Achievement 3: Steemit Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism can be defined as the act of using another authors words, language, thoughts, expressions or ideas as ones personal work.

Plagiarism has different definitions in the educational context depending on the institution. Plagiarism can also be seen as a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics, when plagiarism is done or committed one can be sanctioned such as penalties, suspension, expulsion from school or work and even imprisonment, as there have been cases of people being imprisoned in India, Poland etc


  1. To avoid plagiarism we should keep track of the sources used in our research work
  2. Paraphrasing i.e writing in your own words
  3. We should also create a reference list where the original author is credited
  4. Use a plagiarism checker e.g Turnitin before submitting

Below is an example of how to site someone's work

family, a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings.
The family group should be distinguished from a household, which may include boarders and roomers sharing a common residence.
It should also be differentiated from a kindred (which also concerns blood lines), because a kindred may be divided into several households.
Frequently the family is not differentiated from the marriage pair, but the essence of the family group is the parent-child relationship, which may be absent from many marriage pairs.

I have read and understood the steemit Etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them



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Regards @heriadi

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While waiting for this post to be curated, you can join the Steem For Better Life community to write posts with the theme of Better Life (#diarygame, #actsofkindnes, #planetpositives, #growyourown #craftycontent, #crytoandme, #mindbodyspirit #learnwithsteem) or other community

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Curators Note : Rate 1/inactive

Important for you:
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Regards @heriadi

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While waiting for this post to be curated, you can join the Steem For Better Life community to write posts with the theme of Better Life (#diarygame, #actsofkindnes, #planetpositives, #growyourown #craftycontent, #crytoandme, #mindbodyspirit #learnwithsteem) or other community

 2 years ago 

Hi, @sugargirl634,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

Hola, un gusto saludarte y a la vez darte la bienvenida a la plataforma.

Así como tu estas comenzando, nosotros también, somos una comunidad deportiva con ideas para relacionar todos los ámbitos de la vida diaria con la vida deportiva, con el lema de que cada participación es ganadora y de esta manara darte la oportunidad de generar steem paratu crecimiento.

Te invito a verificarte en la comunidad luego que sea aprobado tu logro 1, por aca te dejo enlaces de la comunidad @hive-197661 all-sports.

@hive-197661Presentación de la Comunidad all-sport dentro de Steemit. || Presentation of the all-sport community within Steemit.
@hive-197661Presentación de Equipo Inicial en all-sports || Initial Team Presentation in all-sports.
@hive-197661Primer Proceso de Verificación All-sports (20 steem) || First All-sports Verification Process (20 steem)

Nuestras moderadoras estarán listas para atenderte y guiarte.

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