Increasing Steem optionality for investor, creator and consumer

in #steem6 years ago

@acidyo wrote a post a few hours ago with his views on why SMTs are such an interesting investment vehicle when they arrive and I wholly agree that when it comes to the future of investing, Steem has some superior options.

Steem Power itself will provide new revenue streams for investors with the next one likely to be the Resource Credit pool delegations, that will empower new and existing users in multiple ways as well as support the applications that will be built on Steem whether with an SMT attached or not. RCs essentially provide some kind of passive options for investors.

The other option possible I think is very interesting is the one I mentioned a couple of weeks ago with having the ability to lock stake away and earn a guaranteed return on the platform from it. This would make it truly a passive investment vehicle that can return income for investors without them affecting the platform content in any way.

I am interested in options however and these two provide many but, some are concerned that the second means that too many users will lock stake away making the pool distribution very difficult. However, the options of being able to invest into SMT projects negates some of these concerns as it would be possible for the projects to decide on how their token is distributed.

@Steemhunt's distribution is one of the models that is frequently mentioned as it both rewards users for contributing and, Steem Power holders for leveraging their vote to earn on the SMT in a relatively risk free environment. The more these types of projects allow active users to invest and support their roadmap, the more chance of success and of course, buy-in they already have.

One of the major benefits and the highest value item on Steem is the community itself as it is a population of diverse groups that can be used to invest, support and populate projects as well as a risk management function in the case of failure. Like @acidyo mentioned, many of the ERC-20 ICOs have already failed and the huge amounts of ETH invested into them is essentially lost. SMTs will allow investment in without costing a wallet, other than opportunity cost.

The other massive benefit of Steem from an investment perspective is that unlike most targets, Steem and the applications involved can be actively used and their progress tracked by investors. Essentially, an investor can watch their investment vehicle develop in front of their eyes, rather than relying on the hype and press releases of the closed teams. This gives a more granular control over investment and likely means that the projects are going to have to deliver more often and accurately to keep investment flowing in. This is potentially a healthier form of investment in my view, as there will likely be a closer match to progress stated and reality.

As said, I am about options that support growth and to encourage investors, contributors and consumers is going to require a mix of systems that can satisfy their needs to earn and be involved at the level they are comfortable or willing. A problem we commonly face is that self interest generally means that some options are pushed over others when what we need is a holistic approach that provides a range of options that we can then tweak to find a balance point that provides healthy growth across all three major classes without destroying opportunity of any.

There is no magical formula that will do this however, so what it requires is constant testing and tuning and if all groups accept that there are times they will benefit and times they won't, we could quickly find a line of suitable fit we can move forward along, adjusting further as we go. People seem to forget that this is an experiment on a scale and in a way that has never really been attempted before and, there are a lot of mistakes that have been made and will be made but, learning is happening.

While individuals are relatively narrow in vision and want, the Steem community as a whole is not and therefore requires a host of possibilities to satisfy it, just like in the real world. Scale this across continents, cultures and economic disparity and there are a range of complex dynamics that go unconsidered by all individuals as a whole.

This means that we as a group and as individual people within, are part of a continuous negotiation that is unlikely to ever be complete as with every change and solution, new challenges arise while the old must still be faced. It will be our ability to be both willing to change and personal resilience under difficult circumstances that will see us through the various situations to come. I still think that this isn't a place for everyone, but everyone is welcome to try their hand.

I have challenges I face in the real world and on Steem, just like anyone else but, I don't see an option out there that is a better contender to be able to provide a compelling and dynamically changing environment that offers users investment, creative and consumptive options like Steem. For many who come in under one label, they are quickly going to take a hybrid approach and explore wider an the ore who do so, the stronger the network becomes.

It is all amazingly interesting as the range of potentials individuals and groups have here is huge and only growing as we move forward. At some point, the rest of the world will hopefully enter in through the various options it provides and then things will mover very, very quickly indeed. The chance for us here is to get up to speed and have a running start.

There are lots of games to play on Steem, no matter your preference.

[ a Steem original ]


Currently, I am taking in as much as I can in terms of learning and saving up. I can't afford to buy Steem and I have realized (thanks to you and a few other staunch Steemians if I may use that word) that when prices are this low one gets to gather so I am in the gathering phase. This will probably enable me to do more or better coming year or with the SMTs.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspective as usual. I am among those who rely on them to make better decisions about my future here :)

This will probably enable me to do more or better coming year or with the SMTs.

I believe quite strongly that when the time comes and things start to shape up, Steem is going to make a very large run on the markets and in so doing, bring a lot of eyes onto projects.

Optimistic stuff :D

It doesn't take much to do a lot with this place in my opinion but, it does take a little more unity across groups.

I think it does take 'much' for many souls because being consistent especially with these prices is hard but for those of looking 'at the bigger picture' it just takes engaging.

Speaking from experience.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your second option Lock stake away seems more meaningful to hold the market stable. Yah investors need more control over where their Investment going.
All the whales are the game changer now. We are sitting here to see how it's being played. It will determine our fortune in this community.

Your second option Lock stake away seems more meaningful to hold the market stable

It gives various possibilities that encourage holding SP and therefore also provides RCs.

All the whales are the game changer now. We are sitting here to see how it's being played.

There are only 24 whales. What is really needed is that many smaller users start taking liquidity off the exchanges (there is 53m Steem there) and power up.

It is all amazingly interesting as the range of potentials individuals and groups have here is huge and only growing as we move forward. At some point, the rest of the world will hopefully enter in through the various options it provides and then things will mover very, very quickly indeed.

I don't even think we're able to grasp the diversity Steem will make possible. The various ways we will create 'content' is already changing through the different apps, and we're only scratching the surface here. Same goes for the ways we're able to do curation once SMT's and/or Oracles are launched. Then indeed there's the investment part, the entrepeneural opportunities, the literal games that we can play and earn money with... And how we can reinvest/grow the earnings through all of the above.

Exciting times :D

There is so much that people haven't quite got their head around when it comes to the idea of what is 'content'. Definitely some surprises in store.

The uniqueness of the structure of the protocol in addition to the flexibility for development is an attractive consideration not only for projects but for the participants of the community who engage with them daily. They can get more than a financial return which really makes this experience special in my opinion.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep, I agree. The financial aspect is one component only. What I think is interesting with the economics is it encourages buying into the community itself and those who do are more likely to engage with it and become part of the ecosystem.

More of This Are Very Welcome To Douse The Not Too Pleasant Breath Of A Bearish Crypto Market.

I Have Never Been This Taken To This Perspectives Of SMT as It Would Affect Price of Steem After Successful Launch.

The hope is that a few parts of the infrastructure will come together at the right time to give each the best chance of success. Let's see what the future holds.

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