Keep on Keepin' on

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

You know, some people take this place really seriously and while it could actually become something very important and highly valuable in many different ways to many different people, there is much worse going on in this world than what happens on Steem. There should be some perspective given to it at least.

I really enjoy this place and I love that it is always changing and evolving. There are so many ways to be here and interact with the blockchain and the communities upon and if the worst part of your world is getting flagged on an opt-in social media, you likely have a pretty good life compared to many.

For me anyway, I see Steem as both entertaining and a hell of a lot more than just having fun, I do see this as work. But then, I see just about everything I do as work, even if I am not getting paid for it. The work I do on Steem is for various reasons that have both a personal and a community perspective to them and, I see it as an investment in the future for those ends.

I believe that one day, Steem is going to be able to pay off my mortgage, replace my car with something more reliable and perhaps even help get my family into a position we don't have to worry at the cash register about covering the groceries and instead can help others out with theirs. You might not believe this about Steem, you might think me a fool but then, how many fucks do you think that I give about your opinions on the future in an industry less than ten years old?

Funny isn't it? Everyone has an opinion but then, think back 20 years and how many people predicted where we are today? If you are one of them you should be a multimillionaire because you bought into Apple and Google so, why are you worrying about Steem? They say learn from other's mistakes, yet how many have learned that the real value in this world is investing into the wildcard and having lady luck swing her bat.

Steem is a wildcard in a deck of wildcards that is crypto. And, you can be here and earn here for free. Well, you might have to spend a metaphorical crapload of time working for it and developing skillsets, knowledge bases and other aspects like resiliency to do well. Luckily though, Steem is an equal opportunity employer, it employs no one but allows anyone to be a part of the process and mine Steem tokens if they choose.

Someone asked me today how I keep writing even though I don't have much time. Just write, is it so hard? Make a video, go for a walk and take some photos with the camera on your phone and talk about them. Just do something. Or don't, I don't really care that much. I used to try and get people to post more and improve themselves but this isn't a kindergarten, nearly everyone on here is an adult and has the responsibility to manage themselves, to learn for themselves. Sure, there is plenty of help available, but the expectation that help should be provided is utter bullshit, grow up.

I use myself as an example a fair bit because that is what I know, my experience. In my experience life isn't all flowers and rainbows and work is a constant that takes a mess-tonne of my time, effort and energy in this world. You might not be willing to do it, you might think that it is not a life well-lived, but then you don't have to live my life, I do.

You do what you do, I do what I do and one day we will have an answer about which pathway was better to take perhaps but then, what kind of an answer would it be? If you have more money or stuff than me do you win? You think that is all anyone in this world gives a shit about? Perhaps from your perspective that is true, just don't assume that everyone thinks about and wants what you think about and want. Two people that might look to be doing identical things can be doing them for very different reasons and, at very different points in their lives meaning, they can end up in very different positions.

Perhaps the reason some take this place so seriously is because they have screwed up other opportunities in their life I know for me I have missed too many goddam boats I should have been on. Then, perhaps I wouldn't be here at all. Can't go back and choose again, only forward.

Everyone seems so happy with their current life that they are confident in telling people the way they should live theirs and then in the next moment, complain because someone didn't give them the freedom they crave. lol. Freedom granted, an oxymoron by any measure.

For my my freedom is in the work I do because I do it by choice and while I do have bills to pay, I can keep working regardless of whether I have paid them off or not. No one pays me to be on Steem but I do earn my place here and I definitely earn the rewards... in my opinion. Free market right? If people don't want to upvote me they don't need to, if people want to flag me they are able to. Nothing is stopping my Steem earnings from ceasing. Except me.

I don't have to post, but I do because I enjoy posting. I don't have to earn because up until this point I am still yet to use any of it personally. I don't have to do anything here, it is all done by choice. I opted-in and no one is coercing me into staying, there is no gun to me head and if tomorrow I decided I will never post again on Steem, so be it. Ir isn't likely though, because I like writing on Steem.

I like the place, the people and the constant stream of problems that arrive that can be discussed or even sometimes, fixed or adjusted... only to have more problems to arise that I can turn my attention to. We and all we do might be insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe, but when it comes to purpose, each of us designs our life and each of us can have control over our framing of our own experience. None of us are victims, especially here on Steem. But then, your life experience is yours and the way you choose to act and more importantly, react to your world - is your life lived.

Me? I'm going to keep on keeping on and see where it leads. Perhaps it will be a life living under a bridge hollering at passer's by about how once upon a time, I was a contender. But in my frame, was a contender is much better than, could have been a contender.

Nothing left in the tank, is the only way the game can be finished without questions. I'll explain that tomorrow perhaps.

That is, if I ever decide to post again.

[ a Steem original ]


I am literally constantly baffled by the quality of your writing, still. lol

The monkey gets tired sometimes but I give him more bananas and he does okay. If not then, I get out the whip.

Thanks man, it means a lot.


Posted using Partiko iOS


Are you part of the German community?

Action-takers always win. Whether in the past, today or tomorrow. There is no reason to be fearful on Steem as the blockchain rules permit the freedom to say what you want. People who hesitate will have to learn it the hard way because attention on Steem is not given, attention here is earned.

I'm happy for you that you are earning this attention every day by saying things that bother you or things that inspire you.

Posted using Partiko Android

People who hesitate will have to learn it the hard way because attention on Steem is not given, attention here is earned.

This is something that should be on sign up pages.

Hi Taraz, I feel the same as you. I don't honestly care what others think. I see this as a golden opportunity and I am not going to hold back. If we can't take advantage and enjoy what we are doing then what is the point. Yes it takes time,effort and hard work,but that makes it even more rewarding.If it was easy the place would be flooded with crap.
Look forward to more posts tomorrow.

Yes it takes time,effort and hard work,but that makes it even more rewarding.I

If it is a job worth doing, as they say.

Look forward to more posts tomorrow.

We'll see ;)

thanks for another great post - I hope I wasn't one of the people winding you up

as you say we are all free to come from different places - keep on being you!

I enjoy this place top much to be wound up by it. I enjoy your comments too whether positive or negative as it is all part of the learning here I think.

Side note, try too if you haven't. They also have a discord and take suggestions.

You are speaking my mind...

I imagine myself as you when I write ;)

Thanks for the RS too, it is appreciated.

Hehe..I forgot that “you” huh? Fixing it asap

Needless to thank me mate. It was a perfect post.

I don't have to post, but I do because I enjoy posting.

Exactlyyyy!!! I don't do what i do here because i have to, but because i love this place and want to show the world my stuff!!!
If i didn't enjoy doing it, i wouldn't be here....

If i didn't enjoy doing it, i wouldn't be here....

Many are here for the wrong reasons I think. Not wrong for Steem necessarily, wrong for themselves.

I was talking to Faith the other day about how easy it is to write on Steemit. Yes, I know some don't find writing easy however I'm baffled by people who say the have nothing to write about. I mean they're not dead right? How can they not have something to say?

Still, as you say, it's not a kindergarten and so my vote and comments go to those who deserve it because they've taken the time to try rather than those who throw up a photo of some leaves with the single word autumn as the sum and total of the text.

I know my blogs aren't that clever or engaging, not the best-written work on Steemit but I put some effort in and so hold that standard for others also.

Posted using Partiko Android

@tarazkp, We never know what is hold by the future, so it's really important to hold an open mind instead of closed one and in my opinion, where we expect least the opportunities and growth comes from that door most of the times. So i think that Intuition plays really vital role. Stay blessed. 🙂

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