Boy With 46 DD BREASTS that Sued Johnson & Johnson & WON!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Johnson & Johnson Illegally Marketed a Drug to Millions of Kids & Lost a Lawsuit to a Boy with 46 DD Breasts After He Took Their Drug!


Austin Pledger's Story

Truth Fears No Investigation - Let's Investigate!

This is the True Story of Austin Pledger - a seemingly regular boy from Alabama that now suffers from severe autism who 'miracously' started growing breasts at the age of 12 after his doctor prescribed Risperdal (a Johnson & Johnson anti-psychotic drug) to manage his autisic symptons.

Daily Mail Austin Boy with 46DD Breasts.png


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had prohibited Johnson & Johnson salespeople (legal drug dealers) from promoting Risperdal to doctors to treat children (and the eldrely) because of its known side effects which included hormonal disorders.

Risperdal came to the market as an anti-psycotic drug but by the time Austin Pledger was growing breasts, Johnson & Johnson was already raking in more than 50% of its Risperdal revenue from children.

Risperdal Side Effects in Children in Trials.png

Internal emails, sales manuals and business plans produced as evidence in the case against Johnson & Johnson prove that Johnson & Johnson sales teams illegally targeted doctors and promoted that they use Risperdal to treat children and the elderly.

Risperdal is paid for by Medicaid (You, the Taxpayer, and ALL Compensation Claims are also Paid by You, the Taxpayer - Wake Up).

When Johnson & Johnson executives and salespeople (both legal drug dealers) had to finally face a jury they staunchly and heatedly defended themselves.

One (High-Performing, & Exonerated) Sales-Rep Gave Thousands of Risperdal Samples in Child-Sized Doses to Austin Pledger’s doctor. He insisted (under oath) that he did not recall stepping around kiddie furniture and toys as he walked into the office of Austin Pledger's doctor even though Austin Pledger's doctor was a 'Pediatric Neurologist' - further insisting that he had no way of knowing that the doctor was not treating adults.

C'mon - Are People Really This Naive?

The Cost of Doing Business.png

Johnson & Johnson Revenue Makeup.jpg

Johnson & Johnson Liable for $2.2 Billion

US department of justice Johnson & Johnson $2.2 .png

Johnson & Johnson Risperdal 7 year patent cashin.png

CNN Money Johnson & Johnson $168 Million Whistle.png $18 million lawsuit.png

Doctors Paid for Number of Risperdal Prescriptio.png

FCPA Johnson & Johnson Whistleblower collects $1.png

It's all About Marketing and Public Perception / Perception Management i.e. Public Relations (PR).

Risperdal 1997 U.S. Strategic Offense Plan - Internal Marketing Program - Downloadable PDF - Please Look at It

Risperdal 1997 US Strategic Offense Plan Ketchum.png

Johnson & Johnson Ketchum 1996 Victories.png

This is War - WAKE UP!

Johnson & Johnson Ketchum 1996 Arsenal.png

Johnson & Johnson Ketchum 1996 Basic Training.png

Johnson & Johnson Ketchum Media Exposure.png

Ernie Knewitz, Vice President for Media Relations said "In our opinion, significant ambiguity exists about what is or is not permissible regarding the communication of truthful and non-misleading scientific information about FDA-approved pharmaceutical products. Like doctors, patients, and others in the industry, we share an interest in greater regulatory clarity on the rules for appropriate promotion and scientific exchange, and we are working through industry groups to bring clarity and consistency to the rules that apply to those communications.”

I will Expose MANY More of the Roles that PR firms plays in ALL Gov't Departmental Propaganda in Future Posts - I Haven't Even Warmed Up - Health is an Entry Point, There is So Much More that I Intend to Share and it ALL Ties Together, Stick With Me - Here is a Teaser!

Pentagon Paid British PR Firm $500mm To Create F.png

If you care to investigate further you will find that the same pattern emerges in every Big Pharma drug company (dealer), and Every Gov't Dept. The CDC, FDA etc lie and they collude with business, Gov't and science and they are harming people!

I don't have the time to expose every single Big Pharma Company (and/or Gov't Dept) in one post as I am working on multiple stories but I do hope that this post has given you an insight into how the game is played and that you will be encouraged to join me in the Fight to Spread Truth.

BTW - Not One Employee from Johnson & Johnson has ever been Prosecuted (that is another recurring theme)!

I Strongly Encourage you to Search Out Truth - since the day we were born we have been lied to, FACT (and I will prove it)!

If I were to share with you all that I know in one post I could be killed or at best imprisoned in many countries (sounds heavy I know but it's true) so I invite you to join me on a Journey of Discovery, One Post at a Time as we Dive Down the Rabbit Hole

MUST READ - Huffington Post - Unusual Atricle Exposing Big Pharma Fraud

It is Rare for a Mainstream Media Oultet to Cover a Significant Story - Huffington Post yet the Huffington Post have done so on this Rare Occassion and they've done a very good job!

If you enjoyed this post Please Share it.

All Comments, Upvotes and Follow's are Greatly Appreciated and they will Allow Me to Keep Sharing Truth.

