Welcome to the internet arsehole

in #steem5 years ago

I have been on the Steem platform for 2.5 years now and one thing has remained constant, people complain that whales don't give them enough votes. They also complain that whales don't do enough to clean up the ecosystem and they feel justified in this position because, "they have the most to lose by not supporting the community". No, they don't have the most to lose even though ON STEEM they might lose the most value if there is failure. Most of the whales I know are going to be fine regardless of what happens to Steem.

But, once there is a proposal that pushes taking care of the ecosystem to the majority of users, the community itself, people start saying "what about the toxicity? We can't downvote, what about retaliation?"

Toxicity? Retaliation? Lol. You seem unfamiliar - Welcome to the internet.

This is the problem because while people expect others to provide for them, when it comes to taking an active role and the responsibility for the environment in which they live, most find a thousand and one excuses why it isn't their job.

If it is not your job - Why the fuck do you expect to get paid for it? Oh right - because your content is in such high demand that it deserves value... lols.

You know why Facebook likes your content so much? They don't. They do not give a rats arse what you post there as long as it doesn't encroach on their advertising revenue model. What they do care about is how much shit they can push through your network to support their advertisers and paid social engineering mechanisms. You think your data is worth something? Cute.

Your data is worth nothing to them, it is the data they can push to you and through you to make you buy, and your friends to buy that has value - you ain't shit to them and never will be. Just a number somewhere in an algorithm that leverages you and your economic value to enable their advertisers and allies to benefit by manipulating your actions. And if you do happen to be monetized, you are their bitch. You own nothing, they own you.

People don't get it. Those influencers earning aren't there to just push products for sale, they are there to attract others to try and do the same. While they have 100 Million followers, there are thousands like them pushing the same shit in the same way with 100,000, 10,000, 1000, 100 followers. And, they all follow each other in a mass circlejerk they don't know they are in and don't benefit from - all they do is increase visibility and instances of whatever shit they are hawking this year, month, week, day.

Some people benefit of course - They are called stakeholders. Holders of Stake. Familiar term? Do you own any of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Twitch, Snapchat? Oh... you don't own shit?

That is okay because you don't really have to do anything there except post and market yourself the best you can - you don't even have to get paid. They do all the hard work, they do all the cleaning, they take care of the ecosystem and the environment themselves because it is their job - and they fucking well get paid amazingly for it. Imagine if they took the algorithms away, turned the spam filters off?

How many "hot girls" want to friend you on Facebook? How many hot girls want to be your friend in real life? Go take a look in the mirror and estimate the calculations. How many spam bot comments are you going to get on Instagram? What happens to the conversations on Twitter? You think that feed is unfiltered? Are you fucking kidding me?

Ah, but on Steem you are worried about your "earnings" on your post so don't want to risk upsetting the status quo to try and improve the system - while still hoping for a fat-fingered whale to accidentally upvote your post. The whales I do know aren't fat, nor do they do much accidentally. For the most part, they do the best they can to both help the system and lower the risk of their own failure - while they will be okay in failure, they aren't retarded enough to aim for it.

Ironically, aiming to fail and getting it is actually success.

I will let you in on a secret, if all the whales went out and upvoted everyone's posts the best they could, price would sink like a rock because most of the content on this platform is shit and most people would take whatever they do get and sell it for whatever they can because, easy come, easy go. You know how many have bought in? Nowhere near as many who expect 25-odd whales to upvote everyone on the platform.

When people will have the responsibility to clean up their environment, I suspect it will be much like the global environment. People aren't going to pick up shit. However, those who are staked, those who do recognize that their value is tied to keeping a healthy ecosystem . they are going to let those 2.5x downvotes fly and I hope they land all over the fucking place. I also hope that those same people are going to use their 10x upvotes on content that they enjoy and think adds value. Not shit. If you produce shit - good luck to you. You can produce shit anywhere.

The toxicity on Steem isn't through downvotes, it is through an unwillingness to do the dirty work to clean it up.

Personally, I know there is a community here I can rely on -
and it doesn't include everyone on Steem.

You might enjoy living in your own filth, you might enjoy the ghettos, the spam, the scam that is fine. I don't have to reward you for it, nor do I have to let the resources I own stake in flow to it. The pool isn't public, it is stakeholder allocated - no stake, no claim. You want a piece of it, convince those with stake to give you some or, buy in and power the fuck up and own some yourself.

[ a Steem original ]


My eyeballs are lying back on the pillow and lightning up a cigarette.

Had to take a really quick deep breath to not burst out laughing as not everyone around me right now is used to my random manic cackling at nothing obvious.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Been a while, I wouldn't mind a smoke.

when i read some peoples comments regarding whales, i'm thinking well you go buy a couple hundred thousand steem and lets see what you do. :)

Most wouldn't know what to do with it if they had it. It is easy to judge the players on the field from the peanut gallery.

lol. This made me laugh. And thank you for the recommendation, it was my first.

