Life is an anecdote | #7 | No way to pay, a lost camera, and The Lady

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Greetings, dear Soyrosa

I saw from your writing that you are a very empathetic person. This is really cool. How good that you consider others.

I thought your story was pretty funny. Thank you and good night!!!!

Thanks @julisavio! Yes, I'm very empathic, which can be a good thing, the downside is I hold other people to very high standards which can make me disappointed in them very quickly as well! :-)

Glad you found the story funny! Thanks for stopping by for a reply!

Ahahah. I am laughing because everything ended up well.

Yeah, French are cold like that. And that minimum charge amount for cards is quite normal, as they need to pay a fee for every transaction. It doesn't make sense to charge a costumer 2€ if they need to pay 1.5€ for the transaction. Or whatever is the fee they pay.

Here in Portugal the minimum is 5€.

A worse thing happened to me in the UK. I had to pay for a beer, which was 3.5£. The lady said she couldn't charge less than 5£, so I told her "that's OK, I'll drink another one afterwards. You can charge for both."

Then, after I pay, she brings me two 1L beers at once and says "drink quickly because we close in 15 minutes."

Really? She couldn't warn me before!?

LOL! Your story is even funnier - that's just crude! 2 liter of beer in 15 minutes? Even the Brits don't do that! (And they can drink a lot quite fast!)

Oh yes, last winter I was in Lisbon, and I ordered some empenadas, wanted to pay by card, and the guy said NO! Now you have to know, I was visibly having pain that day, walking with a stick even, so he was actually feeling awful that he had to say no, because: the nearest cash machine was quite a steep alley down (you know how Lisbon can be) and I had just walked that alley upwards, only to walk down and up again to pay my 4 euros :')

The empenadas were delicious though :D

They gave me an extra 10 minutes while they were cleaning up. And I managed to drink nearly everything. I never got so drunk so fast. 😅

Ugh - 2 liters of beer - beer belly! LOL! :')

It is always the first thing I ask in all the shops/bars that I visit "do you take card?". To avoid exactly this! But I find it interesting to see how you perceived this as her problem where I would consider this my problem :)

Well, it felt like my problem, but I also felt she would want us to pay. She mumbled at some point 'I have to be able to explain it to my boss' (as a reaction to not let us pay by card for the low amount) so she certainly sort of showed she felt it was a problem for her too :-) But putting the work to find a solution with us.

The customer needs to make sure he/she can pay. The business needs to make sure he/she can accept pay. We both did what we needed to do, only our methods didn't match. So in my mind we had to work together to solve the shared problem.

(But well, the most important lesson is indeed to ask for card payment possibilities from now on :'))

Coffee for 2 10 Euro
Dumb looks and shitty attitude free.

I'm glad you got your camera back. I've never completely lost the camera but I have assumed firing position to a dead battery more than once :)

Thanks Soyrosa. This seriously made me giggle.

Glad my horror story made you laugh @bigtom13 :')

It didn't mean to make light of your problems, not at all. It's just that is so much the way I travel, I always figure that I must need to see something more when I have to double back or wait or get completely lost.

I giggled because your story reminds me of me. Thanks again for sharing it.

Hahaha, I absolutely know how you meant your comment @bigtom13! It's what I try to tell others: "Traveling is always worth it, because even the bad moments turn into awesome stories which you'll be able to tell for the rest of your life!" :D All those little "Why didn't I think of that before" and "Does this REALLY happen to ME?" moments are worth it <3 I know you appreciate it too :D

Sorry the two days must have stress you so much at least you find your camera

Its like a lesson!

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Glad you got your camera back! Scary story... Happy travels!

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