Visit My Blog And Follow Me for more Truth




MUST READ - Huffington Post - Unusual Atricle Exposing Big Pharma Fraud

U.S Dept of Justice - Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations

Johnson & Toxin - Whistleblowers

Risperdal 1997 U.S. Strategic Offense Plan - Internal Marketing Program

Autistic man, 20, awarded $2.5million damages after he grew 46DD breasts in anti-psychotic drug side effect

CNN - $168 Million Payout to Johnson & Johnson Whistleblowers

Johnson & Johnson to pay $18M in Whistle-Blower Lawsuit

Pentagon Paid British PR Firm $500mm To Create Fake Al Qaeda Propaganda Videos


Shocking appalling frightening following

You nailed it so succinctly. I can only add one word - Truth!

Thank you for following - they are going to have to kill me or imprison me to stop me spreading truth. I cannot be bought!

I guess it is a good thing that some victims win large settlements against these irresponsible companies. The sad part is that often, even after settling with all the plaintiffs, the companies still come out way ahead because of the profits made selling the crap. If they were held accountable as they should be. They should not be able to profit from selling harmful products at all.

“All the big pharmas” have lawsuits, the analyst concluded, sipping an espresso. “It’s just not a big deal.”

Indeed, with before-tax profits of $20.6 billion for 2014 alone, putting aside $500 million or even $1 billion a year over 15 years to cover payouts for boys with 46DD breasts and other claims that might come along doesn’t put much of a dent in the company’s financials.

As Johnson & Johnson declared in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission three weeks before the analysts’ conference, “In the Company’s opinion … the ultimate outcome of legal proceedings, net of liabilities accrued in the Company’s balance sheet, is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position.”

“All the big pharmas” have lawsuits, the analyst concluded, sipping an espresso. “It’s just not a big deal.”

> “Oh, they’ve already reserved for that stuff,” one of the Wall Street analysts told me during a coffee break. He meant that in Johnson & Johnson’s financials, there had been money taken from earnings and put into a column vaguely called “accrued liabilities,” in order to account for the expected billions that might have to be paid out in verdicts or settlements.

> “It’s their cost of doing business,” the analyst added, perhaps unintentionally echoing the view of one senior J&J lawyer who told me that the cases against his company are the unavoidable price of dealing with a litigation system easily abused by those targeting big corporations."

So many terrible things about this situation. I'll start with the positive though -- at least the victims won the lawsuit of $2.5 million. If this had been a vaccine killing or maiming, they would not have even allowed to sue.
It's despicable that this drug was marketed to children, when it was clearly known to be unsafe for them. But Pharmaceutical companies do that all the time, don't they?
Thirdly, an autistic child should have never been treated with any type of anti-pyschotic drug, as that is not helpful in treating them,and only harmful. Clearly specialists have no idea how to help autistic people. I have heard stories over and over from families that finally stopped all the medical drugs prescribed for autism and went 100% to alternative medicine, because their child was getting worse on the drugs and usually had improvement on more natural methods.

You have raised some very good points.

  1. I agree, this family was 'lucky' (financially) in winning a $2.5M lawsuit however the waiting line (in the US) alone is well over 5,000 families (and they are only the ones with the means and desire to stand up to Big Pharma) and each of these cases takes many years to settle or reach court. Those that finally reach the courts are buried by Big Pharma lawyers and few families that can make it this far (financially, mentally and physically). Big Pharma knows that few families are able to sustain a protracted lawsuit against the Big Pharma Legal Army.

  2. I have friends who's children have been damaged by vaccines that refuse to begin legal proceedings or speak up - that is (just) one reason why I am speaking up. I want to give them courage and I want to do whatever I can to spread this message and stop others having to go through these same experiences.

  3. Risperdal was developed as an anti-psychotic medication - it is marketed to children and the elderly - for profit!

Think about this - mental disorders cannot be scientifically proven e.g. via a blood test, MRI or CAT scan. These 'illnesses' are diagnosed at the sole discretion of doctors and every doctors medical license is at the sole discretion of the Medical Associations and the MA's are bought and paid servants for Big Pharma - its a vicious cycle.

It is no coincidence that mental health issues are on the rise (look at the evidence). The media and Gov't does all that they can to split and divide societies and families and anyone that questions' the system, doesn't fit in, or has a few challenges in life has suddenly become a mental health patient and a prime candidate for Big Pharma meds.

It's a vicious cycle that must be stopped!

That's horrible how hard it is to successfully sue. Thanks for explaining.
Yes, so many things are just called mental health problems just because they don't want to or can't figure out what is physically wrong. I have heard sad tales of people damaged from HPV Vaccine or other vaccines, and the doctors say that they are just faking their systems and need mental health or that the parents aren't parenting properly. It's pathetic.

I'm going to link to this post for people who want to learn more about Risperdal and the scandal behind it. Good work.

This is terrible. The dirtiest of the dirty - play their marketing games on children.

I am wondering if these people have their own kids. Probably not, otherwise I can't imagine how they sleep at night

Some of them do have kids and they also know about the harm that they are doing but they are looking after themselves - Big Pharma pays very well. While I don't want to make excuses for any of them my research also tells me that there are many people working in Big Pharma that simply aren't aware, or don't care to investigate.

It is terrible - thank you for your vote and comment. I appreciate it.

yes that was a perfect post on a less than perfect subject. Just so disgusting and this stuff for me is simply testing !! following for your truth and desire to show it clearly and in straight facts !! steem On @steemtruth )

Thank you very much @gomeravibz I really appreciate it.

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