Steem journey: Reflecting on the path so far

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I haven't done one of these for a while so I think it is time to have a look at some of my account numbers. The reason I do these is to give myself a picture of how I am progressing and as a reminder of how far I have come. Igenerally look at various numbers and in the past it has been my powering up, my comments or how many words I type per week in posts which, is a lot.

A couple days ago though, @fknmayhem hit a milestone on @arcange's Steemitboard website and received a badge that he had been coveting, the Monthly Author badge which is for posting every day of the month. He of course set himself guidelines as in, no shitposts to achieve this feat and he managed it well.

These rewards are actually arbitrary but as humans are hardwired for progression, they can feed our endorphins and compel us to behave in certain ways. This is why gamification has entered the lexicon of the attention economy and why so many people waste spend their time achieving in games where not much of worth is actually achieved. Depending how you look at it, gamification is a killer of opportunity or, a driver.

For me, I don' care about the badges themselves but, they are handy indicators when looking retrospectively at where I have come from and what it has taken for me to get to this point. I don't need to advertise this of course as it helps me without telling you but, perhaps today it will give some people some insight into some of the work required to get to where I am. Before we begin with the work, here is a snapshot of where I am.

I joined January 29th, 2017 which is 554 days including today. So as you can see, I have almost 2000 posts and over 11000 comments and am averaging just over 10 SP per post. that sounds a lot but I was also here for 7 cent Steem days so my 50 cent posts gathered Steem also and, I was going at 100% power up for most of my time here.

This has left me with 20,460 Steem earned and my wallet holds almost 22,600 Steem. It is higher because I have bought a few hundred euros worth but, have also traded SBD for Steem and powered it up plus traded up for more Steem on exchanges. By far, Steem is my largest holding but I have still managed to diversify somewhat and hold several coins to balance some risk. I am still yet to use even one cent of any crypto to purchase in the real world.

Steem power is the influence in the system and for me, I am trying to get myself into a position that I can both help others and take advantage of broadening and increasing numbers of revenue streams to come. There is more ways than just posting, curation and delegation to earn and airdrops and SMTs are going to bring more again. Plus, who knows what else will arrive.

I have a tough time trading Steem on exchanges psychologically as I know that Steem i a holders dream as not only can it be held, it can earn while being held. It can earn without having to sell which is a massive advantage to Steem and one I wish more people would take advantage of as it would both improve their earnings and, help others in the system also. To each their own though and the sellers now who keep Steem prices low means that holders can gather some extra Steem for the future. There are risks in holding but the potential returns if this little Steem project works out has a very high ceiling.

But, let's look at something else from @arcange's numbers as looking at the badges gives an indication as to what it has taken to hold the resources I do.

The 'Daily Author' means posting 4 core posts in a day and I have reached this 275 times. This of course doesn't account for the days I went over the 4 posts as occasionally depending on situations, I have gone to 6 or so. Like @fknmayhem, I am not one to shitpost (subjective view of course) often, if at all. For me, I do try to always bring something of value to the community.

The 'Weekly Author' is a post for every day of the week and I have 70 of these. Since I have started, there has been 79 weeks so in all of that time, I have only missed posting daily in 9 of those weeks. That is quite a lot of consistency and even for me, I find this quite incredible. People often struggle to post weekly which is something I don't really understand unless either extenuating circumstances like illness or, just not a great deal of motivation. Again, to each their own.

The last one, 'Monthly Author' is posting every day of a month which is the one @fknmayhem received. I have 15 of these out of a possible 18 so far. This means that the 9 weeks where I didn't get the weekly author badge, all appeared in the same 3 month period. I find this quite interesting and I am pretty sure that I know when and why that was. It was at the start of my journey when I was under a great deal of pressure from life (ill daughter and wife) and, didn't understand the potential of Steem. Once I learned, there has been no turning back nor, slowing down and at least for now, I will continue this path.

Two other metrics I will mention here are these:


This is my upvote given to upvotes received ratio. 35,686:138,698 which is approximately 1:4 and I have given those 35,000 upvotes manually on posts and in comments. Again, I find this quite incredible considering other metrics. I think this is a healthy ratio but, it is hard to say.

