Australia's Job Network Problem | A Bully Culture?

in #news8 years ago

I have quite a lot of Job Seekers and former staff contacting me, and after speaking to quite a few (over 100 people so far), and then investigating it myself alarms are going off.

There is a huge problem with Job Networks and staff being held accountable for their bully tactics and flat out lies, people aren't getting the help from these networks that they promised, even if people lodge a complaint with the head office, Centrelink or Department of Employment, they do not care and after trying to reach out, I find even the owners of Job Networks across Australia do not care.

So who can the job seekers turn to?

A spokesperson from Centrelink told me that they have no authority over the Job-networks or the DOE, and a employee who I will not name as they still work at centrelink, told me that most of the requests to cancel or suspend payments from job networks are not classed as acceptable requests by centrelink, however, the JNetworks still hold the power over peoples payments and can choose whether or not to have your payment re-instated.

A former worker from a job network called Sarina Russo Job Access stated that there is a, and I quote 'Culture of bullies and bullying"

Another former staff member stated (names withheld for now) stated and I quote "Dreadful leadership, no trust in staff, management spy on email accounts always trying to frame others for their inexperience and mistakes"

Those are only two from the hundreds I have.

It's time Job Networks hold their staff accountable for their bully tactics and lies, it's time for the Department of Employment who is supposed to be the oversight committee to all of them to stop covering up genuine serious complaints and dismissing them to protect the owners of these jobnetworks, it's time the government started thinking about the people genuinely looking for work, instead of handing over job network contracts to their donor friends.

These job networks have very poor statistics in helping people getting employed, these networks aren't helping they are making it worse, they get paid a fee upon THEM finding you a job, the longer you have been out of work the more money they get. If you get a contract they get paid, you come off contract and become unemployed again and they help you again, they get paid. costing Australian taxpayers millions.

This has to stop, there can be a much better, honest system, than this, one that will actually help people and have trained staff that care, there also needs to be a 3rd party HR department in EVERY branch to oversee complaints and lodge them so the in-staff cannot collude and cover-up complaints,

If you or someone you know has a story that has been ignored by the above mentioned agencies, message me or have them message me.

Or even if you used to work at one of these Job-networks, contact me.

It's time we expose these bad organisations, there agenda is not the Australian people, their agenda is only for them and their politician friends.

You the people should come first and it's about time you did!


SNAFU - Situation Normal; All Fucked Up.

You are confusing what the govern-cement "said" that the administration was for, and what it IS for. They have stated that they are there to "help", and we assume that they meant "help the people". But that assumption is false.

What the govern-cement wants, the govern-cement gets.
Always remember this. Watch what they do, not what they say.

The Un-jobs-(completely) un-networked is there to create havoc in the world. To simultaneously get people to rely upon them and then destroy their lives if ever they rely upon them.

Remember this when the govern-cement pushes for a cashless society.
They will not only fuck up every now and then with your money, they will go out of their way to fuck you over.

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