#club75 - Programming vs web development

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

Goods day lovely steemians, how are you all doing na? I hope you all are doing well? Today I am gonna start new tutorial on our community, and hope you all would follow up and encourage me to continue. Our today world is moving into a computerized era where transaction, communication, work and other important activities are done online with the the aid of a computer system.

Note: Your phones is also a type of computer because the phone has a CPU and every other the a desktop computer has.

And to succeed you must move along with the latest trend, and to hit it big now and in future it's advisable you pick up one of the skills under this trend. They are so many skills to select from but there is one that can't get outdated and less needed no matter what happens and this skill is known as Programming.



Is programming and web development same?

Many people have been debating this and mistakenly inter using the two words but I say to you today that programming and web development are not same thing, although they have just few things in common.

In the simplest definition

Programming is the process of writing program (Source code or byte Code), thats is to say it's act of ordering your system to do a job and how to do the job as you wish while
Web development is the process of developing to the web, for easy and efficient user interaction.

Note: I am using the most simplest way, so that anyone even a child will understand. So don't write this definition on any exam 😁. I just want you all to get the basic concept behind all those big Grammar online.

Web development vs Programming
Web developmentsProgramming
Deals with HTML, Cascading Style Sheet, PHP, JavaScript etc.Programming deals on Phyton, Java,C#,C++ etc
A Web Developer practice front end developmentA Programmer practice back end development
A Web developer just need any editor and a browse he or she is good to goA Programmer need an editor, compiler, interpreter and other tools to run his or her code
Web Development is far more easierProgramming is very hard, technical and logical when compared to web development.
In web development HTML, CSS and JavaScript are not independent of each other because just HTML can't produce a complete and standard site with out CSS and JavaScript.Phyton alone can be used to develop a standard and complete program without Java or C++.
Web development is usually harder to read because It's composed of more than one languageProgramming is far more easier to read because it mostly composed of just one programming language
Any one who develop site is called a web developersAny one who programs code site is called a programmer
Web developer make use of scripting language to workProgrammers make use of programming language.
In Web development you you don need to import librariesin Programming you need to write import different libraries to perform standard programming in.
You don't need to assign variables in Web development (note: you can assign variables using JavaScript but it's not always necessary)In Programming you always need to assign variables.
You don't make uses of Class, Object or method in web developmentYou must come across Class, Object or method when programming especially when doing Object Oriented programming.

Both in programming and web development, you can't memorize every code, so just memorize the one u need urgently. The best way to learn is to learn the work or use case of each code and library on the specific on the coding language

The both make use of comments: Comment are line of code that are note ignored by a compiler, that's say when running your code that comment are ignored. Commented are not just code they are used to tell a reader what is happening at a particular line of code.


In web development it usually by writing what you wish in between.

Any time. I write it on steemit editor it replies as you see now (html comment removed: ... ), though I don't know why maybe @steemcurator01 @the-gorilla
@steemchiller @remlaps @starlord2 @etainclub could have an explanationnfor us, moreover we learn everyday



While in Java it is" // please Input your one line comment here
/* write your multi line comment here */. They are so many syntax in different programming language. Just remember the comment are not executable.


Course outline

✓ Programming vs web development
✓ Class, Object, Method and Functions
✓Datatypes and Variables
°Primitive Datatypes
°Variable Names
°Numeric Literals
°Character Literals
°Non-Primitive Datatypes

✓ Operators and Expressions
°Assignment Operator
°Arithmetic Operators
°Relational Operators
°Logical Operators
°Increment and Decrement Operators
°Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.)
°The Conditional Operator
°Operator Precedence
°Implicit Type Conversions
°The Cast Operator
° Escape

✓ Control Flow
°Conditional (if) Statements
°Adding an else if
°Conditional (switch) Statements
°While and do-while Loops
° For Loops
° Switch
°The continue Statement
°The break Statement

✓ Exception Handling
° Exceptions Overview
° Catching Exceptions
° The finally Block
° Exception Methods
° Declaring Exceptions
° Defining and Throwing Exceptions
° Errors and RuntimeExceptions

✓ Input/Output Streams
° Overview of Streams
° Bytes vs. Characters
° Converting Byte Streams to Character
° Streams
° File Object

✓ Object-Oriented Programming
° Introduction to Object-Oriented
°Fields and Methods
° Encapsulation
° Inheritance
° Polymorphism

✓ Objects and Classes
° Function
° Defining a Class
°Creating an Object
° Constructors


I believe you will love and understand better as we move along, please resteem so I could get more audience to share my knowledge for free.I will be back tomorrow with the full programming lesson. Thanks for your time hope you learnt something new today.



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