the first time (when you guys had the meet up in Atlanta), and the kids whined so much because it was too hot for them and me :P - its funny because am originally from tropical country hahaha

The pictures posted on anecheron. I'm a pretty nice post.

yeah, I dont quite understand what you were trying to say but thanks for visiting!

Love it thanks for sharing. Those apples look delicious

we picked too many, its been days ive been making jars and jars and jars of apple sauce, I dont know where to store them hahah

thanks for visiting!

The expression on your face is priceless. Like "WTF is it snowing at end of Summer " lol

IKR! hahahahha

I love winter, but not when I have to drive, black ice, icy window, slippery road, noooo -.-

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