What is Art and Why Does it Matter?

in #art7 years ago

One of My Own Works "Venus" in the style of classical works such as Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus"


One of my favourite pieces of art: Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow - Piet Mondrian (Wikimedia Commons/PD)

When I was younger I went through a phase where I became highly judgmental of artistic endeavours.

I think this was in part an attempt to deal with my own cognitive dissonance over being unable to pursue my artistic hobbies.

I was gearing up for University and there was less and less time to pursue "frivolous" activities.

It also seems that this is an attitude that is promoted by certain academics who are very scientifically minded but seem to have some sort of grudge against artistic endeavours.

When we are young we tend to be more impressionable and open to such influence.

Art is not frivolous though. It is just as important as any other pursuit. - Great thinkers like Leonardo Da Vinci understood that.

I would also argue that there is not such a clear delineation between artistic pursuits and science anyway.

Art is Hard to Define

The kind of art which most people think about: Napoleon on his Imperial throne - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - (Wikimedia Commons/PD)

Say the word "art" to most people and I think they would imagine a painting by an old master or some other expression of visual art.

Of course this is a very limited view of what art is. Just think of the other artistic modalities which most of us encounter on a daily basis.

There are the obvious ones like music (one of my favourites), movies and TV. There are also things we often don't think about as art - the architecture around us, the aesthetic design of the objects that inhabit our lives.

Clothes would be one obvious example but also consider your tablet computer, your phone, even your toothbrush.

-In almost all cases some kind of artistic or creative work has gone into producing its final form.

This brings me to one of my central points.

Art is not just a genre of human creativity, or indeed it's expression:

A Form of Thought?

Art is a form of thought.

-Or at least it can be.

I would go as far as saying that there is an element of art in all things. Even the most scientific of pursuits has "art" within it.

I remember when studying pure mathematics at school how I found that there was a certain beauty to mathematical expressions and equations.

One of my colleagues at school once asked our Maths teacher:

"What is the point of calculus - why should I learn that?"

The teacher answered:

"Because it's beautiful".

I think this was the perfect answer to a question many of us often ask.

There is a certain beauty to things which can strike us when we study them. In some respects one could say that art is finding the beauty in things we encounter.

Sometimes it can mean finding the beauty in that which is obviously beautiful, other times it can mean finding beauty in what others would find ugly.

Sometimes it is not clear at all where the beauty is and yet we still appreciate a piece of work because of the emotional response it triggers within us.

So perhaps art can also be about triggering an emotional response be it positive or negative.

What's the Point of Art?


Does Art need a point?

It's a question that people often ask.

There are several ways of answering it. The first answer would be with a question:

Why does it need a point?

Another answer I have heard people say is:

Because it makes life better.

I would agree with this latter explanation, I think we are neurologically hard-wired to derive pleasure from that which we find beautiful but as I said art is not just about beauty.

I think the fundamental essence of art is that it places a metaphorical frame around something.

Whether that thing is beautiful, ugly or indifferent it then takes that thing and triggers some form of emotional response.

The emotional response can vary but ultimately a good piece of art makes us feel better for having experienced it (even when the initial response may be considered negative).


Great art can change how we think.

Truly great art not only creates an emotional response but it can also change how we think about a particular subject - it can shift our perspective.

I believe this is because it can cut through the defences of our rational minds and reach deep into our unconscious and preconscious minds.

We like to think that we are rational agents in control of our faculties but as I have said before we are just apes wearing clothes and pretending to be civilised.

Our rational minds are very much governed by our irrational and primitive (unconscious) desires.

Art can cut through all that "logical" crap that is little more than posturing by our egos.

This is why TV shows and movies can have a greater effect than actual real life events in shaping political policy and the greater societal consciousness.

I believe that art is one of the best ways of reshaping thought and bringing about change.


I think if you asked a hundred different people what art means to them you would probably get a hundred different answers.

