Interviewing the SteemSTEM Team! - @Katerinaramm

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

The SteemSTEM Team

What do they do? Well, their tasks include searching for new STEM authors, evaluating and reviewing STEM articles, conducting thorough searches for plagiarism and mentoring new authors, making sure that they have a high chance of getting community votes.

A community gets bigger and stronger as its members work together, get to know each other, learn from each other. Evolve. Flourish.

Introducing .. @Katerinaramm!

Time to switch positions and let the interviewer be interviewed. Many people are curious about how exactly she manages to do all the things she does. Being in a scientific environment we unfortunately must discount slowing down time and superposition, but let's hear it from her.


Q: What makes you passionate about SteemSTEM?

A: First of all thank you for taking the time to prepare all these very interesting questions for me. It does feel a bit strange to be the person of focus here, but I hope I can make it alive 'til the end of this interview!

I have always been a huge fan of ongoing education & knowledge. The world around us evolves every second, in every possible way. We cannot just stay still. We need to learn and to take steps in any direction if we ever intend to become better and leave a safer, more humane world for our children.

You may wonder what the above has to do with SteemSTEM? Well, science is all about a continuous quest. A quest to find the truth. This is what makes me passionate about STEM >> SteemSTEM! I saw passion, originality, both in the articles but also in people who were/are devoting time to bring knowledge to the blockchain and thus making it a better place for everyone.

Q: How do you find the time to be so active?

A: This is flattering, thank you, but I do not think I have been so active the last few weeks.

A lot was going on in my personal & business life. Health issues, new projects at work... So all these do not really leave me with much spare time for doing the things I wish to do. However, I try to set priorities and stick to them. I admit that there are times when I have prioritized Steem over my work projects (but I am lucky to have flexible cooperators) so I manage. I hope that winter will be easier, with more spare time for me to do what I have planned.

Q: What do you enjoy doing the most on Steem?

A: Everything! I like answering questions, I enjoy discovering new content, I like providing new information to people who might need some extra help & wish to contribute, and I really love writing (but for this, little time is left :))

Steem is the only online social media entity that has helped broaden my horizons while making some true friends. I am forever grateful for that...

Q: What are you doing in real life?

A: I have a family that I take care of, I am working in the broad digital field aiming at bringing sales & happy customers to my clients while trying to introduce blockchain technology to the people (or other way round) and dreaming of continuing my studies soon.

I also wish to share that I have been practicing TKD for 2 years and I highly recommend to anyone reading this far to take some time off and find an activity they enjoy ... and do it. (Get off the chair / couch / bed...! Your future self will thank you and love you more!)

Q: What do you enjoy reading about? What would you read about that's not on SteemSTEM yet?

A: There are some excellent authors that I enjoy reading new and old articles!!! But one thing I really miss is computer science / blockchain / artificial intelligence related topics. I think that the posts should be somehow connected to the real world and make people think "Oh, I would love to know that, I was always wondering about it"!
(I have to mention here that @Abigail-dantes is amazing in using her own stories when explaining difficult pshycological concepts)

Q: Can you remember the first article that you voted on that made you say "WOW"?

A: I enjoy reading so much SteemSTEM content when I have the time and there are so many authors who write the most amazing articles! I can mention a few on the top of my head (please sorry if I forget anyone) - suesa's stories, alexander.alexis, abigail-dantes, samminator, ruth-girl, lemouth (even though I barely understand what he writes), mobbs, (I of course remember trumpman stories(!)), the debunk series by Egotheist, the amazing articles by scienceangel, mathowl, scienceblocks, and I am sure I am forgetting many others (apologies ...)

But if I should absolutely remember one, It would be this one: Heat Your House Using Cats; Real Science Inside!

Q: Talking about SteemSTEM promotion, what was the most effective way of reaching out to people? What was the funniest fail?

A: I think that at the moment the most effective way of reaching out is when we see genuine, original posts combined with the author's personal touch & point of view. This usually means that the writer is not looking for rewards, but is writing for the joy of it and will surely be happy to find a community with like-minded people from all over the world! (SteemSTEM)

Funniest fail ... I do not remember any funny ones at the moment, sorry!

Q: Do you have any personal projects or any plans regarding Steem?

A: I wish to find the time for prioritizing my projects and then work on them :)

Currently I am:

  • Assisting in the SteemSTEM public relations team & honor members team, on-boarding new members and helping with questions

  • Helping bringing education closer to the Steem people, via the official account of the Master in Digital Currencies by the University of Nicosia (@mscdigital)

  • Curating for the Greek Community @greek-trail and supporting Greeks

  • A proud member of the - Greek Translation Team, with great Language Managers, @ruth-girl, @dimitrisp and the most amazing team (@lordneroo & @trumpman ) (powered by @utopian-io & @davinci.witness)

  • Moderating and helping with writing informative content about the new fitness app @actifit

  • Occasionally contributing for @utopian-io at the blog & tutorial category

Q: Apart from reading your in-depth tutorials, what would you recommend to the new SteemSTEM bloggers?

