What is Happiness?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

emerald bay helicopter view.jpg

Happiness is very elusive.

It's a different thing than money.
What makes each of us happy, over time, will change over time.

Money is like air. You need enough to breath.

Happiness will not come from having money, unless you have spent a great deal of time, knowing how to spend it in ways that make the people in your life happy.

So if you don’t have people in your life, then money won’t make you happy. I personally find spending money on myself becomes boring very quickly..

And if the only way you can attract people into your life, is to show them money, you won’t be happy.

On the other hand, “There ain’t no Romance without Finance” ;-)

So Happiness in this way, can be very elusive, and it must be our primary goal in order to achieve it.

I have always felt, there would be no way I could truly devote myself to a career, unless I was finding happiness in it.

And my personal relationships; I could no longer pursue, if they do not make me happy.

Making new friends, makes me happy. Meeting new people that I admire, I can talk to, understand me, and enjoy my company.

(HINT: open this image in a new tab, and be amazed at the sight of Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe, CA!)


Very true. No money necessary if you don't have friends to spend it on. Just for sustaining life and past that luxuries. Creating and sustaining loving friendships is what really matters. Best wishes surfyogi. 🐓🐓

I like this very much; I will quote you:

"Creating and sustaining loving friendships is what really matters."

Happiness emerges naturally, it is an innate quality rather than something gained from outside forms and events. It tends to emerge when we have less on our minds, when we quiet down.

Nice, I agree.

learning from life is the best way to find happiness, always make people around you to smile, you will also feel a little happiness when you see others smile.

Or make them LAUGH!

Thanks @surfyogi! Really interesting article. This is what I also realised in life. You need enough money to live without complications, and pay the daily bills, but happiness cannot purchased. Even if someone purchase (as we seen with some of the local celebrities), then it is only a virtual happiness with more problems inside. You cannot cheat the Karma. If someone choose this easier way then karma will eat from inside. As everything in life we need to find the right balance between jin and jang. But I think I don't need to describe this to you!

It's sad how western civilization puts such an emphasis on money/net worth. I think your own health (your body is your temple) correlates with happiness. I've seen some rich people with health issues miserable, and some humble people content with little (but are healthy) by western standards.

yes, in some ways I just take my health for granted.

I've been working on my diet and fitness for so many years.. it's become second nature too, even if I'm not always successful, I think about it every day.

My experience: happy people are most likely to live in a clean home, exercise daily, eat healthy food and don't smoke.

Money may not buy happiness, but it can sure make you unhappy to be without.

Right, money is part of the journey, but like fuel. You need to relax and enjoy. Your fuel will bring you somewhere.

Thanks, great comment. I agree completely.
I noticed I've commented on your blog before; but never followed you. You have a really nice blog.
And a new follower.

I love it - Money is like air, you need enough to breathe. Awesome stuff. It's scary, but true. Most people spend way too much chasing money and ignoring health and relationships. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I like this, I will quote you:

"Most people spend way too much chasing money and ignoring health and relationships."

We could all write long essays about what this means in our lives.

Yes!! Oh man, could we ever? I'm sure we all know some people who are monetarily rich, but poor in every other regard. It's so sad!!

What is Happiness? It’s a question I asked myself many times! It's so true, happiness is very elusive! I think that happiness is contagious. I try to be around happy people to be happy.

I LIKE THAT VERY MUCH, I will quote you:

"I try to be around happy people to be happy."

It's true ... I agree With you @surfyogi ... Happiness will not come from having money ... if you don’t have people in your life, then money won’t make you happy.

I saw that you have looked at my post if money is able to help you buy happiness so you probably know my stand point on this.

I agree that it is like breathing... there is only so much money you can have to satisfy you and there have been studies where happiness starts to dimish of flatline when people reach a certain amount of money.

I think that for acquiring happiness money is good at stimulating this for when you need essentials as well as give you temporary short lived happiness such as going on a holiday.

To be happy it think requires a state of no anxiety and removal of worry which the ultimate happiness as is required to achieve ultimate happiness. Rather than looking towards materialistic things to better ourselves look to be more self-sacrificing and meek and I think this definitely will help to build relationships.

Finally, Emerald Bay is so beautiful. It is amazing just staring at it and looking at that serene blue translucent water @surfyogi! :)

Great comment. yes, Emerald Bay does make me happy, especially this shot of it, from far above on the mountain, above the hyway, a view most will never see..

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