Travel with me #34 : My Journey around Hong Kong on the antique Trolleybus (Photo + Video)

in #travel8 years ago

Dear Steemit Friends:

In Hong-Kong, there are several modes of public transport available. On my visit, I was able to use the bus, the trolleybus and the steamship. Today, i'm introducing the trolleybus, a relic mode of transport that still exists in one of the most modern cities in the world. As you can see from the photograph below, the trolleybus has two layers and is considerably taller than a regular bus.
Hong Kong's trolleybus system has a long history in Hong Kong and is considered one of the distinguishing features of this small island. It's also one of the most intact trolleybus systems in the world. Since it's first operation in 1904, it has remained almost completely the same to this day. Everyday, the trolleybus's in Hong Kong will shuttle more than 180,000 passengers across the city. It is the only remaining trolleybus system fully adopting double-decker trolleybus's in the world.
As a tourist, boarding one of these tour trolleybus's is extremely convenient and easy. There is no need to book in advance. Simply go to the pickup stop by the Fuhao Hotel at Tung Lo Wan and purchase the ticket upon boarding.
The blue bus behind me is an example of one of these trolleybus's!
The interior is like a blast to the past with very neoclassical wooden furnishing.
People native to Hong Kong like to call these trolleybus's "Ding Ding" because of the noise they make when warning pedestrians ahead.
In the past, drivers of these trolleybus's had very little time to eat due to their busy schedule. They would eat a few bites at red lights. This is where the saying Red light meal originates from.
The tourist trolleybus's are mostly open roof. This is to allow a better view of the scenery for the passengers.
The bus provides ear phones as well as wifi. There are 8 different languages available for the tour.
And with the sound of "Ding Ding", we're off on our tour of the city on the Trolleybus. Let's take a look at some of the scenery.
Passing by another busy block.
Here we had a quick stop by the Happy Valley horse racing stadium. If you come to Hong Kong, you must come visit the Happy Valley and bet on your favourite horse! This has been a Hong Kong tradition for over 150 years.
There are lots of open air market places in Hong Kong.
This building is quite different from the other modern buildings surrounding it. In fact, it is a historical building from the early era of British Colonisation. This would have been a building used by the British government.
Very quickly the tour trolleybus arrives at Central district. This is the most central part of Hong Kong and home to some of the most expensive business buildings in the world.
Bank of China Tower is perhaps one of the most magnificent and recognisable landmarks in the world. The inspiration for it's design comes from the growing bamboo shoots. It was designed by Pei Ieoh Ming, a Pritzker Prize-winning Chinese American Architect.
The Lippo centre building is known to native Hong Kong residents as "Koala Building", this is because the building looks like it has many Koala bears hugging the sides. Can you see ?
These are the trolleybus's in the same style as from the 1920's. I didn't manage to get a picture of one because of how limited and rare they are, so here is one from the internet.
This is a little video clip I made of my trolleybus adventure! I hope you like it!
Many more adventures await!

去香港旅游,你可以尝试各种不同的交通工具,这一次在香港,我就坐了巴士,电车和轮船。今天我想带大家一起去感受一下香港电车。从图片上可以看到双层电车比普通的双层巴士要高一些。 香港电车是香港历史最悠久的交通工具之一,也是香港岛的地标和特色。从1904年香港电车第一次运行,到现在依然保存的很完整。每日平均接送18万人次的乘客,是全球现存唯一全部采用双层电车的电车系统。 游客们想坐观光电车非常方便,不需要预定,只要来到铜锣湾富豪酒店旁的上车地点,上车时候买票就好啦。我身后就是上车地点啦。车内非常复古的装扮。 本土的香港人喜欢把电车叫做叮叮,因为当遇到前面有路人的时候,电车的警示铃声发出叮叮得响声。过去的电车司机没有特定的吃饭时间,因为非常忙碌,只有在等红灯的时间吃几口,所以又叫做红灯餐。 观光的叮叮,二楼是敞篷的,大概是为了更好的观看城市风光。 车上提供耳机和wifi,有8种不同语言的讲解。 听到叮叮两声,电车开动啦!下面和我来一起浏览香港的城市景色吧!经过一片热闹的街区 来到了香港著名的跑马地,来到香港旅游一定要去感受一下跑马,重要的不是去赌马,而是去有着150多年历史的马场看看。 这是一栋很有历史的大楼,是当年香港属于英国殖民地的时候,由英国政府盖的楼。 香港到处都有露天的小市集。 很快车子来到的中环,这里是香港最中心的位置,也是全球最昂贵的办公地点。 中银大厦是世界最壮观银行建筑之一,它的灵感来源于节节高升的竹子,由贝聿铭建筑事务所设计。 双子大楼,又被本地人叫做考拉楼,因为仔细看它的设计,好像是一排排考拉抱在树上,你有看出来吗? 这个就是1920年代风格的限量经典电车的样子,因为我忘记拍了,所以从网上找图。 这是我为Steemit拍得电车之旅小视频,希望你们喜欢哦!之后还有更多有趣的地方等着我们探索!

Hello @sweetsssj,

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Wow! Thank you so much for the honour !

Great shots, thanks again for taking us on a tour! Looking forward to more touring around and you sharing. Namaste :)

It's a pleasure as always eric. More to come! :)

Joy... Thanks and namaste :)

thank you! Hope you enjoyed the video at the end!

Yes, it is awesome. ☆☆☆☆☆😎

thanks for that! much appreciated :)

You're very welcome!

Steem_Land Steem_Land tweeted @ 20 Dec 2016 - 04:51 UTC

Travel with me #34 : Journey around Hong Kong on the antique Trolleybus… /

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I've always wanted to visit Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. If I ever make it out there, you'll have to be my tour guide. We'll take the Ding-Dings around town and you can show me the places with the best dumplings - maybe some Jiaozi if I'm there for the New Year?

Oh that sounds like the holy trinity ! Good choice! That would be very fun indeed, those Ding-Ding's really make me feel like royalty too.

As for the dumplings and jiaozi, that won't be a problem at all :)

Excellent! Now I just need to come up with the large sums of money to make it all happen. I have a feeling that it wouldn't be a cheap trip, especially with my appetite for luxury...and lots of tasty food.

But your expert trading skills will make it work out, i believe in you!

You're probably right. Thanks for the confidence boost!

Wow, this post is filled with adventure and excitement!! Would love to visit Hong Kong someday. Great post and great photos too.

thank you thevoiceofreason! I really recommend that you do, there is so much to do, and so much that seems out of place and yet those are the things that give Hong Kong it's character.

wow, very nice! this post shows why videos are so much more powerful than images ... indeed makes me feel like visiting HK for one plus minute! TKS!

Thanks deanliu, I actually really like making short films. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video says it all.

Enjoyed again!! :)

Happy holidays to you too! and thanks!

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