Costa Rica has decent coffee.

I want to try cold press/French press. I've heard its next level.

sounds good to me.

Is this part of a welcoming speech to help leverage any potential new users into the steemit ecosystem?
(similar to 'if you don't like it, fuck off'.)

But running off prolific content producers (sgt report) through down voting is somehow a good thing?
....is 1/2 a million you tube subscribers good enough to qualify as 'quality'???

...without supported/ing content producers -it's just another crypto owned by a very small amount of big stakeholders.

Cool investment opportunity? ....Yeah, right...

More profanity that usual means your in grumpy bear mode.. or have read something that's put you there.

I had a hot girl wanting to be my FB friend only yesterday... that's despite my profile picture looking like this...

My wife is part bear if you didn't know... ;)

:) I don't visit Facebook anymore, too many hot girl requests. I wonder if the women get "hot guy" requests? Seems to really only work one way.

I know you're combating a sense of entitlement and hence the tone.

I think EIP is aiming at less but better content. Better as in having a better chance of drawing eyeballs from outside Steem. Another view is that Steem should be developed as more of a social network, in which case quantity is desired.

Not necessarily. There is nothing much really stopping quantity here, other than the expectation that it gets rewarded. Take away the expectation of reward and there is plenty of room for quantity. Just like everywhere else in the world, those who have stake or are able to attract value to them from those who are willing to provide value, will be the ones who earn.

Not necessarily. There is nothing much really stopping quantity here, other than the expectation that it gets rewarded. Take away the expectation of reward and there is plenty of room for quantity.

As a platform for sharing what I had for dinner or other everyday life events Facebook totally rocks compared to Steem if there is zero possibility of reward. That's because nearly everyone I know is on Facebook already. If I want to, I can shoot shit with my old friends or connect with relatives there. Facebook also has an UI superior to what any Steem front end has so far.

I'm on Steem because Steem allows me to monetize my photography hobby to an extent would be unlikely to happen on any other platform. Also, there are many people on Steem who are into crypto and have knowledge of it. STEEM is a cryptocurrency and I love stacking it up. If all the rewards went to professional quality content creators or stakeholders at the large Orca/Whale level, I'd spend a lot less time here. I'd delegate to projects and only occasionally drop in to check what was going on.

The user base is a valuable resource to all projects because we're the people who love to jump at every opportunity to test something new. But the thing with the user base is that it is not really a community, at least not for the most part. It's too large and too diverse. The people I interact with here are mostly strangers. I don't mind having conversations with strangers but the fact is that I can find strangers anywhere. I have only a handful of people here with whom I can say I have made a personal connection with. What's keeping the user base together is really the monetary incentives. Steem has a long way to go before real social networks can form on it.

I'm on Steem because Steem allows me to monetize my photography hobby to an extent would be unlikely to happen on any other platform.

Then you produce it in a way that people are willing to monetize it. You can also buy stake and stake up what you earn to earn also, something still not possible on Facebook.

STEEM is a cryptocurrency and I love stacking it up. If all the rewards went to professional quality content creators or stakeholders at the large Orca/Whale level, I'd spend a lot less time here.

The benefit of owning stake is choosing what gets rewarded. Those with a massive amount of stake might reward professional creators more than people posting their lunch. Those who own stake to reward stuff they like will spread it to others also.

But the thing with the user base is that it is not really a community, at least not for the most part. It's too large and too diverse.

It is many communities and if one is looking for their community to get supported, they have to get their community to stake.

What's keeping the user base together is really the monetary incentives.

No problem with this, except when people only expect others to provide it. That is fine too but those without stake that are earning will have to eventually recognize that they have chosen to be governed and the decisions made, they must live by.


if all the whales went out and upvoted everyone's posts the best they could, price would sink like a rock because most of the content on this platform is shit and most people would take whatever they do get and sell it for whatever they can because, easy come, easy go.


If the whales aren't buying what we are selling...
who's fault is that again?

Had to resteem the OP because this is about as close as you'll ever get to a rage blackout :D

I like when you say it how it is and the direct route. Not sure what got you going, but I feel the same way some days when I see the bitching and moaning. Some just expect and feel entitled for rewards and I have no idea why.

Entitlement is the word of the day.

It’s a bit early for a rant, no, Taraz? Who cares, you hit the nail right on the head. There’s little to no use shilling an over-saturated, under compensated setup that benefits people you don’t even know so you can copy the next big image in front of you. Quit with the idolizing and make yourself an idol, worth the limelight. Either that or shut up. It’s about time people who earned it, got it, and everybody else to sit back and enjoy the show.

The problem is, people think that the work they do has value, even though no one else agrees. Personal value doesn't require a vote.

Hello @ tarazkp ... Thanks for expanding my way of seeing Steemit. Happy weekend, Blessings...


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