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RE: HELP @haejin from these SNEAKY DownVoters!! Steem Power UP & UPVOTE!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The guy can't post as he sees fit without being harassed and bullied, and a shitshow in the comments of every post as of the past couple weeks--so why wouldn't he leave?? He posted for MONTHS making just a few dollars a post, and was fine with it. All of the sudden he's making money from what is likely the most valuable content on Steemit and people throw a fit? I just haven't been able to wrap my mind around that. It's jealousy, pure and simple. Then you have a child like berniesanders gaming the system and spouting "hey, that's the way Steemit is set I'm within the rules". He's the Martin Shkreli of Steemit, yet nothing can be done about his antics.

We'll pretend that only half of Haejin's current followers go with him to a private pay platform. 4k followers at $10/mo and he's clocking $40k/mo and doesn't have to deal with any of these children and the childish drama...and for some reason that would make him a selfish person? Dude, SO many of his followers are only here because of his content, myself included. I give fuck all about some thirsty bastards upvoting a travel blogger, or any of the other blogs on here full of info you can literally find anywhere else on the internet. In fact, I'd say the reason ANYONE is here is to make the money that posting on Steemit can generate, and no one is here purely out of the kindness of their hearts. So where as I don't see any value in a girl doing a travel blog (so I don't upvote), I still respect her ability to create and share content, and she should not be bullied or downvoted into oblivion because some power-wielding crybaby thinks she is 'making too much'.

To fallback on the excuse 'well that is the way Steemit works' is a copout, and shows the glaring drawbacks of the platform imo. A change is needed in a hurry. If Haejin relocates before that change happens, so be it. I'm hoping he does--I can't wait to leave this awful platform.


You very much echo my sentiment. @haejin hasn't even posted anything for some time because of this drama.

When you shoot a bunch of kids or a music fans with a gun, the gun is working as intended. That doesn't make it right. Ability isn't a Right.

We only have 10 full upvotes a day. Plus downvoters could be profiting from @haejin's calls too. So I've been proposing an invite only community and just posting BTC updates, Kaboom profits, Tutorials, and a random analysis each day for the public(maybe when with a time delay.)

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