10 Things To Say To Your Children Instead Of “Stop Crying”

in #parenting7 years ago

If you are a parent, then you are certain to have a kid that either cries, whinges or moans on a daily if not hourly basis. This is enough to drive any one mentally insane, but alas, it is our responsibility to remain composed as often as possible and react in a way that sets a good example as well as meets the needs of our youngsters in a manner that helps them to grow into well-rounded human beings. 

This is no easy task, especially in the demanding world we live in. But is so important to take the time to read our children’s emotions and to acknowledge them as important, we need to remember that our kids have feelings and emotions too and as trivial as they might seem to us (think “He took my teddy bear!” followed by a performance of snot and tears), to our little ones, their little world has just been turned upside down.

Instead of telling children to simply stop expressing their emotions in a tearful manner, we need to guide them so that they learn how to handle them in a compassionate and safe environment. Sometimes though, even when you realize that you shouldn’t tell your kid to stop crying, it can be difficult to know what to say instead! 

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As a mom to a two-year-old little boy (a very emotional toddler), I found myself repeating over and over again “stop crying”! At a point it hit me that I cannot simply tell him to stop “feeling”, to stop having emotions. I knew my response had to change. So I scoured the web and came across this:

10 Things To Say To Your Children Instead Of “Stop Crying”

1. It’s ok to be sad.
2. This is really hard for you.
3. I’m here with you.
4. Tell me about it.
5. I hear you.
6. That was really scary/upsetting/disappointing/sad etc.
7. I will help you work it out.
8. I’m listening.
9. I want to be here for you. I’ll stay close so that I am here when you need me.
10. It doesn’t feel fair.

Source: http://happinessishereblog.com/2017/01/10-things-say-instead-stop-crying/


It is our responsibility as parents, caregivers and teachers to help children to find their voice, to express themselves calmly and collectively, instead of suppressing emotions and feelings altogether. While I myself still slip up on the odd occasion, keeping this list on my phone is a good reminder that their are other alternatives and responses in handling the frequent outbursts that my little one has. We forget that this world is very overwhelming to them and they are still learning the ropes - a lot for little bodies to cope with - let's he;p them!

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My daughter is turning 2 next year, at least she can say a few words and I know when she's hungry or why she is crying. Before that it was a struggle especially when the mother is not around lol #teamsouthafrica

Not being a parent myself, I am guessing that not saying anything is not a good thing to do? But is is better than stop crying?

I think it is always best to acknowledge a cry and if your child is a toddler or older then give your child the space they need, as long as you have let them know that you are there when you need them.

I think it is always best to acknowledge a cry and if your child is a toddler or older then give your child the space they need, as long as you have let them know that you are there when you need them.

I think it is always best to acknowledge a cry and if your child is a toddler or older then give your child the space they need, as long as you have let them know that you are there when you need them.

When I go for duty as a school prefect, some little sisters in the classes cry. They come to us to be satisfied and in all those times, what I said was Don't cry. I think this'll help them to be more satisfied :D

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