DIY Recycling - Finding Valuable Things And Giving Them To My Friends, Because That's Better Than The Money

in #diy5 years ago (edited)

I find and sell a ton of recycled household goods. Sometimes I give them away to my friends or family who told me they want or need something. Sure, I can sell these items and make money instead, but I don't care.

This gives me good motivation because I want to help them. I look a little harder when someone has given me a wish list.

On a bigger scale, I'm also starting to wonder how I can more formally salvage many of the items I simply can't take in and channel them to thrift stores or churches, etc.. There is so much I find but can't take that it's a bit depressing. First, screw the people who throw this stuff out without giving them to those in need nearby. Second, I feel some sense of moral responsibility to fix this situation on a bigger level than my two hands and city apartment can currently support.

Anyway, while I'd love to post selfies of myself for more rewards that I can also self-upvote, here are four examples from the last few months instead:

1 -- Brand new $125 computer chair (one of two found here).

Same chair in my baseball teammate's apartment.

2 -- My best friend needed a compact wireless printer. Found this and gave it to him within a week.

3 -- Same friend mentioned that his Magic Bullet NutriBullet burned out. I had one from the curbs I hadn't listed yet that I gave him without a second thought.

4 -- Some may have seen my previous posts on this Le Creuset dutch oven I found, cleaned extensively with elbow grease, bleached several times for days, and gave to my friend for free because she always gave me food when I visited. It was worth about $150.

She surprised me with a luxury briefcase in return and more food when I went to drop it off. I sold the briefcase for $665. Not a bad end to that story.

Imagine more of the same. Another example without a picture is a brand new Breg orthopedic knee wrap I gave away to a friend who hurt his knee.

Again, we can sit on our hands and expect others to save great items from unnecessary waste, or we can make an impact outside of putting some things in colored bins.

Click to see my most recent recycling for profit post for $1,275 in free revenue.

Thanks for visiting,


ǝɹǝɥ sɐʍ ɹoʇɐɹnƆ pɐW ǝɥ┴

A hero in the making. Thank you.

Dude. You are an animal.

You also said Dutch oven...

Haha you made me have a tiny panic that I used the wrong term for that, but it’s just an awesome coincidence.

lol...nope...I just keep up on the latest fart terminology.

Amazing. Where dyou live btw?

There's no where near as much wealth and wastefulness in my local area!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks man. Please check out the link at the bottom of this post to see the comments section for sample pics I included of what my curbs often look like (or to some degree). It's borderline insane to see it (also 28 other examples of things I've just sold). I prefer to not share my city publicly, but it's a big one. Ping me on discord at #9927 if you'd ever want to learn more.

Adding to my reply, just found these two printers and a $100 Miele Vacuum canister that works in the last 20 minutes. These were just on the second street from my apartment and I have an hour of walking left.

Update - just found a third printer, same as the top one just after returning the first pair to my place.


I get you about not wanting to share... I was thinking London - at least the wealthier parts will have skips full of similar.

However the density probably means the waste getting snapped up faster too.

Still you're making the most of a great opportunity!

Posted using Partiko Android

Not only do you make money, you increase relationships by pickin'! :D

I put a lot of faith in the adage “what goes around comes around.” This dog will have its day eventually. Glad you caught this. More to come.

Dude! Wicked great finds, it's hard to accept that people just throw away brand new stuff like you're showing here. Very cool giving them to your friends.

I’ve found and sold thousands of these types of things for free. It’s borderline insane. Stay tuned for more. Sometimes I don’t even believe it. I’ll try to post a “favorite curb picks” post in due time so you can see some whoppers. Thanks for checking this out.

I'm definitely looking forward to your new finds. So do you have certain neighborhoods you scope out from time to time? Are you selling through Facebook marketplace, Lego, and offer up apps?

Posted using Partiko Android

I usually almost always cover the immediate area around my apartment. My eyes are always peeled when I see stuff when living normal life on the curbs in other areas and am quick to snipe it.

I just go on foot and hand carry stuff back or take a cab if it's too much or heavy. I like to use my muscle for as much as possible to keep it in the right spirit. Each weekday is a specific street recycling zone, so I just walk some or all of the territory here until I get a good enough score, or check the box that I looked everywhere I could. I also thrift during the day at times, but I don't need that much anymore.

If I covered more territory myself, I'd rather easily pull a substantial amount of valuable goods that would make your head spin. On average, there's something pretty good every other block/ave or so. Sometimes there's a pile that's a goldmine and I'm set, but keep pushing after I bring it back.

Once I get a partner or more space, I can scale up and then start covering other areas. The money potential is off the charts here. If I could hit 4 zones a night, it's thousands of dollars for the taking without question. I'm on the right vein here. Just need more hands or help.

I usually sell on eBay and Craigslist, with a little on Etsy.

You're a good cookie, matt

Posted using Partiko Android

Please tell this to non-superficial, smart, and down-to-earth single ladies. Thanks for the compliment and support. It keeps me driven.

Wow, that's really generous of you! I love all the treasures that you can find and flip or move along to a friend!

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