Memory From My School Days - I Went From Reading 'The Books' To Writing Out 'The No-Books'.

in GEMS5 years ago

I started out learning 'the books', then wen't on to writing out the 'no-books'. Today, i have an entire school of my own called 'Legitimate Illiteracy' and i have written much of its curriculum. In this short publication, i will take your through some of 'the memories'.

I have short term memory these days and this endeavor will help me.

Well, i started out 'a very playful student'. I was known for being playful. In high school thus, i wasn't your regular youth. I didn't care about girls, orderliness or perfection. I was too playful. Underlying though, i was very good student.

Hahaha, starting out with education, i was a memorizer. I could memorize entire books. So after playing for 30 days of the month, on the 31st day, a day before exams, i would memorize the books and pass the exam. Grades-wise, i would also turn out the best student in the whole school. Well, my dad would spank me, where i was 1st 'only in my class' or 1st at 89%. He wanted me to be 1st overall. (We used to many fragments of a class e.g primary 5A, primary 5B, primary 5C etc.)

'That i would do so well in class after all that play' used to baffle people. Students were competitive too, so they would start to limit how they played along with me, in fears that, i would play 'like i am all play' and where we all played, i would go on to pass, where they failed.

We had no tables too; my clique and i. We had a piece of wood, which we guarded. You learn how to guard these things. You arrive at school at the beginning of the semester with a new table-seater and at the end of the day, you be left with a wood, your table stolen and redesigned, till you can't locate it. 'A piece of wood' it is!

In football, we played everything, from plastic to tins to oranges and we could play these non-balls well. Haphazardly, we could direct these non-balls like we would 'balls' and we could score at anything, real goal posts, in between your legs or in between two stones and we could play barefoot even on mountain tops.

In table tennis, we can ping the pongs on anything, the slimmest desks, the contourest tops and using any bats. We could run on tables too and on any type of table, even tables with '3 and a half' legs, without a fatal collapse. I mean the classes no longer had space, jampacked with tables, to leave your space and go out of the class, you would have had to run along on people's tables and at blazing speed because these tables have weak frames and well, in these respective table-owners you erupt instinctive passive beef, that they will populate obstacles in your path to set you up for a fatal shatter. Yes, you need to teleport your way through.

We could spar too. Some entire 'break-periods', we would go sparring. Boys just wanted to test each other. We would have meetup spots behind school at the toilet area to spar 'in boxing', with bare hands.

We could scale fences too and be out of school and on the way, we could seat on your fence and eat all those fruits that you hoard on your tree.

Then you could fly a bat. Well, people would bring bats that they caught from trees, tie a roll of thread to it and fly it, like kites.

The entire world is still very novice to these type of scenarios and we go through these things as youngsters. Oh the things you would have seen throughout even 'primary school'. 'School' in these places was 'real life'. When you really did 'school', you come out something edge-er than a scholar and when you turn out geek, it is 'brother geek'.

In college, it becomes more graphic the things you get to see but you are already so aware with how to handle life. You bear consequences and you no longer seek shortcuts. You are a becoming a full-blown man, no shaking! While others mostly evolve on their 'knowledge-base' (proof of brain) within their school system, you are well evolved in other regions too. Your mentality is evolved too! You start to CEO yourself quite early and college progresses your already motional evolution.

My approach to reading and understanding was evolved too and as i started college, this showed. I was no longer a memorizer but i wasn't an understander either. I went a notch deeper. I was more of a contexter. I understood information from new angles. All along, taking in 'life' and all, i started to have better understand of life and humans and in a world filled with humans, at the base of most studies and understudies is 'human'.

In college, i became able to read books and grasp its content, even faster. I didn't memorize these books any longer but i went through books knowing where they were headed. My gifts started to show.

So in college, i was passing exams too but with 'an out-of-the-box element'. Even where lecturers, would put questions in your exams that was never taught so that you are bound to fail, that you can bribe them for a score, i would not leave my page blank. At the very least, I would fill that page up with some 'tangible nothing' and come out with a 'base score'. At the very least, i would spend the once blank page kick-starting my pen because yes, 'you can go to these exams and 10 pens won't work'.

During one of the years in college, there were myriads of times when i would go to school all raggedy, straight from the bush to school. I had written a proposal with one pal to seek funding for 'resuscitating a 1980 tractor that didn't have an engine'; a proposal which turned out successful. Then, people would rent our tractor out in distant bushes and i would go to these bushes, then to school. That i would attend school all raggedy was odd to people but it wasn't odd to me. 'I should be great if i am great, raggedy or versace' and that was me.

Note that in those bushes, i was many things. Almost every hour throughout the day's work, i was climbing the tractor to fill its giant radiator with some 50-litres of water, an overheating tractor radiator that was always as hot an industrial oven, very capable of drinking water.

Minutes prior to that, i would be returning from a nearby stream, carrying this hefty keg of water, through a narrow bush path, kicking a giant stone through. In some cases, with a stranger armed hunter behind me, in a bush, where i was welcomed by tens of armed vigilantes, guarding the land.

This 1980 tractor was weak, weak for the 2000s and whenever it broke down, however constantly, i became mechanic too. Young and skinny, i would brainstorm how to apply my small physical strength in loosening those giant nuts.

These was all school!

I have done so much school and much of this school happened in 'real life'. I started to become a 'legitimate illiterate' in the real world because soon, soon, soon, i stopped reading 'the books' and began writing the 'no-books'.

Then, i found steem and 'school' it was again.

Steem was just beautiful and among one of its best use-cases is 'CCTV into the true state of the world'. The world was becoming painted and i used Steem to remove some of this paint, 'schooling myself in newer ways' in the process. I did some of 'my most learning' on Steem.

Even passively, my knowledge-base started to grow, even when it comes to tech. I learned tokenomics, some Linux, some programming etc without much conscious reading. I was able to peer into the mind's eye of a large expanse of the world's populace, their 'reaction to stimuli' etc. With the sum of this evolving knowledge, i was able to further my evolution. My very human grew too. I was tapping deep into my spirit. Insight began to arrive and it was spiritual.

This particular knowledge isn't for secular schools to teach, neither can books capably capture these dynamics. Steem is a special school.

I will pause here...

Your Boy Terry


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    Hi Terry

    Thank you for taking part in the 100 Days of Steem Weekly Content Challenge.

    It was great to read about the Memories of your School Days.

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