Second Chapter of "The Beast in the Forest" - By Magnus Telekrex

in #writing7 years ago

The tree was the tallest Herold had ever seen, with heavy, twisting branches. In the side of the truck was a large split, an opening just large enough for a person. “Look at this tree, Razell!” Herold’s voice carried through the trees. His sister was still far behind, but he heard her voice return.

“Wait for me!” she called. Razell was breathing heavy already, she was not a great runner. She wound around fallen trees and the large bumps in the ground.

Herold, still looking at the tree, repeated to himself, “look at this tree.” Razell entered the spot where the rest of the trees had opened into a clearing. Her brother stood, looking at the tree. She saw it, and they looked together.

“Woah,” she said. Something about its presence was strong. “Look, that part is open,” she said, pointing to the split. Herold was already approaching it.

“I wonder what's inside,” he said. He put one foot forward, into the split. He reached in with his hand. “It’s cold!” he said, peering around inside. It was dark, but somehow he felt as if the inside was as large as a house.

“Cold?” Razell asked. She reached her hand in as well, and she too felt the cold air. Herold stepped in further. Razell watched as darkness swallowed him, and he wasn’t in front of her anymore. She stepped inside, feeling the cold more. She could not see her brother, but she felt his presence. Neither of them spoke, both were in awe. Inside the tree, there was a large space, larger than the tree looked. A light appeared in front of them, and Razell saw the shape of her brother in front of her.

Herold felt a pushing force and was thrown forward, and his vision went blurry. He shouted but he couldn’t hear himself because his sister shouted too and she was louder. They both tumbled forward and in a quick moment, the strange pushing force was gone. Everything was still.

Razell opened her eyes. She saw Herold laying there, them both on the ground. Was this ground different then the forest from home? It seemed to be damper. Herold lifted his head and they looked at each other. As they stood up, they looked around. The only thing stranger than what had happened was where they were now. They knew they were not at home.

It was awfully hot. The sun beamed down great yellow rays that shined through thick tree branches. They were surrounded by rocks, trees, and plants that were much larger than they had ever seen before. The air was filled with sounds of birds. A forest, no doubt, but not the forest they were in just moments ago.

“Razell?” Herold chirped. He looked at her and noticed they had the same look on their faces.

“Where are we?” she asked. She wiped her glasses with her sleeve and put them back on.

“The tree!” said Herold, pointing behind her.

She turned around and they both saw it. “The tree from home!” The large oak tree, with all its twisted branches and dark green leaves, stood beside them, just like back home. And just like before, a large split in its side. “The split must go all the way through.”

“Look, tracks!” Herold pointed to the ground beside them. From the trunk of the tree near the split, past them and into the forest were tracks on the ground from an animal. “Those must be from that creature,” said Herold.

“You think it came from here?” asked Razell. They both looked around again.

“You mean,” Herold started, pausing to ponder and to take a deep breath, “you think the tree took us somewhere else?”

“I don’t understand how, but I don’t know how else we would’ve gotten here,” said Razell. They looked around again. To the side, a bush of large pink and purple flowers jutted from a rock. She approached them. “These flowers are the largest I’ve ever seen.” Near the flowers, several small bugs flew about, all in bright blue colors.

“Do you think it was a bird?” Herold asked. Razell looked at him, she noticed he was still staring at the tracks on the ground.

“Three long toes, and a back toe. And pointy claws.”

“Talons,” said Razell.


“Bird claws are called talons,” she said. She saw that he repeated the word to himself, to remember it. “Did it have a tail? Birds don’t have long tails. Or scales.”

“Maybe we can find it if we follow the tracks,” said Herold. He could tell his sister didn’t like that idea.

“We really should be going home,” she said. “Do you think we can get back the same way we came?” She began walking towards the tree. She peered inside the split, seeing the same darkness that they saw before they entered. “It looks the same to me.” Herold wasn’t listening. She looked up, and saw he was wandering away, following the tracks on the ground. “Herold,” she called.

“Razell,” he mocked. “Let’s find the bird. It will be an adventure.”


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