Did you know? #22 - Fact vs. Fiction about Satanism

in #blog7 years ago

Fact vs. Fiction about Satanism

The 1990s and early 2000’s were definitely quite a discriminate time for members of the Church of Satan. With popular metal music that rocked out in the name of Satan that some say influenced the infamous Columbine shootings in 1996, there was plenty of talk to go around. However, what most people don’t know is that most metal bands proudly proclaim the name of Satan for entertainment purposes only and don’t actually rape or kill in the name of Satan. The Columbine shootings and other related incidents are completely rooted in extreme untreated mental illness rather than some spiritual misleading. In fact, most modern Satanists don’t even worship Satan at all. In this article, we’ll discuss common misconceptions in terms of the esoteric religion and perhaps help others to gain some clarity on the subject once and for all. In accordance to their nine Satanic Statements (similar to the ten commandments), “Satan represents indulgence in earthly things rather than abstinence!”

Photo Source: Pixabay

Fiction Satanists worship Satan


Satanists do not actually worship Satan or anything else for that matter. Instead, Satanism is used within this religion as a metaphor for their belief in the manifestation of the free will. They state that it’s simply a symbol for their love and admiration for things of the earth and that all humans should treat each other equally. To be completely clear on the matter, Satanists do not worship anything (especially not Satan himself) or view anything as a higher being.


Upside Down Crosses Signify Satanism


Contrary to popular belief made possible by Hollywood, seeing a cross that is hanging upside down is actually not the sign that a demon or the devil himself is at work. The upside down cross is actually symbolizes humility and respect. Even ancient texts have noted that those who have been sentenced to death by crucifixion have requested that their cross be hung upside down so as to not disrespect the sacred way in which Jesus Christ was crucified.


Satanists sacrifice children and animals to the devil.


This is yet another product of the cinema and old historical documents from more barbaric times (think 1400s and prior). No one that claims to be a Satanist actually sacrifices anything whatsoever to Satan. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Touching again on their belief that all humans should be treated fairly and equally, Satanists pride themselves on being as nonaggressive as possible and hold quite a hatred for violence.


Satanists hold Black Masses and Partake in Grotesque Rituals


Yes, Satanists do hold Black Masses, and some of them do go- but it’s nothing like what one would think. It’s a friendly and openly communicative time of fellowship and discussion of different ideals. A demon’s name may be mentioned, but Satanists view demons as people and believe that they should be treated as such. It’s their belief that demons usually act out because they are treated so terribly by “magic dabblers” who don’t really know what they’re doing. They believe that if treated the right way, they can actually be helpful, useful, and friendly. Otherwise, black mass is actually incredibly similar to the way you may think of going to church in a Christian type of religion.


Satanists Regularly Participate in Orgies


Remember how we discussed that Satanists are all about indulgence of earthly things? Well, the flesh is definitely one type of earthly indulgence- but they do not hold orgies for Satan or even pressure it. They simply openly speak about free love and enjoying the more physical pleasures in this life more than the usual Christian person would. Satanists in all sectors are actually very vocal in speaking out against rape and nonconsensual sex and believe it to be a terrible thing.


Satanists possess magical powers


While some sectors of Satanism do partake in magic and spells, it’s more for vibrational energy and personal spiritual purposes rather than setting churches on fire simply by snapping their fingers. They do not sell their souls to the devil in exchange for magical powers or mind-reading skills, or anything else that might sound similar.

This article was written with the hope of opening more minds to alternative beliefs. Just because the media has portrayed something badly doesn’t mean that it is actually just that way. Satanists are often active community members and believe in helping anyone and everyone that they can. The name of the religion can be a little off-putting, but if a family of Satanists moves in next door, perhaps you should treat them just as you would if they were any other religion, or even none at all.


Some interesting facts thanks for sharing :)

nice one...upvoted !

This might be a little naiive.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he didn't exist."

Anything is possible, possibly anything :)

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