The Stream -- The Imp [vol. 1]
on wings unbroken.
A white sheet soaks up
words unspoken.
Release the bond
and let it fly..
* The Imp *
is intimidating..
It can strike fear
and paralyze.
Deterring the onset
of an onslaught.
A Deferment of Action
defaults to dust
settling on stillborn ideas.
Conclusions can be just as challenging..
A project started steams ahead
on passion and energy
but eventually
stalls and stales..
It nags for attention
but has lost
The finish line blurs,
and sluggishness trumps responsibilities.
By and By,
it all gets swept
under the rug
of Lost Actualizations..

This is Part One of a stream of consciousness writing series. Part Two can be found here. Comments, critiques, opinions are welcome in the comments... I hope you are looking forward to the continuation of this series.