A: I recommend to anyone joining steem(it) and SteemSTEM...

  • Please do not think you know it all. Be humble, open your mind to new things and listen to what the more experienced users have to suggest.

  • Make sure you have clear expectations. It is ok to be here just for fun, it is even ok to be here for making money. However it is important to be honest, straightforward and modest. If you are here to stay, if you are here to cheat, if you are here to lie -> This will be revealed.

(Not sure if some of these articles would be useful to anyone reading this?)

Q: What would you do if you got 100k (one hundred thousand) Steem tomorrow? How would it change your activity, what would you support and how?

A: Highly hypothetical questions result to extreme hypothetical answers... And since it ain't happening, I do not wish to put much thought to it. Sorry to disappoint you :)

It is best to have a new goal and to create the opportunities / path towards it.

Thanks a lot for your responses, Katerinaramm

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Thank you @steemstem for your vote of trust and thank you @alexdory for coming up with these questions :)

I am famous, yeahhhhh!

Of course you are famous Kate 😊❤️


Quite an interview! Smart nd brilliant answers from her.
Well done steemstem
This is more like it, hoping to read more about others.

In due time, in due time my friend. We try for 6 weeks to release one interview every week. Everyone will get his/her own :)

This was the most awaited interview! You are the first person I interacted with on steemstem and you were an excellent mentor. Even now when I have myself become a mentor I kind of always think while replying how would you answer this query. I was super excited to see that you remembered me in your list.

Ah! I really wanted to know the hypothetical answer just for fun. Esp given the glitch in our wallet balance right now 😂. But fine.

Amazing interview. Thanks for sharing.

I am very proud to have been one of the first persons to talk with you and provide you some useful info (that you would figure out any way : ))
Thank you so much for your kind words " :)

Which glitch? I guess I missed something...

Oh, last week the wallets were showing the estimates account value to be in billions. It was like a dream come true for a second before you realized that no body is buying your steem at that price. ☹

Hi @Katerinaramm, there is no doubt your one of the most valued people of steemstem so I don't think it is strange for you to be an interviewee. Great to see that acknowledged here, big thumbs up from me 👍

Thank you Terry!

I think the strange thing consists in being on the other side of the mic, if we can talk, or actually write, about a mic. Except this little detail, kat definitely deserves her interview, like everyone from SteemSTEM :)

@katerinaramm I would like to ask an important but missing question in this. What is the secret of your patience? :P Tell us your secret.

I am a very very very patient person in my life. Really. I am.
No secret, I just believe in the good in people.
However if I feel being lied to, or insulted .. Patience is immediately replaced with other feelings & actions":P

Thank you for the reply Kat. :)

I would bet on "kids" :)

The way you convey so much positivity fascinates me Kate. You talk with passion about SteemSTEM, about your projects on the platform, your life, your TKD, your job, your future studies, and other people. It is truly beautiful to read! In my imagination you definetly wear a cape that says on the back: SK (super kate). You bring inspiration to all of us and we all look up to you here. You are loved around these quarters ❤️🌷

Thank you for your constant encouragement towards my work! It means a lot to me. Thank you Alex for giving us this opportunity to know a little more about our dear @katerinaramm

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words my dear Abi!
You are one of the invaluable sunshines in SteemSTEM and in the Blockchain.. 💙

That is totally true! Kat is definitely invaluable for the SteemSTEM project!

Hey @lemouth! It looks like you have been busy. I hadn't seen you in a while :) Yeah ... Kate is our little gem !

I was lying in a place with very little Internet connectivity. I was not even able to skype my family for a week :(

Now I am back in a better connected place of the world (i.e. Tokyo), so that one will have to count on me again ;)

Oh no! Well, glad to see you connected again 😊

I've known @katerinaramm for sometime now; she's an amazing SteemSTEM honour member and a friend. Keep being awesome.
Thanks for the mention, Kate.

PS: You do Taekwondo? That's great. I've been practicing Taekwondo for some few years now, though I'm not as much active as I was. But I can still kick arses though 😂😂

Then I should be careful not to piss you off the next time we will meet (I am confident this will happen at some point).

I'm confident it would happen sooner than we think.
And I promise not to kick your arse :)

Thank you Kat for taking the time to help me on the Discord channel as I was first learning.

Science is a quest to find the truth. Love that quote :)

Not only to find the truth, but to understand how it works :)

Can I heat my house using dogs? :D

Interesting interview.

My advice: use cows instead!

I'd consider that as long as I can expand my tiny room to fit such a giant pet :)

Then you would only need one single cow :)

dogs burn energy through running and playing.
It would be inefficient, since you need to feed them tons of food every month. But yes!

I do agree that dogs run a lot. I'd definitely look into getting cats since they are more efficient house warmers :)

Cats do sleep 20 hours a day (more or less..)
I highly recommend them :)

Cat wins. I'd source for one. Wish me luck :)

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