To end I would like to mention some words a friend once said to me.

We were talking about science and art and he said:

"Science makes our physical lives better. Art makes our mental lives better."

It is not a perfect definition - I don't think there is a single definition that covers everything but I think this is an elegant way of looking at things.

What do you think? What does art mean to you?

Let me know in the comments.

Thank you for reading

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I am not good at art,but I do really appreciate who does. To me, art is another way of expression, I always appreicate those art with hidden message, especially some applied in society. For instance, there is a workshop in my hometown focusing on doing traditional art work, to promote traditional culture and helps to develop and maintain relationship among the local residents .

Well I make art. I drew an elephant:

This elephant is a dadaist comment on the inconsistencies of the moral values in our society. ;)

That is awesome

@galactic123 Very much enjoy your craft.

"In painting, you have unlimited power. You have the ability to move mountains. You can bend rivers. But when I get home, the only thing I have power over, is the garbage".
-Bob Ross-

I used to watch his painting show all the time ::))He is so Awesome ::))

I really like how Bob Ross would never get frustrated at small mistakes he would make. Sometimes when I am working on a project I am doing for fun, I get really frustrated which then ruins the fun for me.

Bob Ross reminds me to enjoy my art.

Thank you for sharing that :)) I need to work on not letting a little mistake mess up my whole day ::))))

Mindfulness meditation helps me get less frustrated by the little mistakes I make. If you find that your day is ruined too often by frustration, I recommend you check it out.

I used to think meditation was hippy stuff but I think it is pretty cool now that I practice it.

Thank you my friend :))

Same here! I'm not an artistic person but can appreciate the way people express themselves. And to me that's what art is. An expression of the inner world of a person and I think there is also something magical on seeing a person creating art. They tend to have this immense focus and flow around them, which is quite mesmerizing to see....

Yes some of them certainly do.

Art is eye candy!

Cool. Thank you for sharing your experience. You should do a post on this workshop might inspire others to do the same in their towns.

Artist die but art never die

Picasso once wrote that "Art is the ultimate form of passion." Because, I suppose because it elicits some emotional response. Personally, I have very mixed feelings about art... I'm a fair musician (playing other people's music) and, I suppose, a fair writer (for a hack)... However, I'm more disturbed by the artist that I'm not, than the one I am. I always wanted to be a painter, or illustrator, a sculptor, something like that- unfortunately, I can't draw a stick figure (one that's recognizable at least). That bother's me more than what I can accomplish! Go figure!!!

If you really want to do it I think you should try it again. I know a few people who started doing these things later in life and despite not being good at it as kids they worked on it and they are actually very good now.

I don't know... When my kids were little they would say something like: 'Daddy, draw a kitty," so I would... Then I'd get- "That's not a kitty!" I'm still smarting from that!!!

Lol - as I was saying to Karen it is a matter of practice more than anything. I think many people think they are bad at drawing because they get put off by a comment at some point in their lives so they stop doing it.

I think I'll stick to writing (at least I get a few compliments) Drawing and singing- I stay away from!

I would say do it anyway!I really believe that yes art is part skill but it is mostly about the unfiltered act of self expression.

Have you ever noticed that some artists have less technical skill than others but their art is more well known than their technical counterparts? I think it is because they more than make up for it in how they express themselves or the unique way they bring different concepts together (creation).

I say think of something creative or unique that you are interested in drawing and bring it to life. The skills will come in time.

I try to do it by focusing on writing now... I find that the most successful people are the ones that discover what they CAN do instead of focusing on what they can't.

That makes sense. Art should not feel like a chore. Good luck on your art!

I think of art as the recognition of oneself as a creative force. My favorite artists are those whose art bled into their personal lives. You can see the way they speak about themselves and the world and their actions are also full of this creative energy. There are some mediums which are commonly recognized as being artistic, but you can be an artist when you read a book, clean your room or deal with your boss.

