Rise of the Steem platform

in #steem5 years ago

Over lunch today, I spent time discussing some of the things of the world with a colleague, someone who knows about my life on Steem and has patiently listened as I go on and on about it, though we do talk about a thousand other things as well. However, he was interested about one aspect of Steem in comparison to platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Is it a platform - Or a publisher?

This is an important question and one that has quite a lot of legal ramifications because while Facebook has long hidden behind its position as a neutral platform, but has increasingly added the defense it is a publisher to protect itself in court. Being a publisher takes away the platform protection of not being responsible for what it has on its site, but can protect it through the protection of free speech and the freedom to make editorial decisions, namely who it allows in and, who it keeps out -Facebook chooses what not to publish.

This obviously means that there is a great amount of room for abuse as Facebook is first and foremost a business which has responsibilities to its shareholders. With the publishing powers to curate and moderate their content and exclude and ban content from appearing or having it taken down, they can manipulate the view in their favor, something that will increase profits that funnel to the parent and provide a very strong competitive advantage.

With 4 billion people on the internet and a full half of them on Facebook, this puts them in a very powerful position and perhaps one that at least *some of those people might come to question and therefore look for alternatives. They are the largest publisher in the world and seem to be using their data collection processes to alter society in the way they choose - which just happens to be in whatever way makes them more money.

So, what about Steem? Is it a publisher too?

I think it is a true platform as it is content impartial and while there is curation, it isn't performed by the centralized platform owners, it is done by the users themselves with the platform itself taking no cut as unlike Facebook, it is not a legal entity, it can own nothing. Companies have the same rights as people, they can own property - What does Steem own - what profits does Steem take?


This is why it doesn't have to worry about what is published here as the blockchain is code, algorithms with no personal horse in the race, no shareholders it is looking to satisfy, no board of directors, no owners. Yes, you can own Steem, but it doesn't actually give ownership of the blockchain, it gives access to its capabilities, the pool, the infrastructure. This is why I believe owning STEEM POWER is owning a piece of the internet, web 3.0 - not the "wires" it runs upon.

The value of Steem infrastructure is the code itself and what that code allows people to do. Steem is not the servers, it is not the interfaces, it is not even the people. Just code. What that code allows people to do however is become publishers themselves, as well as many other things including integrating tokenized economics into the experience to attract and compel users.

While this might not seem important at this point in time for most people, I think that it is changing and the more political unrest through economic problems, the more banning and demonetization from the publishers who claimed to be platforms that give people voices, the more people who will look toward alternatives. At what point will there be blockchain communities built for Hong Kong, Bolivia and all of the social movements that get banned from the centralized platforms, the ones that don't want to give rise to such voices as it will risk their advertising revenue numbers?

Steem doesn't care about revenue

While the users of Steem might focus on the earnings at this time as most are crypto enthusiasts and creators looking to earn, later it could be a different story. Later, people might actually value having a voice in the world that is protected because the platform they use doesn't care about what any voice says as it doesn't take a profit either way. What this means is that the people of Steem who curate are the ones that direct the flow of value from the pool to and from content, but that voice itself is still free to speak.

Steem has no skin in the game

Steem is just code that supplies connectors to the platform and it is the people of Steem who choose what kinds of interfaces are built, what content gets posted and, which earn. Steem doesn't care who you are, it doesn't care who the witnesses are, it doesn't care about how much stake you have or what you post about. The code will place value where the stake places it, it will remove value from where the stake redirects it. Steem is not sentient, it is not driven by laws, it is ours.

While people talk about, my Facebook page, my Twitter account, my Instagram, they don't seem to consider that if the publisher chooses whether that account can transact or not, it isn't theirs at all. On Steem I know that when I say my Steem account, that is just what it is.

This is the beauty of a platform like Steem, it is completely innocent as it has zero care or action without us, it doesn't look to repress content that may harm it, it doesn't look to boost content that may help it.

It is a truly content neutral platform - that allows the users to decide what has value.

[ a Steem original ]



Interesting distinction and like all things; the devil is in the details.
It reminds me of a story I read about a prominent News Network Fox News Network being sued for factual misrepresentation on a story.
The outcome of the case hinged on whether they were a “News” organization with a responsibility to fact checking versus an Entertainment Show. Much to the chagrin of the Fox News Reporters their lawyers argued they were an Entertainment Network, not a News Network and won the case.


This is what is going to happen more and more. Eventually they are going to trap themselves in a corner and pay the price.

I am hoping that soon people will wake up to Steem.

I am hoping too that people will wake up to steem soon.

I do agree with what you have put forward, but it is important to remember, publishers such as steemit.com can choose not to display your content as a private company.

Steem is the platform (implemented on a blockchain), but steemit is a rendering tool (essentially a browser) for viewing material on that platform. Whether they choose to display it or not does not change the fact that the material is still available to another rendering tool. Facebook data is only accessible through Facebook apps/website.

I agree with your statement, just expanding on it, highlighting the inherent benefits of the steem platform :)

"Facebook data is only accessible through Facebook apps/website"
so true. the steem blockchain has so many advantages over web2 and there are more benefits than just this. however, this is one of the benefits I spoke about myself on the recording I did last week for an upcoming online summit I am presenting at. we just need to get people to see the light :-)

Yes, the interfaces on Steem can act as publishers as they choose, which gives Steem the flexibility in the same way the internet gives the potential to Facebook to exist in whatever form it takes.

I am hoping that soon people will wake up to Steem.

