Tonight I'll Be Giving My First Radio Interview Ever! Join Me At The "Alternative Lifestyle Show"

in #mspwaves6 years ago

The only source of knowledge is experience. - Albert Einstein

If I needed a claim to headline my (almost) two years of experience on Steem, then it could be this one.

I've definitely learned for life in this network, and tonight another great experience will be added to my steemy journey.

I've never been talking on the radio, and you may only imagine how excited I am!

Please join me at @pennsif's Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio tonight, Friday 20th of July from 10pm til midnight UTC.

Ask me about Steem - @surfermarly

Is there anything you always wanted to ask me?

Now is the chance to address your question:

  1. Leave a comment on @pennsif's article: HERE
  2. Join the show via the PAL (Peache, Abundance, Liberty) discord server and leave the question in the comments thread: HERE

I'm really thrilled to be part of the show, together with these amazing steemians: @woman-onthe-wing, @jackdub, @makinstuff, @sir-thrive.

You can listen the show through the PAL Discord server, via or on Twitch at tonight at 10pm UTC.

Hope to meet you there!

Much love,
Marly -
Steem Ambassador

PS: Please consider supporting my charity project @dreamsoftheocean.

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: This blog post was edited and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.0.8 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

Original content.


Wow, I hadn't realised this will be your first radio interview Marly. I feel very honoured, thank you.

It should be fun!

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

It was such a great experience, thank you so much!!

I will not miss the program, I am a big fan of yours and for me you are an example to follow

Thank you so much for your kind words!! :-) Meet you tonight!

Can wait to hear you speak.... 😍 @sufermarly

Meet you there! :-)

Awesome Sauce! :)

Too much juice, I'll be joining to hear you, awesome

Hehe, great! Meet you laterssss...:-)

Ok, sounds like you will have a fun time. Looking forward to tuning into the broadcast! You will have ears listening in northern Peru...

Oh nice!! Hopefully there will be a group of steemians from all over the world :-)

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