THE BLOG SPOTLIGHT - Sharing GREAT Steemit Posts! (3rd May 2024)

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Ready to dive into the good stuff?

We've combed through the wild world of Steemit and stumbled upon some real gems. Get ready to step into the minds and lives of both seasoned pros and those just starting to flex their creative muscles.

Our mission? To bring you a cool collection of awesome blogs that'll light up your curiosity, fuel your imagination, and have you craving more!


NB: Selected content is not just for posts which appear to to be "excellent" on face value - it is also about encouraging growth in writers and recognising effort - so please remember... we are ALL learning here! If you are not learning, you are not growing! A little bit of engagement and encouragement can go a long way.

So, let's give a virtual high-five to the amazing content creators who make Steemit the rad universe of captivating content that it is! Sharing is caring as they say, so please DO show some upvote & share support to the ones which you really enjoy!

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Our objective is to help you grow

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Let's highlight the great content on Steemit!

It is impossible to find ALL the good content out there, so if you feel that one of your posts deserves some more love and attention or you would just like to share it because you believe it to be a good piece - please drop the link in the comments and I will do my best to get to as many as possible (within reason). Also - if you have spotted a really awesome blog by someone else, please feel free to share that in the comments too!

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Right! Now that all the logistical mumbo jumbo is out the way, let's move on to the featured content!


3rd May 2024



Bookmarks for Steemit – Step 1: Hivemind Update

written by @moecki

I first introduced the idea of bookmarks for Steemit about four months ago. Four months is usually a long time for a feature like this. But if you consider that I'm doing this alongside my work, the family and the interaction here on the Steem, I think that's pretty good.



Picking up our first PINK PEPPERS of the year for free in the nature!!!

written by @progressivechef

As usual I've been very busy recently, but this did not stop me from going out and pick up some fresh pink peppers along the roadside near my house! Yeah...they are for free!!! I picked up the best ones I found...the biggest of all!!! These peppers are sold very expensive but they are not famous in Mauritian cuisine that's why we can find so much out there in the nature and for free... But in other countries, they are well used and very famous!




written by @wakeupkitty

Not a living soul had entered the domain of the once famous scientist. No one back then seemed to remember what had happened. The famous scientist was gone from one day to the next. Some said they'd heard a van in the middle of the night driving away, others claimed he was shot or kidnapped because he found the antidote to fight the created virus set free from his lab. Was it quilt that had made him leave and made the people in the wide area guess and gossip? A bad name is usually hard to forget.



Оновлення моєї бібліотеки - Upgrades for my Library

written by @inber

Yesterday, my husband and I reorganized our ever-growing home library, so I decided to tell you about it. Recently, I discovered invisible shelves for myself, if anyone needs them, I will give the manufacturer's contacts. They are made of metal, their base is slightly smaller than a standard book cover, and they have two hooks on the bottom that the cover clings to. And then you can put as many books as you want on top, it will seem as if they are hanging in the air. I really like different unusual interior solutions, so of course I couldn't pass it by.



Art Attack #181: A Spooky Meme with the Bois 🪦

written by

Hey Steemit! We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!


Hope you enjoyed today's content selections!

Until next time...


much love,

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