Why David Icke Was Kinda Right About The Reptiles

in #reptilians6 years ago

I still haven't decided whether this guy is truly nuts or still working for the BBC covertly, or perhaps a combination of the two. But there's a slight chance that he might also be somewhat of a genius.

I'm sure that anyone reading this will be familiar with the concept of the reptilian brain. While perhaps not an accepted science, there is an understanding we share as to the implications of what the reptilian brain stands for it.

It is that part of our mind that acts without the need for thought. Be it instinctively pulling our hand away from the stove when it's hot, or unconsciously biting our nails while focusing on something else. The reptilian brain is the part of us that makes instinctive decisions for us, decisions that can manifest instantly in physical movement, based upon information we have interpreted from our environment.

So if we decide to look upon David Icke's reptilian theory as metaphor, we might see that the world is most certainly run by reptiles. People don't even go to work for money anymore. They go to work out of habit, and often don't wake up until a few hours into their shifts.

We don't think anymore. We just act. We have surrendered to the habitual nature of our minds, and allowed our environment to sculpt us into perfect little worker bees, buzzing around thoughtlessly in a seemingly never ending cycle of decisions made beneath our threshold of understanding- or even acknowledgement.

Too many of us have allowed the reptilian aspect of us to overcome the human contemplating aspect that lies within. So now what we have, is a society whose direction is dictated by reptilian-minded zombies, who are fully engrossed within the game they inherited from their environment, and completely oblivious to the aspects of themselves they inherited elsewhere.

If we were all self-aware, however, and if we were making our own decisions consciously and wisely, using insight and experience, then I think this world would be heading in a different direction. But, instead we allow the fear that society has cultivated within us, and the addiction to dopamine that afflicts all who participate in modern society's game of existence, to make the choices that dictate our own lives and further cement a future that none of us really want.

So perhaps David Icke's reptilian theory is simply an allegory for modern society, and how humans now operate in a state of automation, at the lowest possible level of self-awareness.

Perhaps reptiles really do run the world.

Don't get rolled.


And this is why I resigned from work, left the UK and settled in Poland on a farm, with no other job than bringing up my daughter, and hanging around her and having fun, restoring motorbikes when I feel like it, and attempting to grow food, and it has been over 75f for 3 weeks now making all the above more possible and FUN.:-)

To transcend survival and experience existence is a right of passage denied to most in modern society.

Agreed, that is why EVERYONE needs to just go where they want, drop the jobs, and go.

So if we decide to look upon David Icke's reptilian theory as metaphor

Except he doesn't speak about that like a metaphor, when he says reptilians he literally means advanced reptiles.

when he says reptilians he literally means advanced reptiles.

Yes. Quite probably. But the theory came from somewhere, and why can that not be from an observation made by his own subconscious mind that his conscious mind then misinterpreted? That would be beautifully ironic.

It could be like that, but I am not sure if Icke was the one who created the reptilian conspirary. Was he?

He says reptiles he means different, if you read between the lines, he can't call them out directly or he would never get another show anywhere on the planet. Think about that for a minute before answering please.

I like D Icke a lot and always read anything about him...They asked me how do we change the world, and I replied: change yourself first and the world will follow...

If you analyze the world of narcissists / psychopaths, the correlation between our leaders and reptiles is even more striking.

Most of the politicians in DC have no warm empathy.
They have no conscious. They could start WWIII sentencing millions to death and not only sleep well at night, probably go to be with a smile on their face.

The psychopath also has little to no creative ability; an upper brain function.

And further, if all the pedogate stuff is to be believed (and it is mountainous), they have no control over their prime instincts. That of domination, control and sex.

Our leaders are operating off their lowest level of their brains.
And, govern-cement, no matter what we vote for, will be for the destruction of people.

Agreed! Not just the politicians in DC but those (almost) everywhere. People in these higher functions...politicians, priests, the pope, the royal families...there is something missing that most 'normal' people do have. And yet they're able to fool almost anyone and even justify most things for themselves... Like they deserve certain things while others don't. The reptilian brain is driven by the 'me-me-me' mind, with no emotion and acting on impulse, while 'normal' people are usually driven by too much emotion, not good either... That's why they are blind to what happens right in front of them. A recent event showed me this again, I forgot for a while...When you let emotions take over, you're too blind to see the truth. When emotion is controlled (not gone, but controlled) then all of a sudden everything is clear. Neither our leaders (or anyone else on that list above) nor those 'emotional' people, will see with clarity. If they would, all would be different.

Might be sub species of dinosaurs that never really got extinct instead developed reasoning and logic, therefore they decided to infiltrate the world government to overthrow humans and reclaim this planet for the dinosaurs.

Or I could just be teasing.

Hmmm, I don't know, I always got the chills from Icke. I have, however, seen some of his stuff that seems credible. So my second thought of him was that he just has a lot of 'stuff' that a lot of different people could believe, making him into some kind of idol...which is not much better than those 'reptiles' he speaks of. He was here in Dublin last year and I checked out the tickets. I thought he was charging an outrageous amount of money. He's in it for the money, still working for the BBC or a 'distractor', maybe genius in some way, but not genuine. But that's just my opinion.

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