Dealing with bullying on Steemit the PINK waysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Being attacked and picked on is just never fun, and no one on Steemit wants to wake up on a Saturday morning to a dozen of downvotes from a complete stranger. Something that looks like this:

Not a great way to start a Saturday, right?

This happened before I posted yesterday, and all these downvotes are on random comments or different posts. I don't know who @hendrix22 is, or what I've done to piss him off, or why he felt the need to waste his voting power on my comments around steemit.

I was angry.

So I decided to go and read around his blog. His latest post (at the time) was a rather touching piece about living with anxiety. He even suggested a steemit community for people dealing with mental disorders. I stopped seeing a bully, and started seeing a person.

So I decided to leave a comment.

I recommend you read the post itself, but my comment was:

 First of all, thank you for sharing with us all. I know it's not easy to do. Having been diagnosed with PTSD and GAD, I know how hard it can be to deal with the physical symptoms that can be a bloody torture. So even when you have the mental capacity to deal with the situation, your body can often just betray you. As for a steemit support group for mental disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and depression - there's currently a chatroom on the PAL discord that is about addiction and recovery. There's been talk of creating a similar one for people dealing with mental disorders like us. If and when such a chatroom is created, I will be happy to be there and offer my support as someone who's been living with this shit since age 15.Have a virtual hug, friend! And again, thank you for your efforts in bringing awareness to how debilitating anxiety can be.

At this point you might be confused. This guy attacked me unprovoked, downvoted my comments, and here I am offering his support. Am I nuts? Well, yes. But that's not why I choose to answer a punch with a hug.

Everyone deals differently with being bullied or attacked. In my experience, the attacker will expect you to retaliate. It's how most people respond, and it's how people "fight". 

I am done doing that and giving bullies exactly what they want.

I have exactly NOTHING to lose by showing support, positivity and kindness. In fact, I can save myself a lot of heartache by shrugging it off, reminding myself that it's all monopoly money, and that the steemit community still has more kind people that bullies. 

Perhaps, by showing kindness, we can infect these bullies, and make the platform better for everyone? Even if not, I still feel I've done the right thing by responding in a way @hendrix22 had not expected.

P.S. I tried to contact him on but failed to receive a reply. I do hope he will comment on this post and share his side of this experience.


(Cover Image via Pixabay)


The cavalry has arrived! Steemvoter Guilds are here to right the flagging injustice. Keep an eye on your vote count! ;)

All Steemians are invited to signup on and opt-in with the Guild checkbox to join the freedom revolution. "One for all and all for one!"

Is the premium service still 3 SBD a day? that is about $45 USD right now? Can't really justify that. Might want to decrease the price.

Hi. Albertus de Saad, master commenter here. I was once sitting in on a train when i saw two pigeons fighting over a piece of bread. The one pigeon was bigger than the other. But the smaller pigeon was battle hardened. Needless to say, the smaller pigeon won by wrestling the bigger pigeon to the ground and then sticking its beak into the stomach of the other pigeon. It proceeded to eat the guts of the bigger pigeon. It was truly a horrible thing to witness, and i thought to myself, could all of this have been avoided if only they spoke to each other in their pigeon language. But, pigeons are pretty dumb, so i deduced that any conversation would have just turned into a blood bath. Anyway @hendrix22 and @techslut, dont be a pigeon. You are two very capable human beings who can discuss your issues on a public platform, and by doing so, you will be providing the rest of us with much needed entertainment. I suggest joining my discord channel, where trolling is highly encouraged, and personal attacks are the norm.

Join me on my Discord Channel by clicking on this

The Cult.jpg

That is absolutely an absolutely disgusting story. Thank you! <3

I'm on the channel, ready for some virgin sacrifices! :P

Youre welcome ; )

אני כל כך לא מסכים איתך שקשה לי לתאר עד כמה.

יש לך המון מה להפסיד, אני חושב שקיבלת את הרעיון הזה מסרטון שרץ ברשת שממליץ לנקוט בדיוק בגישה הזו. אני חושב שזה יכול לעבוד עם ילדים ובמקרים מאוד מסויימים עם אנשים בוגרים.

אבל אני מאמין שברוב המקרים, צריך לשבור לבריון את כל העצמות עד שילמד לקח. "אין אדם רע יש אדם שרע לו"- אני חושב שהמשפט הזה לא נכון. יש אנשים שהם פשוט רעים, אידיאולוגית. הם לא מרביצים כי הם רוצים תשומת לב מהילדה הכי יפה בגן.

לא הכי התעמקתי אבל נראה שהוא רודף אותך כי את ישראלית, לא הייתי נוקט באותה גישה כמוך אבל מאחל בהצלחה בהתמודדות עם הבריון :) אם תצטרכי פעם עזרה פיזית אני כאן :)

חחחח כפרעליך.

אני לא יודעת על איזה סרטון אתה מדבר, אבל מבחינתי זו דרך חיים. אני לא מתעצבנת לא נוקטת באלימות אלא אם זה נחוץ. אם יש לי את האפשרות לצאת על העליונה בלי להפעיל שום כוח - זה בדיוק מה שאני אעשה. הנה לך הדגמה. כמה כבר יש על הפוסט הזה? אז כזה.

