5 Things That Make a Great Barista

in #barista8 years ago

 Baristas are not normal people. 

 They are usually creative but a little obsessed, are extremely hard  working but still don’t like the idea of working 9-5 Monday to Friday,  communicate through their own weird code like “S C” for Skim Cap, and  furthermore, to wind down after they finish work, they watch latte art  videos or read articles about coffee. Quite a unique bunch. 

 Perhaps though, it’s these strange attributes that set the mere ‘good barista’ from the ‘great barista’. 

 Let’s take a look into what distinguishes a great barista from the rest. 

 Here are 5 things that make a great barista: 

1. They are fantastic communicators

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 A barista’s role isn’t just to make coffee behind the machine, but to  be the boss of small talk – sometimes to the extent of almost being an  unlicensed therapist or an entertainer/comedian to brighten that  customer’s day. They are highly skilled communicators that are also  balancing their attention to the customers with the rest of the team to  ensure all gears are running smoothly. A great barista naturally  communicates to the rest of the team with the least room for error and  speaks up when it needs to be done. A common attribute to a great  barista is charisma and their ability to speak in a charming or friendly  manner – they are pretty much siiickkkk people to work with. 

2.  Calm under pressure

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 It’s a public holiday and two staff called in sick. The aircon also  happens to be broken that day in the middle of summer, and to top it all  off, the POS system keeps getting errors. A great barista will not  crumble but instead focus and find a way to get through the rush. Either  by coming up with solutions such as sweet talking to the customers so  they are understanding of the current pickle they are in, or by taking  control by delegating roles in a calm fashion, they will somehow come up  with a way to persevere the next hour or more. A great barista is  pleasant to work with and will show their fullest potential in  maintaining quality and customer service when it’s crunch time. 

3.  Attention to detail

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 From the extraction of the pour to the way they texture milk,  attention to detail is key to consistency and quality. Another must to a  great barista is cleanliness and organisation as they know their  systematic way will prevent accidents and pump out coffee in the most  hygienic and efficient way. They will not only dose the same amount or  carefully watch the extraction each time, but they also achieve to do  all this with great precision and speed. 

4.Gives the customer what they want

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 Yes, it is annoying to make a babycino. Yes, it is harder to steam  and pour with soy than full cream milk. No, I don’t want to make you a  half skim, half full cream, 4 sugars and 48 degree flat white with  chocolate on top. But a great barista will swallow their pride and give  the customer what they want, even when it might be one of those ‘nothing  is working out’ sort of days. A great barista is sensitive and will  both accommodate and value the customer’s wants and needs. Instead of  being annoyed, they are creative and think up a solution instead. For  example, rather than being rude or agressive, he or she may kindly  suggest/recommend to the customer a new drink on the menu will be  perfect for them or devise a quick method to make their drink (assuming  this is for a picky regular customer). Rather than sulking, they will  use their creativity to find a solution to the problem. 

5. They are constantly bettering themselves

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 A great barista will find ways to improve themselves. If they know  exercise will help with their endurance levels, then they will  incorporate some exercise into their daily routine. If they need to wake  up 30 minutes earlier to set up to prep, they will make that sacrifice  to better their performance. 

  They will also constantly find ways to fine tune their skills. They will  study the science behind the chemistry behind making coffee if need  be, or work on improving their taste buds to pick up any flaws in the  roasting process or appreciate the different notes in coffee. 

 Props to you if you’re a barista and you came to read this to find  new ways to better yourself and improve! Maybe you’re already a great  barista that encompasses all of the above without you even knowing it! 

 Baristas are curious people who live in their strange world of coffee  that need to be acknowledged for their hard work and passion. It is  time for us to realise that the barista is more than the dude who makes  coffee, but they are also the therapist, the rock, the supporter, the  friendly guy/gal, the scientist, the problem solver… the list goes on.  Do you have what it takes to be a great barista? 


I just upvoted you! But, Why Does One Person Get To Decide for us all? Know the truth.

My boyfriend should read this post , he is a barman too and i think this post give very good suggestions!

If this post was helpful for you,
I thank you very much. :)

Yes i will tell him this suggestions ;) I hope it will be helpful for him =)

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