The number of people who believe Jeffery Epstein was murdered has grown and still continues to grow

in #engrave5 years ago

More Americans than any other time in recent memory put stock in the unjustifiable fear inspired notion that Jeffrey Epstein was killed.

Even with all of these theories and concerns there is still no proof that Epstein passed on by something besides suicide.

But then the quantity of Americans who trust Jeffrey Epstein was killed has gone up, and the number who accept he passed on by suicide has gone down.

The paranoid idea has turned into a web sensation, and even upheld by some famous people.

There are a few reasons why the idea continues to grow.

People are considering the idea that he might have been killed in order to silence him due to the dirt he has on some influential people including Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and President Donald Trump . In October, Michael Baden, a pathologist contracted by Epstein's brother, said on Fox News that it was conceivable he was choked.

The idea is also been supported by GOP Rep. Paul Ghosar who has shared the meme via his Twitter account.

The Justice Department hasn't effectively cleared up everything

The Justice Department charged two officials liable for managing Epstein the evening of his demise with supposedly neglecting to direct their ordered adjusts and producing records to show they did.
That was back in November and the officers have pleaded 'Not guilty'

Tucked inside the charges , the prosecution said that reconnaissance film inside the prison indicated that nobody entered the zone where his cell was located the evening of his passing, further disproving fear inspired notions.

Originally posted on Truth Undiluted. Steem blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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