Yes I think you are right. There is a piece of the artist in the art. The act of creation incorporates some essence of the creator whether it is intentional or not.

I also agree even that which is not considered artistic can be. Thank you!

I have been wanting to respond since yesterday! Now I have an answer. If it was created, its art. Art is creativity. It can be food, clothing, sex, mother nature even a building. Art is all around and we sometimes forget that with age.

Art is about love for me. The love for oilpaint and the love to capture the blossoms of a tree on a canvas. Art is like a portal to another dimension, where peace and love unite. Turn on your favorite song and feel it. Art is all about feeling. May it be confusion love or hate. Art derives from feelings stored deep inside of us. All art does is fuel the flame for your soul to burn. Have a wonderful day, WoozelWazzel

Thanks for sharing. You too:)

Thank you for your blog, I am looking forward to more stories like these.

You're welcome!

Art has the ability to change peoples thoughts and behaviors without any long debates or psychiatrist chair. To me it is an expression from within that wants to be released.

Great description:)

I can not speak for other, but art; and by art I mean the arts in general; has helped me deal with life, understand the world around me, and myself. Crying in a movie that showed the suffering of children helped me form a conscience when I was younger. Watching a movie about bullies in 3rd grade made me realize running over my ex boyfriend on the way to the bus was not very nice, even if he was flirting with my best friend. Listening to music or audiobooks while painting or doing chores inspires me and keeps me from getting bored. Art on the walls of doctors offices distracts me from the pain of my medical predicament and the horrible photography in magazines these days. (I can not even look at them any more) Art is important to our lives in many ways we take for granted. When you throw on "Stranger Things" on a Sunday night, think of all the artists who worked long hours on it, some nights not sleeping.

Great response!

This was interesting to read and gave me some senses of.. understanding? I don't know a proper word on English, as in Finnish it's "ahaa-elämys", which is kind of sensation when you understand something "oh hey now I understand this".

For a long time I thought I was rational about art. I enjoyed art which represented something very simple and clear - a forst, a bird, a person etc. and in some cases, art which had some simple metaphors. The more abstract or weird art got, the less I enjoyed it.

However, it was some years ago I noticed I actually could enjoy more abstract art. It didn't even have to be very beautiful art or anything, just as long I got a strong, good feeling or some thoughts about it. I saw a painting, with a very big looking cat (kind of like tiger, but not really) with wings of an eagle. The painting was only red and black. It gave me a very strong "wow"-feeling, when I thought it was really amazing. It wasn't a beautiful or very skillfully drawn, as it was done with a thick brush and only a very few details.

Somehow it triggered something and now I can enjoy art way more than before. I get all the time less and less pleasure about simple portraits or paintsings of forest, single animals etc. and I look for strong feelings and thoughts from art.

Or maybe I'm just growing old and turning into a weird adult - the kind I didn't understand when I was younger. Sorry for the long rant.

Lol maybe we all are. Thank you for such a great response!

I don't know how old people on STEEM are, but I've noticed myself that I'm doing so many things the same way "all the adults" were doing when I was a kid. Enjoying instrumental music, singing to old hits in the car, wanting to stop the car on trip to take a nice photo of a view, actually enjoying paintings and buying art at home - something else than posters of favourite band.

Oh how much I'm looking forward to being a grumpy grandfather with all those weird habits and still being socially acceptable.

"Art is pattern informed by sensibility." - Herbert Read

Enjoyed reading this greatly! I'd say all kinds of work require creativity or, shall we say - artistry. Whether it be engineering design, theoretical physics or even accounting! You're of course spot on that what distinguishes art is it purely focuses on offering intellectual and emotional utility. Most other professions aim for a combination of intellectual and material utility.

I like to think science is a way for us to know the universe*, art is a way for us to know about ourselves.

*Or we (or any intelligent species) are a way for the universe to know itself :)

Thanks that is a great way of putting it. A kind of universal self discovery.

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