תודה על ההצעה בכל מקרה! אפשר לנצל אותה לסבלות כשאעבור דירה במקום לאלימות כשאיזה אף-אחד באינטרנט מנסה להתעסק איתי? :)

בסבלות אין אידיאולוגיה אז אני מוכן לעשות את זה תמורת תשלום בסטים, עושה רושם שאת יושבת טוב :)

אני פה בשביל הצחוקים. אם יוצא מזה כסף איכשהו - נחמד. אם לא - עדיין מעניין פה.

אחי זה אינטרנט, פיזית לא עוזר פה


אני תומך בך עד הסוף אילנוצ'קה
מחר אני מוסיף 20 אלף כוח סטים תאזרי בסבלנות :)

הופה! מאיפה, יא שמנמן?

חבר טוב :) משקיעים בסטים ביחד הוא פותח עוד חשבון של 50 אלף :P
נצרף אותו לסטים ישראלי


אל תמהר עם זה. האהבל עם הזין הקטן שוב חזר להציק לי ולהפליג לי פוסטים בטירוף מוחלט. תראה מה עשה פה בהצבעות הזבל.

קשה לי לחשוב על להשקיע במטבע שתלוי במידה רבה בפלטפורמה שהאחוז לא מבוטל של הכוח בה נמצא בידיים של חלאן עם בעיות נפשיות לא מטופלות. הוא לא צפוי והוא חזק לאללה הברני הזה. אם מחר בן הזנונים הזה מחליט להוציא את שלושת האחוזים אחזקה שלו בסטים? המטבע יצנח, ואני אשקיע פה כסף. עד אז? אני כבר לא לגמרי בטוחה שזה שווה את הזמן. ועוד אחרי הסיפור עם בליראב שלקח מאנשים אלפי דולרים ונעלם... זה לא יציב מספיק להשקעה של פיאט, לפחות לא מנקודת מבט של קהילה.

אנחנו צריכים להקים את הקהילה שלנו במקום שרחוק מאוד מהאנטישמים והביריונים שתוקפים אותי כי אני די בטוחה שכל ישראלי מספיק בולט ופעיל יחטוף מהם עד שיעזוב.

הגלובליזציה היא תהליך חזק. עם כל האיים הקטנים בסוף המאבק הוא בזירה המאוחדת. סחתיין עליך נועם ועלייך אילנה, שיבזבזו זמן בשלילי תמשיכי לכתוב חיובי.
אבל בכל מקרה אם את מוצאת פלטפורמה עדיפה תקראי לי :)

אני מנסה לבנות אחת. ליתר דיוק, לגייס מפתחים שיהפכו את החזון שלי של סטימאיט ישראלי למציאות.

I mean I'm pretty sure you better things to do than see this post and reply XD But i have to say I love your picture! It's great to see another girl here especially one as successful as you! There are honestly so few girls here it's crazy hah but yeah, don't let online bullying get you down, love the way you handled the whole situation ^.^

legend <3

Hey I thought you were quitting! Was that statement just fake news?

Or a desperate attempt to get the support of those who don´t like Bernie?

Whatever it was, it is a LIE now, since you told the whole community you were doing something that you clearly are not going to do.


I don't know who @hendrix22 is, or what I've done to piss him off

You have pissed A LOT of people off, believe me. Nobody likes whining attention seekers.

Captura de pantalla 2017-12-01 a la(s) 14.03.23.png

I hope you get better soon!

Hey I thought you were quitting! Was that statement just fake news?

I did quit. For a week and a half or so. So old news, rather than fake. Like, marriage announcements in hollywood. It doesn't last very long. :)

Or a desperate attempt to get the support of those who don´t like Bernie?

Nope, that was just a side-effect. I made some good friends and met some cool people on the platform.

Whatever it was, it is a LIE now, since you told the whole community you were doing something that you clearly are not going to do.

No, it's the past. It was true, now it isn't. Because, as I pointed out in the post, I was convinced to stay. My reflex was to write an angry post. One of them. And then bugger off for a bit and think about stuff and things and steem and wait for the shitstorm to pass.

You have pissed A LOT of people off, believe me. Nobody likes whining attention seekers.

I tend to piss some people off. I think everyone does, to some degree. As for attention seeking - I have thousands of followers on twitter and facebook. If it's attention I crave, I can get so much of it there my ego would explode. As for "whining" - AFAIK the definition of the word is complaining without doing anything. I am not doing that. Sure, I rant and bitch and speak openly and give few fucks, but I also make sure to DO stuff to try and make things better.

I hope you get better soon!

From a zen aspect - I hope we all do. Getting better is the purpose of living. From a pessimistic fuck my mental issues aspect - PTSD can't "get better". It can be treated. Ask any army veteran.

P.S. Thank you for reaching out to me on Discord and explaining your viewpoint. I was wrong about you, and I apologize.

Waooo, amazing, u just amazing. @techslut

Nah. Like I wrote in a comment above: I try to be the pink I want to see in the world. :)

Nice one anyways.

Thats how its done! ^^

I admire your ability to face negativity with love and compassion. It is something that I strive to do everyday.

I think everyone should. It makes life easier, in my experience.

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