Although these particular numbers aren't of great use and the badges are relatively meaningless, keeping some kind of track and building some kind of image of how one is progressing across time can help discover various risks and opportunities. It is very, very, very easy to look at the size of someone's wallet and the upvotes they get without looking at the amount of work it has taken to get them to that position. It is easy to pass judgement or come up with excuses why one couldn't do similar or put in the work but, it is unfair to negate another's work because you didn't have the possibility or will to work as much.

What I find is that even though the blockchain holds all of the information and is largely transparent, people look at the surface levels and think that they know the journey of another but what they know is their perspective and, their own strengths or failures.

I am a firm believer in lead by example even though I do not consider myself a leader. When it comes to effort invested, I think that even though the content might not be to everyone's particular tastes, the energy put in is apparent. If people found their own interest areas and put in the same level of work, would they get the same results? Who knows but, to find out one must do the work before the reward and, there is always risk involved as there are no guarantees in this life at all.

If you want to visit and have a look at some of your own numbers, if you find something interesting in the badges, please post a picture in the comments section and add a few words about your own journey, and I will upvote them as I can.

There are many areas of this post that require expansion and I will get to them at some point, I am certain.

[ a Steem original ]

Thanks to @fknmayhem for being a friend and @arcange for all of the services provided.


but I was also here for 7 cent

Oops. Let’s try that again.

but I was also here for 7 cent


That consistency is not just amazing, it’s pretty much incredible to be honest. Considering all those posts all merited their own TL;DR, it’s even more than incredible and you deserved the 7 cents period to have lasted a lot longer.

At least, enjoy the current low STEEM price feed, as well as the ability to be able to set 100% power up again (but only when the rates drop a little lower even lol).

Keep it up... but don’t forget to take a break and some days off. We want you here for the much longer run than this. 🤘


If I had understood what the opportunity really was at this time....

Keep it up... but don’t forget to take a break and some days off. We want you here for the much longer run than this

I am spending more time away and trying to diversify a little and explore other options. I enjoy the writing though as it keeps me thinking and, engaged with the community.

Growing in Steem can definitely feel like an ant pushing a pebble up hill

indeed it can. It gets easier the higher up in some respects, much harder in others.

Thats is pretty darn impressive

For six months I think this above average. But not great.

I have been watching the numbers for the past 5 weeks. improving every week. Its a slow process but always improving. I will keep pounding away

I will keep pounding away

This is essentially the process and SP is like muscles building, the strength required reduces over time.

I get that steemitboard notification from time to time and in truth, it is a morale booster for me. I like knowing that in this journey I have gotten to a particular level and I have achieved some thing more than the steem power or money.

I have not posted as regularly as I used to, in a while but then again I am weaning myself of the responsibilities that took me away from my blog, so I am back again. 😂

I get that steemitboard notification from time to time and in truth, it is a morale booster for me.

I think for many people it is a reminder of the journey and perhaps has some effect on their next post. Some people hate the notifications and see them as spam.

Welcome back and we can chat a bit later if you want.

Well you're definitely not a shit poster. You could probably post 10 times a day and it'll be valuable. Am a bit surprised as to how much you've grown though. I reckon when I get to the amount of days you've spent here I'll probably have about 1000SP at best - even though I've never cashed out.

Needless to say I understand that I am neither as consistent nor quite frankly as gifted as you are though.

All the same the stats are amazing and it's a job well done

Well you're definitely not a shit poster. You could probably post 10 times a day and it'll be valuable.

I have set myself a challenge that one day when I feel good and have had more than 3 hours sleep, I will see how I go and see if 10 times with relative quality is possible. I may even @dlive it :D

Am a bit surprised as to how much you've grown though.

In the early days, when steem was 7 cents, a few 3 or 4 dollar posts made up a lot of ground and since i kept powering up and not going 50/50 (prices allowed it but now 50/50 is the way to go) I was able to grow faster than many who took liquids. It looks like a lot now and it s but, when prices do finally (hopefully) go up, 1000 SP will seem like 20,000 if you think that it is connected to price. plus, as price grows, so does the liquid values so that means there is a lot of potential to earn a supplement income (depending where one lives) that can be a significant factor for the future. The risk is the work and investment into SP now though.

