ULOG: Halloween Weigh In 268 lbs! 22 pounds lost in about 3 weeks!

in #ulog6 years ago

Happy Halloween everyone! Today is the first time I've eaten any refined sugars or had caffeine in around a little over 3 weeks! I feel like I'm on crystal meth! Weighed myself this morning and I'm currently at 268 lbs! That's 22 pounds lost in a little over 3 weeks.

If you're a regular reader of my ulogs you know I've been doing intermittent fasting, with a ketogenic diet. For the most part it has worked out great. I love the high fat diet of keto, and the intermittent fasting, was actually enjoyable once I got into the swing of things. The clarity, and surprisingly the energy was absolutely incredible. It may have been the first time in my life I ever abstained from refined sugars, and caffeine, and I really can't believe how great I felt!

The only side effect I received from the ketogenic diet was a bit of constipation. I began taking supplements of psyllium husk, and magnesium to help remedy the problem. I loved the food on the diet, but this was a bit of an issue for me. The next time I try keto, I'm going to research balancing my diet better to try and remedy this issue. It may be a bit of a deal breaker if I can't get this issue under control.

I'm cheating today and tomorrow and pretty much eating whatever I want. Starting Friday I'll be going on a juice fast. I'm trying to go 10 days strictly juicing, no solid food! I'm going to experiment a bit between now and the first of the year. I want to find the type of diet I like, in order to maintain my weight after the New Year. From now till Thanksgiving, I plan on doing a juice based diet, with high protein feed days. I may try to do intermittent juice fasts, with a high protein diet after the 10 day fast.

Pineapple was on sale! Really cheap. I'll be using it as a base juice on my 10 day juicing fast!

My final goal for the year is to get down to around the 240's by the middle of December. I then plan on eating normally through the winter solstice and New Year, and returning to my diet a couple days into 2019! I'll keep you all updated on the progress as I go!

This post was made from https://ulogs.org


good luck with the weight loss

Thanks man! Everything is going good so far. I cheated for Halloween and I'm going out for a really nice dinner tonight, and I'm pretty excited to get back on my diet tomorrow. Got a ton of fruits and vegetables already for the juicer!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

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