Me too. What did you think of @aggroed’s presentation on the future of the Steem Engine DEX?
I was excited about the Steem-Dollar pairing making it easy to transfer money in and out of Steem and his ideas about trading anything on the DEX.

Hoping that the interface improvements are significant, as currently it is unwieldy.

@aggroed showed a demo view of the becoming DEX - candlesticks are coming!

Hopefully they integrate better ways to manage so many tokens as every day there is another one added to the list

Not sure if it is rising actually, a year or so ago content was much much better. I believe most people exausted themselves and and burned. I saw so many quality content creators just leave:

  1. It's not even worth to talk about it but time does not pay off.

  2. It's not about payment per say, people create great content completely for free on other platforms. It's about user experience. Especially unfairness when very mediocre content wins by a huge margin just because author has a fat steem wallet.

Not so many people know how to say wothout rage or despair, but i've been supporter of steem blockchain for so long. Ridiculed by the others i still preached the paradigm shift. And it still might be happening, smt's are a great launchpad, but i'm afraid as soon as any of these projects gain traction, they might flip the coin and migrate their token to any other existing or yet to be created blockhains. I'm not even sure i want to create my token on steem anymore.

There is so much to talk about, but there are so many inherent problems, and my comments under your posts are usually much longer than my post, hence you know how to initiate response. I'm not much of steemit reader, but there is always something in your posts...

Anyway, getting late here, i wish that i am dead wrong, and i'm still hanging here not knowing for how long, but sometimes it just gets depressing :)

But I certainly hope that steem will mature and find it's way and in a sense it is doing that with smt's, communities and all. But steemit and it's copy papste spinoffs are dearly broken fot now. So i do not really know if it is rising. I hope it is, but i am not sure.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not sure if it is rising actually, a year or so ago content was much much better.

The blockchain level doesn't care, which is my point.

It's not about payment per say, people create great content completely for free on other platforms.

I think that most of the content on other platforms is shite :D it is just that most of it is never going to be seen at all.

And it still might be happening, smt's are a great launchpad, but i'm afraid as soon as any of these projects gain traction, they might flip the coin and migrate their token to any other existing or yet to be created blockhains.

Yep, they might. This is why Steem as a community has to advance and grow to become a community that is both large enough and willing enough to support the applications on the platform, and those applications have to be compelling - not just offer a token.

But steemit and it's copy papste spinoffs are dearly broken fot now.

The spin/offs are lazy developing, not compelling. There are a lot of other types of appications that can be built.

Night mate.

I agree that blockchain level does not care. It shouldn't by design.

I read tons of useful articles on medium. I follow a lot of interesting discussions on Redit, i watch many educational videos on YouTube, i admire zillions of great photographs on 500px. So there is no way i can agree that content on other platforms is shite, sorry on this mate.

Developer community is great on STEEM. As for the content, discovery of good content is extreeeeemely time consuming, difficult and not intuitive that results in voting circles by design.

Do not get me wrong, i love the concept of STEEM, just as and user platform (steemit and others) is not there yet, by far.

I believe most people exausted themselves and and burned.

Forgot. I think this is something I will address in a post later however, this is the same on all platforms except that on most there are a seemingly endless supply of users adding content. How many survive for years? The monetized ones...

Yes, i agree, the monetized ones. But the difference is, that if you hustle long enough and hard enough the financial reward can be substantial, hence it gives hope and motivation to move on while it is still FUN to use the platform.

Steemit however, is somewhat designed to be continuously bumping into same content creators, creators that you like or creators that are always trending and more often than not having big stake (which again results in circles) for example i enjoy reading your articles and engaging in discussions. But discovery of the content by specific keywords is almost non existent.

And since there are no efficient ways to discover that content and reward the authors, by the time whales and big stake holders will realize that they are only ones jerking off each other in circles, steem adoption will degrade, price depreciate and it will be too late to salvage it.

While those whales that actually want to reward different quality content creators still run into the same issue of awful content discovery mechanism, and engage in voting trails, since discovering that content is time consuming and no fun at all.

Or think it this way, why redit is such a huge community even though there are no rewards in place, and people are constantly joining it, while content creators on Steemit are leaving it. It's just that ugly sense of unfairness. And in current state Steemit does not feel like a place for creative freedom but more of a country run by oligarchs. It's just that simple.

You do not have to agree with me, it's just my opinion. I'm just stating obvious facts.

Hey mate!

So what do you think is the best way to legally present Steem? I mean, what would Steem be in legal terms? Just "code"? I plan to take Steem to my city's newspapers and it would be nice to have that information handy :)

I hadn't thought about it before, it's funny because this is the first post of yours I've read and I got it by chance

I was thinking of presenting Steem as a giant community based on a blockchain, but I read thist post and now I doubt all my definitions:(

From the legal perspective, I don't think it matters how it is presented as it is flexible and, you do not own Steem, so how you present it doesn't mean that is what Steem is. The interfaces are owned experiences of the founders however, and how they represent their interface might require legal thought.

It is a community based on a blockchain, and many sub-communities as well that don't know or interact with each other, even though they share blocks from time to time :)

Oww okok, then I won't worry so much about it and I'll do everything as planned. Thank you! <3

No worries and welcome any time :)

I quite agree with all the excellent points you've raised about Steem here. Especially, I like the part where you stated, "my Steem account". You can say that again, because Steem is really what we can say truly belongs to us. Steem, that's my religion. Cheers!

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