When you can't protect your children

I haven't been around much

At first it was because I was mad, then I decided I was over it, and though I was not happy about some of the changes it didn't matter it was the community I love here. So screw what happens behind the scenes I am here for the community and the people I have met. I started to get more active then one thing after another hit my family. The first was the death of my sister-in-law, if you follow me you might have read about how I was looking for a home for her dog a few weeks ago. but that is the first of many things that have happened in the last few weeks.

One of those things was my daughter was attacked

I will start by saying she is okay and is fighting back. I will not go into details on what happen as it is not my story to tell, but the person who attacked her has been charged with this crime 3 times in the last year to even younger victims than my daughter. I think she was targeted because even though she is 20 she looks like she is 13 or 14 in the face. I am angry that the justice system that should be keeping these predators off the streets let this SOB out on bond. 3 victims before my daughter in 2018 alone, there are likely more but because the guy is only 19 his public criminal record only goes back a year. The stories in the papers about what he did to those girls is similar to what happened to my daughter. I am trying to let the justice system handle it, as he hasn't gone to trial yet over the other charges, and now they will have my daughter's case to add to them. But it is hard not to go hunt down this man and take care of it myself.

So since my daughter lives off campus

I took her up her gun, the man has threatened her and if he happens to show up she will have a way to protect herself with deadly force if she has to. Not to brag but all my kids know how to shoot but out of all three of my children she hits the target 100% of the time. She is a damn good shot, she refuses to be a victim and it is the only way I can sleep at night. I keep getting these debilitating migraines since it has happened. So this is why I haven't been around much.

I worked so hard to try to protect my children

And I can't protect them all the time. Bad people out there in the world do bad things. There is much good in the world but there are some people who prey on good people. I am going through so many emotions over what happened to her and those other girls. Mainly anger that he was even on the streets 3 minor children how the fuck hell was his bond even low enough to bond out before trial? I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around this. I am also angry there are gun free zones in this country where we have the rights to bear arms. Guns for young women are equalizers, they are rarely ever deployed but a woman having one, can stop a crime from happening, can stop her from being a victim. It is why I taught my kids to shoot so they wouldn't have to be a victim but then I had to send her to school where it is a "Gun-Free" zone. It is not the school's fault I know this, but this thing where it is accepted that the 2nd amendment doesn't matter in some places is crazy.

social media done right updated.jpg

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Sorry to hear about your daughter. Good thing you got her a gun :-). That should stop the SOB from coming back. If not a shot in the nuts should suffice.

When we stop complying with lawless unconstitutional government tyranny all this crap goes away. Gun free zones or not, if I'm going to school I'm keeping a gun on me. I don't care if I run the risk of being a political prisoner either. My life matters! And so should your little girls. The founders would of been shooting already.

So sorry for what you' re going through. I do hope your daughter is as strong as you and bounces back after this terrible thing.

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Tbh she seems to be doing better than I am

Fricken scum preying on helpless victims I hope justice is served. However like you it would be hard to not serve my own. But as parents we must do what’s best for our children and we can’t do that if we are in prison.

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He choose the wrong girl this time. Cause my daughter is fighting back and will get justice

I'm sorry your daughter and those other girls were hurt. Our "justice" system is so fucked. People who haven't done anything bad but like, they had pot or had a minor traffic violation or something, are left in jail because they can't afford bail, but violent assholes like this guy can buy their way out and attack again. Just what. The. Fuck.
Cash bail needs to go away and it needs to be based on things like "did you hurt anybody." But you know. Maybe that's just me.

Glad to see you. I hope your daughter will be able to fully recover same to you. Headaches are no fun. ❤

Sorry to hear all the trouble and heartache you’ve been going through 😣

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