Lack of appetite to want to promote Steemit on twitter

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

#Promo-Steem - Killer Project coming soon


#Steemit - Latest tweet

The latest tweet reads....

#STEEM has already distributed over $40 million worth of rewards to users since its launch in March 2016. Looking out for new talent, inc #Bloggers, #Writers, #Singers, #Musicians, #Artists, #Songwriters, #Photographers, #Dancers, #Cooks, #Gamers & #Celebs

blog. vote. post. EARN


Imagine my disappointment when it only receives 1 retweet and 1 like..!!

Thanks for reading.



You know Stephen, I've been wondering the same thing but I do have a theory. Granted, not based on anything but speculation really.

There is a considerable amount of anarchists on Steem, and most (not all) kind of fled from mainstream social media as a sign of rebellion (i sure did). So, for them using twitter or facebook is a step backwards when it comes to self governance.

Now, I'm with you 100% on the need for us to promote outside of the Steem ecosystem. To an extend it's silly to be cheerleading Steem or Steemit inside our echo chamber. But, I'm also of the idea of being sneaky about the promotion of the Steem blockchain and not so blatant about it.

I'm sure you are familiar with "The Purple Cow" - well if we promote Steem, straight out Steem and less inclusively Steemit. We are not being the purple cow in the slightest.

I'm attempting another approach, and I hope to get enough people on the wagon - because I think that it's best we demonstrate the blockchain in action. Spark curiosity among those who probably have the right mindset and then capitalize on the opportunity when they reach out to us.

You and I share the same mindset when it comes to bringing talent to our ecosystem. However, I'm very careful in the promises I make, because I don't want to create the wrong expectation.

I'm going to follow you on the tweeterdom from now on and help you get the word out. Keep up the good fight.


I'm with you 100% on the need for us to promote outside of the Steem ecosystem. To an extend it's silly to be cheerleading Steem or Steemit inside our echo chamber.

Nailed it..!! This is the message I have struggled to get across for over 18 months. Why promote #Steemit and #Steem to the people who already know about them? What I have always tried to do is promote #Steemit and #Steem to those that have NEVER heard of them..!! Stephen

@meno I think you put it well. Just this week I'm backing away from the mainstream social media sites as I'm not a huge fan and they just seem like a mess to me. There aren't nearly as many intelligent people there and the ones who are there are mixed in with the meh content creators. Here you have to work hard to become recognized but once you do you its easy for others to find you. @stephenkendal you are right in the sense we do need more people to come to a platform like this though, haveing a marketing program growing from within steemit to promot steemit might be the way to pull something like that off!

This is sad very sad :( I don't know why people not promoting this amazing platform :( I know it hurt when you are doing effort and you are not getting against on your efforts. I hope soon people realize their mistake and will start promoting steemit as well as they are promoting #digibyte

Thanks for the support. Stephen

Many people just focuse to on earning from steemit. The people are not awared well from source of income. Steemit is source of income. People are not promoting their income source. They just want to earn earn. This is stupid plain of many people. If you promote steemit then it is chance of increase in income. @stephenkendal you can force the people to promote steemit on social media twitter and facebook

I dont understand why people are not sereiouse about steemit promoting. Twitter is best source of promoting steemit. Many steemians just want to earn. They are not intredted to promoting steemit. That is bad habit. We try to promote steemit for best future. Hope it will help us in future.

I dont understand why people are not serious about steemit promoting.

I have felt like this for over 18 months. Stephen

even i am surprising that steemit is even not more popular at youtube also, i think the steemians need to work hard to get it popular.

I don't know about others, but I'm with you @stephenkendal in promoting steemit because i have seen the potential of your both projects which are purely started to promote steemit. and you are running them amazingly. keep it up!
anything you need from me, just ask for it.

Thank you. Stephen

@stephenkendal don't worry friend.. i am coming to your profile for retweeting and all. I will do all what i can do.

Thank You. Stephen

LIked and retweeted sir <3

steemit is a great and big platform...i don't understand why people doesn't promote this...i am always with you's a great project,,

Thanks for the support. Stephen

Really very wonderful information my friend
It is a wonderful income for people Aziz
I wish you all the best

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