My own Steemit badges and counts are still in the realm of pennies and nickels and I'm fine with that. In time my numbers will grow and if not, well then that's on me.

Ya know, I use to think those badges that players could earn on video games (I know Playstation at least does this) were worthless because, well that's all they were, nothing more than an indication of how far someone went on a video game. But, what I neglected to understand, was that to those games, those represented an achievement that they aspired to get to. the badges might not have been for me but to them, it was a victory.
I guess that same goes with these Steemit badges too. I enjoy receiving a one because that means I am doing something on this platform which I enjoy.

Te badges can be used i various ways and as much as i dislike gamification of life, for many it is thonly way they will end up moving forward. We like to achieve and progress, even if what we do is meaningless.

Hi Taraz. You work harder than anyone I know and these figures may come across as meaningless to some. You have crammed 3 years of work into 1 and a half years basically. It is not easy on you or your family as it is draining. Fortunately I have taken your advice and know how hard it is and the lack of sleep thing is an issue for me anyway.
I wish others would listen to the advice and grow with the urgency some of us have as when Steem climbs it is much harder then.Keep going and look forward to the day you can reap the rewards of your labor.

I wish others would listen to the advice and grow with the urgency some of us have as when Steem climbs it is much harder then

There are those who think short and sell/waste tie and those who think long. The short term thinkers will feed the long as has happened since time forgotten.

i cant say much about my steemit experience because i started all over again after losing my previous accout--@nonz (you might have seen a handfull of comments on your posts from that account).
I wish I had the same dedication I once had as regards the amouny of time and effort put in managing my new account, though some factors have contributed to this. however, with posts like this one can only get motivated. ive seen the work you put and im really impressed (also with the level of consistency and quality of your post).

How did you lose it? (curiosity)

well my password was saved on my phone. usually I write my password on paper but I updated it two days before my phone crashed. so I had to start over again by opening a new account


I actually have 99 posts done (aiming for #100 either today or tomorrow), but I guess the badges are in multiples of 10. This is after almost 6 months. I think I post about 5 times a week on average, which suits my intentions pretty well. When I started I wanted to do one post every day, but quickly realized I preferred to skip some days and either not go online at all those days or just read and comment on posts from others. Thanks for the link to steemitboard. I'd noticed their comments sometimes, but never gone to their website.

You are an incredibly prolific writer, Taraz! I don't know how you do it with all your family responsibilities as well. I always enjoy coming across your articles.

The more people explore and learn, the better they are able to shape their activities to suit their own needs. Too many come in and either think they already know or, copy others thinking that is the way to success. I think you are definitely not on of them ;)

Thanks for the link to steemitboard.

You will see @arcange's name come up in other areas, especially on the posts of blockchain explorers as he runs a database they access and provides numbers everyday for various things.

I remember that, from some post a while back, that we started here on the same date. You're far better at writing than I am, though... I'm only at 727 top level posts. But I do remember suffering through that 7-cent Steem and how cool it was to have a couple of posts hit the $50-ish mark, which meant getting 200+ SP for my efforts.

I regret having powered down, last year... but it was pretty much a choiceless choice; we had unexpected bills, no savings and the Steemit account was "available." Now I'm just trying to claw my way back towards that "middle class" we're always talking about... first stop 5000SP, which is not horribly far away.

But I do remember suffering through that 7-cent Steem and how cool it was to have a couple of posts hit the $50-ish mark

I was fortunate I didn't realise it wasn't normal and unfortunate I didn't realise it wasn't normal.... :) I never came close to $50 posts but i got curied once for 15 dollars and that was good for me. Just think what those few dollar posts could be worth in the future :)

The powerdown is unfortunate but, if the resource is there and needed, it is what it is. I talk about the shame in powering down and selling what I think is cheap but, it also depends on life circumstance and understanding.

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