Gameifying the Billion Hero ChallengesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #hero7 years ago

Explaining the Billion Hero Challenge to the digital currency community is far different than how it will be explained to the masses. There will be many ways - that's part of the game.

You could put up a web site that explains that people can earn 5% by putting their existing nest eggs into HEROs or speculate on the value of the BitShares Sovereign Software Company that manages them and how those will have, by definition, grown by 1000x by the time the billion-hero-prize is awarded.

How boring.

Fiscal responsibility is for financial geeks.

But give me training wrapped in a game supporting a cause I care about? Now we're talking!

This is what we have to get through our heads.
People need to be able to join the challenge without knowing its good for them!

Gameification 101

The essence of Gameification, as we learned in Hollywood last month, is not requiring a user to understand the game before she can start playing. There are levels of competence. You don't encounter Bionic Godzilla in Level One.

Completing each level should be mildly challenging and rewarding and result in skills that can be applied at the next level.

By the time you get to Level 33 - users will be trading financial derivatives and buying yachts with their surplus retirement funds.

But not at Level One.

This is how Consumer Reality Services plans to win the Billion Hero Prize. I know none of the details. But I did take their training.

But this is what I want to build into our new mainstream-oriented web site at

You show up there at Level One in my game.

My goal is to make you a Game Master who is developing your own game -- one better than mine. One which will graduate more economically savvy HERO heroes.

But first, you need a BitShares account.

A simple game example

You go to the front page and meet a group of celebrities and their causes.
They all ask you to help them win a big chunk of the billion-hero-prize.

Your job is to VOTE for the one cause you like best.

Poof. You get asked to join their team and get issued your Team Membership Kit.

It includes a personalized letter from the celebrity hero emailed to you with Something of Nominal Value - Free Game Tokens.

You are now registered with a BitShares account that has its proxy set to vote for that team leader's account.

It also comes with that celebrity hero's IT manager's account as a co-signer in case you lose your keys because you're too much of an irresponsible noob to back them up and write them down ...even though we told you to do so in bold red letters when you first created it. Three. Freaking. Times!

...but I digress.

(You be taught to remove the co-signer later, at Level Seven, when you're all grown up and responsible like me.)

I'll leave it to your imagination how you will be led to do certain tasks that help your team and teach you stuff that makes you competent at moving worthless tokens around while improving your team's overall score in the Quest to win a chunk of the billion-hero-prize.

Eventually, you are made aware of the fact that there are more valuable tokens that make you more powerful at helping your team win. You are showed how you can even spend them on beer at your local 7-11 using your team-branded HERO debit card.

Naturally, you are informed that your team needs to score just this much more to move ahead of the next team on the totem pole. There will be suggestions on what you can do. Save your lunch money. Do a bake sale. Start a company. Put on a global concert tour... or at least attend one.

When you get to the level where you are helping to bail out Argentina, you will have been thoroughly briefed on all the details of the BitShares Decentralized Exchange, Smartcoin Factory, and Robotically Honest Global Financial System.

But not at Level One.


Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the Sovereign Hero

About the Author -- Stan Larimer

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I really hate to be the big mean naysayer, but isn't this the same kind of marketing strategy Matt Trainer had when he tried to get into Steemit?

Promise people the game you're working on is going to be worth "trillions", bring celebrities into the mix, create a rushed mentality with phrases like "don't miss out" and "By the time you get to Level 33 - users will be trading financial derivatives and buying yachts with their surplus retirement funds.", as well as talking down to potential recruits with things like "It also comes with that celebrity hero's IT manager's account as a co-signer in case you lose your keys because you're too much of an irresponsible noob to back them up and write them down ...even though we told you to do so in bold red letters when you first created it. Three. Freaking. Times!", yet there is no evidence anywhere on this post or that website, that a game actually exists.

I'm not saying you're full of hot air, I'm just saying this type of marketing ploy leaves a greasy taste in my mouth... Just please don't ban me from your game, because I want to test whether this is what it says it is like I have so many "opportunities" in the past.

I think his signature says it all

'Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the Sovereign Hero'

so i went and bought 1 hero worth ;)

I know who he is, but after the Matt Trainer fiasco, and my years of experience discerning "good opportunities" from things like MLM's and outright ponzi schemes. WHICH I"M NOT SAYING THIS IS, because there isn't enough information in this post or the website to even know what the opportunity is. I only see hype, and I don't go for hype.

if you understand how a Hero is created then you will understand how this "game" works. This is what Matt was trying to bring for steemit, leveraging the inherent value creating core of the platform to draw in more users and drive the value up for everybody. But the community told him to fuck off so now they are doing it for Bitshares.

  1. $1,000,000 prize pool donated, secured by 4th july - competition starts

  2. 12 teams incentivised to create as many Hero's as they can, and teaching them how to spend those Hero's like cash.

  3. Increased network activity drives up the value of Bts. Players can create more Hero's and spend them, value of the prize pool goes up with the $ amount of BTS.

  4. prize pool totals $1,000,000,000 and is distributed to the winners - every single player.

It's gamification and it's ingenious, and with support from celebreties it will bring crypto to the masses and show them it's for more than just drugs or money laundering.

I'll be happy to see it.

Close. BitShares was always home base. Matt had an idea how to involve Steemit. But the final concept of donating toward a billion dollar prize was simply given to me within hours of doing our presentation in Hollywood. That's called "just in time inspiration" and I have to give credit where credit is due. Hint - not me.

Anyone who knows me for the past four years knows how I talk.

"You need to think BIGGER, Pinky"

I briefed this game at Matt's big Hollywood Event and the Studio Audience cheered.

Matt loved the idea and decided to come up with his own game which he offered to Steemit on a silver platter.

The Hero will serve many constituencies from very serious to very fun to very corny to very greasy. Get over it.

Heard. I'm always down for new games.

Pretty cool idea, the website I am getting when I try your link is a spoof. It's security certificate was self signed yesterday July 15 2017 and it is an unresponsive site when security is bypasses.
Please check your DNS this could be a big security breach, thanks.

it should be working now

way to go McFly!

And that means what?

back to the future lol

I igonored the warning and the site looks pretty good - just needs a paid https
how does a person set up an https that signs cert with steeemit keys ?

Yeah I did the same but try to navigate it's frozen.
Maybe I'm paranoid but something of this caliber can easily afford a signed certificate!

Gamification will do great as many top firms are picking interest..Thanks for sharing

Gamification is starting to get more noticed by firms and many have implemented it successfully

Nice idea!

dammit another game to play - but i get chrome error - connection not private !!!
you should fix the https ;)

Thanks for sharing! Upvoted and followed you!

nice work sir...followed and upvpted

Nice idea! keep up the good work. I will check it out when i get home.

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