I HAVE A QUESTION FOR THE STEEM COMMUNITY - What Do You Think of Steem Basic Income (SBI)? [steem] [blockchain] [community]

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


- Stop, It's the SBI! -

For this post, I start off with the questions, What Do You Think of the Steem Basic Income (SBI) Project?

Are you for it or against it and Why?

Please let me know in your comments below.

If you don't know what SBI is - SBI FAQ

I currently support the Steem Basic Income project with a delegation of Steem Power as well as by sending Steem to the SBI project on behalf of other Steemians that could use the upvote support. Now as I have stated before in a previous post, this is not a 100% altruistic act because by sending Steem to SBI on behalf of another Steemian, it also benefits me the sender with upvotes as well from the SBI project.

Since I do most if not all of my curation 100% manually, I appreciate having the SBI project to fall back on should I miss a post from a Steemian I am trying to support. Even if I don't miss their post with an upvote, the SBI project will come in an add another up vote. For many, these are not very big up votes, nor do they come often. You have to have quite of bit of SBI levels in your name before the SBI upvote really starts to become noticeable.

For now, I am in support of Steem Basic Income, and am willing to listen, and even change my mind if there are good reasons to not support this project, but need your help to figure out which way I will head with this next. This is where your answers to those first few questions come in. Again though, I currently support SBI and will continue to do so buy am willing to listen to the Steem Communities input on this as well.

I will explain more in a follow up post what this is all about for those of you who are wondering what this is all about.

Stay Tuned.

+++ @streetstyle

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I'm awfully conflicted on it right now.

I see pros & cons.


  • good prize to give out
  • supports smaller Steemians who don't have their supportive audience yet
  • benefits the giver & the receiver
  • enables daily income for daily writers


  • goes against the proof-of-brain economics, as I won't truly know whether the person I'm gifting a share to will keep up their post quality
  • promotes auto-upvoting, which in and of itself isn't wrong, but blindly given out in giveaways might become problematic

Here's a thought: What if SBI changed to a more exclusive members party, where only qualified, recommended, and approved people will get in? It totally changes the payout math, and sorta stunts the "help out a small user" narrative, but maybe it's ultimately a better path?

I don't know... Like I said, I haven't made up my mind yet ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

Thank you for your reply @stuffbyspencer you do bring up good points on both sides of the pic. I think the only thing so far about the cons though, is that they are mostly if's, albeit valid if's. I do like your proposal but I also think that for example, when I give out SBI, I try to vet the person I am sending them too. Of course I am half the beneficiary of those sent Steem to, so I know what I will be doing and hopefully the person I sent them to will continue doing good with it....but it does take quite a bit of SBI to really start "gaming" the system as it stands. For many, it is an occasional up vote with a few points in rewards. Anyway, with the recent announcements and changes coming, this all might be moot anyway. Thanks again.

Yes to all of these challenges!

You may like to know that SBI has manually monitored quality on the negative end of the spectrum and removed votes from members that have been blacklisted by multiple communities. SBI was also one of the most open communities about manually re-reviewing those accounts as they attempt to raise their post quality to get unblacklisted.

More manual work is not the solution, if only because it ain't gonna happen (but also because of this truth)

SBI has some more cards up their sleeve...but I will never be convinced that because one guy doesn't like what we build, we should be obliged to change. The limitation to proof-of-brain to something called 'quality' is a mistake in all its forms.

I didn't realize that they review content, that's good to know! I understand the limitation of using more manual work, and I suppose there will always be those that fall through the cracks. But with a system like this it's important to make the cracks as tiny as possible.

FYI.. due to recent announcements I will no longer be a prize sponsor for SPUD

Hi Dave. I want to thank you for all you have done for #spud I, and I think I can say We, are grateful and appreciative. I hope it isn't anything serious. Does this have anything to do with the Tron / Steemit thing? Anyhow, again, thank you, and if there is ever anything you might need, please let me know, see what I can do. Take care.

Definitely the TRON thing..

May I ask why it has affected you and what your plans are in regards to Steem and Tron?
Also, may I ask one more favor.... before fully deciding to pull out of #spud, can you wait a day or two just to see what announcements come next in regards to Steem and Tron. I will refrain from announcing any Spud event or sponsorship info other than to say we are on standby until further notice due to these events. That way, just in case the party continues on, we go on doing our thing with #spud OR it stops or it continues but without your sponsorship (which I will fully understand as I too am stunned about this right now).
Anyhow, 2020, off with a bang!

