
I feel like I'm running out of new details... I do have plenty of answers for anyone with questions... Questions are very hard to come by... I rarely get any comments either... I'll probably just stop posting for a month and just Comment on or up-vote the Posts of others... I need to give my typing fingers a little break...

Some R and R 💜

I never think I'll come up with a new Twist, but I did... People selling their Silver and Gold to the U.S. Treasury, will be paid with Silver and/or Gold Coins, or they may choose our Physical or Electronic Currencies... The Melt Value of Gold will Remain at $90 per ounce and Silver will remain at $9 per ounce...

The Twist is that the Fiat Dollars flooding back to the United States, will receive the same 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, but half will be paid in Physical or Electronic Currencies and the other half will be paid in our Corrected Silver and Gold Coins... This will help us "remove and replace" the Fiat Dollars... The Key Word is "Replace"... We'll want our Currencies to Continue Circulating, World Wide...

Hi there! I am pondering your “new twist.”
My stance is that there is quite a lot of fiat, physical US dollars outside of our country due to overprinting by the federal reserve.
Replacing half of it with physical gold/silver would inspire confidence in the new currency.
However, would we have enough metal to achieve that? I know your theory has the 1 to 100 ratio- but wouldn’t people outside of the US start hoarding coins again?

We won't have any trouble obtaining all the Silver and Gold we need... We won't even need to touch what's stored at Fort Knox... I think it's okay if they Hoard the Silver and Gold Coins... Their only getting a 1/10th Ounce $1 Silver Coin with the 200 "Physical" Fiat Dollars they Redeem... The other $1 they get, will be their choice of Paper Coinage or Electronic Coinage... Our Silver and Gold Coins are for Saving or Hoarding, until they're needed for Spending... This way, we'll be sending back a nice Mixture... Don't forget, they'll also be sending us their Silver and Gold too... They can have their choice of any Combination, if they send Silver and Gold...

Ok, so if the other countries send us their gold and silver.
So for example, say in India gold is worth 1700 US Dollars an ounce in their currency; so they could send it to the US and get 9000 US Dollars for it?
Or with your theory: it is worth 17 Dollars in US Electronic Currency, and they will get 90 Dollars in US Electronic Currency? (Based on this new twist?)

An Ounce of Gold worth 1,700 Fiat Dollars in India will become $17 in our New System... They won't be getting back 9,000 Fiat Dollars, they will be getting back $90 in our New System... That kind of Profit would be very hard to resist... That's why i see no problem, obtaining all the Silver and Gold we need... Anyone holding Gold, (including the people in India) will make a Huge Profit, and that's a good thing... It's why we have so many Silver and Gold Stackers...

To make it easier to understand... They send us One Ounce of Gold... We Mint that Ounce of Gold into 10 Coins that total $100... We send them back $90 in Gold Coins... After the Refining, and Minting expenses, the U.S. Treasury will show a Profit... But the profit doesn't stop there... The U.S. Treasury will also be "allowed" to "issue or back" an equal amount of our New and Improved Currencies... Our New Currencies will be Paper Coinage and Electronic Coinage... Our improved Currency is our Common (Corrected) Coinage...

Here comes the amazing part... Since $90 in Gold Coins will only get someone $90 in our New and improved Currencies, the $90 becomes Half of the Whole... The other Half is the $90 in our New and Improved Currencies... The U.S. Treasury earns a small Profit for Minting the $100 in Gold Coins, along with an additional Profit by issuing or backing our New and improved Currencies... After all the Production Costs are deducted from the Profit, "We the People" should end up with about 100% profit...

This is already starting to sound a little complicated, but it's not... The 100% Profit, will allow "We the People" to Pay Off the National Debt and interest... This will be a Win Win for everyone except the Central Bank Owners...

Wow... I'll have to use this Reply for my First Post in Thanks for asking...

Many thanks for the clarification 💜 💜 💜

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