When You're Scared of Feeling Your Feelings

in #life2 years ago

It is very acceptable to feel afraid, and in some cases, it may even be good for your health to do so. The human response to potentially harmful stimuli is one of fear. Realizing that fear is a survival strategy might be helpful in overcoming phobias and other forms of anxiety. You can conquer your fears by trying to picture yourself in a happy situation in the future. It's possible that this will help you keep things in perspective as well. The following are some recommendations for overcoming the fear that you have. It is my sincere wish that you will find some use for them. Keep reading if you want to find out more.


It's quite normal to feel anxious about things you can't predict or explain, but the key to overcoming your fears is to learn how to put them into perspective. Writing down your thoughts is a powerful approach that can help you reframe the problem and increase your self-awareness. However, at first, you may find that it is uncomfortable to do so.

We tend to focus a lot on the potentially negative outcomes of our activities as well as the risks associated with doing nothing. This alternative point of view, on the other hand, contributes to our worries by maintaining a continuous state in which we feel defeated and dissatisfied. By becoming aware of and able to define these feelings, you can start to acquire a new perspective on your life and take steps toward making positive changes.

The majority of people have a strong desire to avoid dealing with their worries head-on, and as a result, they tend to repress them and act as if they are unaware of them. This is a terrible idea because it will cause them to spend the rest of their lives in constant fear and send them into a vicious loop of fretting and worrying about everything. Taking the time to sit with your worries and process them might help you keep things in perspective and improve your sense of self-worth. Hiking in the mountains is a great activity to try even if you have a fear of heights.

It may be difficult and irritating to overcome phobias, but allowing oneself to be afraid might assist in the process of doing so. You can eventually get over your fear of the feared object by gradually increasing the amount of time you spend around it and becoming more accustomed to it. It is essential to keep in mind that exposure therapy functions most well in conjunction with other types of treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In addition, exposure treatment can help you deal with the bodily manifestations of your fear, which is a significant benefit.


It is essential to have a solid understanding of the fact that a scared scenario is a natural response to a trigger. The majority of people are able to deal with some level of worry whenever they are put in an unfamiliar situation; nevertheless, extreme anxiety can lead to the development of phobias. Not only is this circumstance stressful, but it also has the potential to negatively impact one's health. Allowing oneself to feel fear is one of the first steps toward overcoming a phobia and should be done as soon as possible.

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