Well.. yeah it's certainly a shock. I hope there still is SPUD initiative.. we'll wait and see.. but it looks like they're trying took swap tokens.. etc.. I'm not really a TRON fan..

Amigo buena explicacion,espero informarme mas a cerca de esto ya que estoy en cero jaja,feliz dia de la amistad y el amor,espero la pase bien y recuerde que desde la distancia hay una persona que lo respeta,admira,aprecia y quiere mucho ya que se ha ganado mi aprecio por su incondicional apoyo aqui ya que estoy viviendo mal,mi vida familiar por esta inflacion cambio mucho ya no es igual y su ayuda me fortalece asi sea poca,un abrazo y Dios lo cuide

@petrarodriguez Buenas tardes. Gracias por sus palabras de apoyo. Le queria mencionar que ud. si tiene SBI shares.... como unas 86 .... no son de gran valor pero tal vez en vez en cuando el sistema de SBI le da una manita de ayuda tambien con votos. Es pequeño el voto pero algo es algo.... y con tiempo tal vez cresca. Saludos.

I keep going back and forth with that one. It's basically like getting points for showing up. It's also like unleashing an autovoter on both yourself and another person. While some people such as yourself, who make quality posts, I'm fine with it. Most people don't put forth the effort, so I'm not sure they deserve points for showing up. The name kind of irks me too, it nods to a welfare system, and not proof-of-brain. It also breeds an entitlement mindset.

At the end of the day, if an SBI vote helps a post reach its true value as I see it, I have no issue with it at a micro level, but I have concerns with it at a macro level.

@joshman Thank you so much for your input and more importantly your honesty. I do agree that it is an autovoter, but you must post as well as the recipient of any sent SBI(proof of Brain), albeit they could be "sh*t" post too(not PoB), in order to receive an up vote. Generally though, I believe most who do send some SBI to another Steemian do so because they feel they are doing the PoB but not being supported enough by the community (many do tend to get lost or not found here). Also up votes don't happen on every post if you are posting more than once or twice a day, unless you have quite a bit of SBI or delegated to the project.
I appreciate the upvote and reward that comes with the SBI upvote only because it does allow me to return back (in form of upvoting others) or keep it here within the Steem Network.
And finally, to touch on an earlier point, I also believe that those that do receive the SBI help, support, charity, or whatever else some might call it, will return the favor to others on the way up, as it was given to them.
Josh, can you explain a little more on your macro level concerns, just curious, and again thanks for your input.

I will say that to his credit, @josephsavage has been very responsive in removing abusers from the system.

On the macro I mean, how much of the reward pool is being allocated to it currently in total, and how much will it scale up in the future? This includes both the voting itself, and policing of the votes for abuses. And of that total amount allocated from the pool, how much stuff that's objectively garbage being voted on? What percentage of people that meet both of our standards (or a reasonable standard of quality/effort/PoB) actually getting these votes?

On the macro I mean, how much of the reward pool is being allocated to it currently in total, and how much will it scale up in the future?

Less than 1/2 of one percent. And we have been shifting from reliance on delegation to self-power over the last few months. Now with communities the VP is drawn down some, so we will start leasing delegation again. Still, I don't expect it to ever grow large enough to be a significant portion of rewards pool. Any single program supported by misterdelegation has much bigger impact... like drugwars self-enriching itself through fundition votes for many months... that dwarfs the entire history of SBI voting.

This includes both the voting itself, and policing of the votes for abuses.
SBI has followed @steemcleaners and @buildawhale blacklists for more than a year. There are a few exceptions (members can appeal their blacklist status, but we encourage them to address directly first) and sometimes members build up a sizeable vote and then becoming abusive, but most aggressive abusers of Steem aren't comfortable with locking up STEEM in a long-term subscription.

What percentage of people that meet both of our standards (or a reasonable standard of quality/effort/PoB) actually getting these votes?

Quality is incredibly subjective. We try to police for plagiarism, spam, and fraud, but aside from that we think that crowdsourcing our vote list works really well!

