Nice and huge Gorilla Glue! Potent and fragrant :)

in #cannabis6 years ago

Gorilla Glue big nug!


A big old arm sized nug right here :)

I know this strain is recently becoming over saturated but still, it’s great haha. So dense! I love it when they’re super dense!

Next I’ll post some huge Romulon beasts! Monsters!

Thanks for looking everyone :) peace and love!


Nice cola! I love romulan cuz of the head change!280CE760-9BDA-48DF-9A38-B9554C226B48.jpeg
I’m currently growing skittlz and that too is stinky and very sticky. It could be denser tho.

I miss blueberry headband, Buddah, Buddah cheese, white rhino, and Alaskan thunderfucks. What happened to those strains?
Which ones do you miss?

Lots of Alaskan Thunderfuck, White Rhino, and White Widow here in Vancouver lately.

hold on to it and appreciate it! Ya never know if you will see it again

That is true. I miss the Sour Diesel we had around here 2 or 3 years ago. You can get Sour Diesel now, but nah, it's not magical. I thought the magical stuff would last forever. Everybody else did, too! Ah well, hopefully the genetics are safe and we'll smoke it again soon.

Well-grown Sour Diesel is a A++ strain... some don't even come out that sour really :)

Wow dude looks awesome!😀 I can almost smell it haha!
Yea man what ever happened to some of the classic strains! White rhino is a classic!
Ah dude I miss blue cheese - the stink! I also miss real good haze’s, classic lemon haze, amnesia or silver. Also white widow!
I have grown ghost train haze a while ago and it turned out incredible !

Just picked up some white widow for this exact reason. Too funny.

Haha hell yeah!
Blaze on!

Haha yea! Awesome:)

It literally smells like a freshly opened blue bag of skittles (the candy) everytime I walk into the work space! Yea, I miss the funky skunky strains of the past. Amnesia haze was always a favorite and same with super silver haze. I don’t see northern lights anymore! White widow was also a favorite.
Iv grown og, sour, skittlz, romulan, Cindy 99, gorilla glue, and jillybean just to same some. This skittlz is by far the prettiest I have seen by my hand. Lots of beneficial teas means lots of bat poop under my fingernails. Haha.

Wow that’s incredible. I remember the sour tangy smell was so fruity, I love it hah!

Yea I wonder what ever happened to the classics! Rarely see good haze’s being grown anymore. Maybe a good idea could be to bring some of the classics back! I know I’d love that for sure, and I’m sure you would too!:)
Haha I feel you with those teas!

Well that's why you buy seeds from breeders or have clones... I love clones!

If only buying clones from sources who use blockchain technology were a thing....

Anyone can sell you a “clone” of og
7-9weeks later
“oh look it was a mr nice guy this whole time!”

Hahahahahahahahahaha yeah I hear that. I gave a friend lemon sour diesel and he lost it and mislabeled a super lemon haze led instead. It had Portland by storm until harvest as it wouldn't finish until December!

Haha exaaactly!
Trials and tribulations of a grower

Lol happens. Just laugh it off and other people here have solid labeled strains.

That's gorgeous, fam! I'm so jealous. I've never had a chance to really test my growing skills outdoors, but I'd like to. I'm skilled with other outdoor crops like tomatoes, as well as flowers like lillies, roses, etc. And I'm getting better with indoor growing. Someday I'll combined my skills and grow some monsters outside, like this one! Congrats!!

Ah that’s awesome man, for me I really want to start getting good at growing my own veg, so I can start a massive garden and almost be self sustaining, for the most part! Also because it’s good fun and a skill!:) most people have almost lost the connection with food as it’s so readily available everywhere - respect!
Yea dude I feel with indoor you can grow stronger bud, but outdoor just has the space for them to go crazy! :)

The most important advice I have for you on that topic (gardening and self sustainability) is:

  1. start small
  2. but start now
    Even if you're just growing (or trying to grow) a pot of herbs on the windowsill! You've already got many of the skills, others you'll have to learn from scratch, but it's one of the most rewarding and real things a human can do. Plants are amazing and as you know they improve our lives in so many ways.
    Let's hear it for the plants! : P
  • cheers *

Thanks man I’ll take that advice! I actually just helped someone replant some small cacti from the ‘cuttings’ haha:)

Fuck yea dude! :D

You have quite a positive attitude or at least you come across that way : )

Thanks :) yea I sure do, it’s not always been that way, but I choose to be now!

You seem the same too for sure! :)

All time favorite is..... Gorrilla Glue! I wish I could smell this through the internet!

Haha awesome ! I wish you could too! When it’s dried and cured, and then you grind some up and get that stench! Woah! Haha 😆 thanks for checking it out:)

nice " plant's " ; ) good night x

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