Let me arrogantly debunk this ancient philosophy real quick;

in #philosophy6 years ago

There's no such thing as good and evil. This is what many in this world believe, and what I suspect they will try to convince us all of in the coming years. Chances are, the evidence for why this is apparently true will emanate from the scientific community, rather than an overtly religious body. But they could just as easily propagate that bullshit in alternative ways.

But allow me to preempt this impending assault on your morality- if you have managed to avoid it thus far. Should anyone ever attempt to convince you that good and evil are one in the same, or that they do not exist at all; should they tell you that it's all just a matter of one's perspective, and a consequence of the ego; then remember what you have read in this post.

Remember that this is just an attempt to subvert your morality, and that good and evil are most certainly a reality- and not a matter of opinion. One could simply define it as follows;

Someone is good when they are aware of the consequences - both potential and definite - of their actions, and thus act in such a manner so as to cause as little suffering to others as possible; or acting in such a way as to provide others with joy, whilst still taking precaution towards the potentiality of causing unnecessary suffering.

Someone is evil at the times when they are aware of the consequences of their actions, are able to understand how their actions can or will lead to the suffering of others, and yet still pursuit their own selfishness at the expense of the suffering they know it to be leading to.

The Bible may be a tool of control, but this doesn't mean that the concept of good and bad, or good and evil is also a fabrication. It is an observable aspect of human nature that anyone can observe, within others, or within ourselves. Don't ever let evil convince you otherwise.


We disagree with this one : )

When we drop using the term evil, we are free to articulate the problem with some clarity, in turn this makes finding a solution much more doable.
As Evil only lives in the imagination, it makes it impossible to solve any real problems arriving from the problematic behavior you are calling evil.

That's alright. Disagreements can be very healthy if both parties are of a satisfactory level of maturity.

I do admit that the world evil is not what I would have preferred. I simply mean what is right and what is wrong. If your actions are repeatedly hurting others, and you know this, and yet you continue; how can this be a matter of preference?

Despite someone being evil at a time for knowing the negative consequences they create, one can also be not evil in intent, but do evil deeds through ignorance of what they do. The action is still the action that was created by someone, whether they recognize the consequences or not (ignorance, denial), the consequences are real. There are different degrees of application for the word evil ;)

Yes you are right. Language - at least my own - doesn't help my explanation. The point I was attempting to make it is that one cannot be evil from a place of ignorance. They are simply ignorant. Genuine evil requires a level of awareness that most in this world will never even acquire.

Let me just...
( •
...give this a good upvote.

a few people are indeed evil, a few people are indeed good and the choice to be evil is a personal choice although a few cases might be related to a brain disease the majority know in fact the choices they make are going to be evil in nature. but what made those people make evil choices...

i know a few hells angels motorcycle club members who are horribly evil - they are willing to step on, intimidate and even murder those who get in their way. each of those gang members exhibit signs of sociopathy, usually due to some kind of trauma or experience from their youth. thanks to those experiences and the lack of proper parental guidance, those few became lost in society thus gravitated towards criminal and anti social behavior. had those children been exposed to positive role models and parents who cared about their choices then the few would be much fewer.

if we want evil to leave society then we must change society.

just my two cents.

With respect to the Ying and Yang, I would see it as a representation of chaos and order, rather than good and evil.

Exactly! Thats what I tell everyone who talks to me about good and evil, in the end it's all about perspective. Something may be bad in your eyes however, it maybe good in someone else's eyes.

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There will be ups and downs, times of order and times of chaos. Good and evil feels more like an opinion from someone judging a situation.

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