I see. Well, not sure where to begin with on finding answers to many of your questions. A lot of SBI support I guess is based on trust. One thing I do know is that say I give someone support with SBI's, it does take a substantial amount before it really starts to benefit sender or receiver. I myself usually vet the receiver, and hope that they stay the course, but if not, I would not send any more and of course there are down votes.
So ultimately, each SBI sender and receiver are on their own but with the hope that each actor is responsible, and so on down the line. I think for the most part, SBI's have been good for the smaller accounts, and it is good to know that the SBI team does try to mitigate abuse.
Now with this recent news, who knows where this all goes... this could all be moot in a little while, we shall see.

SBI is essential for Steem Communities 💙

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your reply @bluengel I appreciate your support, response and support of the steem blockchain.

most welcome 💙
always thanks 💙 @streetstyle ♨♨♨

Posted using Partiko Android

곰돌이가 @bluengel님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.026을 보팅해서 $0.016을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7377번 $95.053을 보팅해서 $99.690을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

곰돌이가 @bluengel님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.009을 보팅해서 $0.033을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7375번 $95.016을 보팅해서 $99.643을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

I haven't sent any in a long time but I do like it. You have to spend some steem to make it worth while for yourself and you don't get anything back unless you post. It was great when nobody was engaging or voting for me. I'm not opposed to using it again to send to newbies and help jump start them.

Thank you for your reply @cflclosers Good to know that SBI's were helpful, and I agree that it does take a bit of Steem before you really get anything back. Take care.

I'm for it. It has proven to be a good ROI for me and the people I have bought it for

Thanks for your reply @robertandrew and it is good to hear that has worked out for you as well as those you support. I do like SBI, but needed to hear more from both sides of the coin.

Its not so panic which is the way we use it, the best think tank is steem community grow and strong than previous.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm in favour of SBI. For smaller authors it's an encouragement that's I think worth more in the long run than the short-term drain on the rewards pool. I've used larger SBI gifts to encourage good authors to post more. Could those authors later go rogue? Maybe, but then we have downvotes too.

Thank you for commenting @eturnerx and true about the downvotes.

I have owned 20 SBI for a long time, and never get a vote from them. Neither has anyone I sponsored. I've tried to contact them but their posts are outdated, links broken, and responsiveness poor.
From my perspective, it's a votebot by another name. Same basic idea... you loan them your money, they use it, and they pay you some of the return. They are running an unlicensed and unregulated investment company, and at some point will be subject to inspection of their books. Hopefully I get my money back at some point, and I'm compensated for opportunity cost.

Thanks for the reply @drutter I have not had any problems with their voting, and have received replies, albeit a little slow. I think it is a small group running this project which I believe is supposed to be mostly automated. I think discord is where you will reach someone the quickest.... it is probably one of the most favored crypto chat rooms online, discord itself that is. I have recently learned that through Discord and the SBI channel you can find a buyer for your SBI shares if so desired. Anyhow, with all the recent Steem/Tron news, this might not matter, but who knows except Justin Sun now.

It's good you didn't have to deal with the same problems many others have. Perhaps you own a fairly large stake in their operation, or they're afraid of your large SP stake and good reputation around here? I feel like they screw over and ignore a lot of the smaller people because they can get away with it. But yes, now who knows what will happen with it? And with everything else? It's a bit messy now.

Hey @drutter I wanted to make sure before I replied, so I did check, and I am not sure if you are aware but steem basic income has upvoted your posts before.... not sure if maybe now that the price of steem has gone up it can vote on your posts or not but it has done so at least twice in the last week, I didn't check before that. Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 5.19.52 PM.png

I personally like sbi for this reason. Now I will be sending you some too because it does work, and should I miss your posts, it will be there in my place. Now since you only have 20 sbi levels/shares (for now) it will only vote about .03 cents worth per week or something like that ( also steem price depending). Now if you have more it will increase. Should you send SBI to others, then again your shares will rise too. I don't really use sbi except for a select few which is my form of vetting someone. Anyhow, lots of stuff to ingest for now, so we'll see where this all ends up. Take care.

I thank you very much for the information, and for the shares! I'll give it another chance and find out how it goes. :) I appreciate you finding the data and writing it up!

Thanks @drutter for the open mind.... now it we can just get our favorite downvoter to do the same.

You need to contact them on Discord.

Thanks for the info.
I didn't have to use 3rd party software to enrich them.... in fact there are several automated and easy ways to do so now, from various front ends, apps, and sites. It's super easy to give SBI your money. But no way to easily or automatically opt out.

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