My 2017: Welcoming the New Year - What About "THEM"?

in #my20177 years ago (edited)

Great Tuesday we have here, it's 2nd February now. I'm writing today not because I'm having too much fun for my New Year's Celebration, infact I didn't celebrate anything. But I insist to share my writing for this contest.
Before I start, I want to thank @anomadsoul and @blocktrades, but the middle man always had a great idea. I'm really happy to write and share this.

# Concerned about the Victims 2 Days ago, I joined a contest, it's about "Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest" organized by @v4vapid. He wanted us to make rap rhyme by using 2 different controversy and conspiracy.

So, I created it, here if you want to check Illuminati and Genocide in Myanmar. I wrote about my hate to those Myanmar's pricks who murdered moeslims in their country. And I thought of the victims. How unfortunate they are living in the minority place for Islam religion there, and the slaughter gone wild. Unfortunately, no one reads my rap song.

I was sad, not because I didn't get up votes. But I was thinking about the victims, after all that happened everywhere for Islam. They blame Islam, they called Islam terrorist, but when that kind of thing happens against Islam, they never called them terrorist. That's not fair.

I started to think about what happened in some country. About the victims there. In Al-Aqsa, Palestine, they have to fight everyday, in some African countries need food, Genocide in Myanmar.

The Clock is Ticking


I was sitting with my friends, they were busy too in their Steemit account, it was 11.45 PM.
Note this:

We don't celebrate New Year's Eve, because we are in Aceh. Aceh is a province that implements Islamic law. The government prevent/forbid the citizens to celebrate New year's.

For that note, I love this law. I totally agree. At that time, I was still thinking about the victims from all over the world, and then I saw clock was ticking and it showed only 15 minutes remaining until 2018 arrive.

Whether it's a new year, or another big day, it's all the same for the victims. There's no time for them to think about that. "oh it's about time, we should count down, 10, 9, 8....", they ain't got time for that. All they care about is "what should I feed my babies with?", "where am I going to sleep tonight?", "I hope this place is safe", "how do I keep the food on the table", "this 1 galon of water should be enough for the next month". It always makes me cry whenever I think about them. How sad!

Instead of crying and do nothing, I better pray for them. And I thank god as much as I can everyday because my faith was not to live my life there in a war zone or in a place that needs supplies.

Suddenly, a man shouted from the next door "Happy New Year for y'all!". And then my friends and I laughed a little, because it was meant for a joke. I saw the date has changed in my watch. We didn't hear any celebration, no fireworks, nothing at all. We're not even thinking about it, and I'm glad.

What About THEM?

So what about them? in Quds, Al-Aqsa, Palestine. They heard that explosive sounds, in fact they heard that million times, but that's not signs of happiness, that's every goddamn day for them and that's a gun fire and bombs.

That's not their life choice, not even an option. They don't choose that life. All because of those men who have big power. I believe we all want to live a beautiful and a normal life.

So, what about them?

2018, I Can Only Be Grateful!

I feel grateful and thankful. What I ate today, what I had today, what I drank today, what environment I live today, what road I passed today, I'm grateful. Although it's not a fancy life and far from that, I always wanted to be grateful for what I have had.

As for this year, I hope to be a better person, I hope I can help many people. I don't really care what people do, they have rights. I'm not against people who celebrated new year's eve. But if they can think of people who suffer out there, I'd be thankful.

Since the rules are free, I hope no one minds this.
So, that's all. Not even a celebration, I just want to share this. Thank you so much.


Every good people hopes they will be better in the future. Me too :) let's struggle to reach it

yeah let's go for it, keep believing in ourselves. Thanks for stopping by..

I literally cried reading it..

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