Tarot Reading for Tarot Tuesday

in #tarot7 years ago


Tarot reading for the early week.


The root card for the day is the Ace of Pentacles.


This is the card of taking potential energy and making it real.
Thought into action, plans and ideas becoming manifest and so on.

And that is where the good news ends...

For the rest of the reading we have the 10 of Swords reversed, the Hanged Man, and the 2 of Wands reversed.


The 10 of Swords is an old injury that still hurts.
The 10 flows right into the Hanged Man, which is us taking ourselves out of the game as we try to figure out what went wrong.
This ends up hitting a 2 of Wands, which shows the inability to think outside of the box to find a solution to what happened long ago.

The moral of this story is don't expect anything to change right now.

In my own life, I can see how this applies to relationship stuff that I'm trying to optimistic about. The reading basically says that I haven't figured out what went wrong, and I'm not about to.

With the Ace of Pentacles as the root, the message is really 'If you can't control it, then don't give it any thought.'

On the plus side, the crypto markets seem to have stopped falling for the moment.

Blessings Stemit, and Happy January:)


Hey man, that's quite a reading right there. I can feel what that XoS might have been like. There was a quiet suffocation happening there...sounds like the ambivalence is over though, no? Just time to rest like you said, I think...

Yay for crypto, up or down. I like to buy when it's a great deal, but it sure feels good to see it going up again.

Lately waiting for Litecoin to go up feels like waiting for the Vikings to win a Super Bowl!


Well, it's a good time to buy at least. These are the times we pray for when the coins are going up and we have that "Hm, maybe I could've picked a little more up when it was low." afterthought. lol

For sure. I'm slowly getting better at that game.

Last night, I dropped a big wad on some of this cheap bitcoin. I know that it's prob only up from here and I didn't want to regret not taking the opportunity and I seem to have bought at a good time because it has been trickling itself up and up and up...

Are you using @smartcash yet?

I did a little buy on that before the holidays and it went wayyyy up. It's kinda freakin cool. You might like it.

I’m feeling this! Here’s hoping the lunar eclipse at the end of the month will release us from this heaviness. Thanks!

Yes! I forgot about that!

I had the same reading today- not to over analyze old hurts as I can’t solve anything by doing so. Ugh

Well happy for crypto at least lol
Hugs friend and thanks for your reading!☺️

My cards were pretty heavy for today too. It seems like everyone is stuck in a rut in some way right now.. definitely can relate to old hurts still hurting and not being able to think my way outta it. Here's to hoping things shift soon! <3

For sure.I'm watching people all around me get buried in various personal avalanches...
Tough stuff.

Owie! Interesting that I drew the Ace of Swords today for my daily - fits right in with reading. Thanks (I think - LOL!) @tarotbyfergus!

Not the most optimistic reading, but it's sunny in Minneapolis:)

LOL! At least that. 😊

Darn Computer is giving me a headache for 3 days... now the second PC is down, and I definitely have no idea what went wrong. Plus the old backups are of little to no help.... pretty accurate reading ;-)

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