【Travel with Gladys】#1 Guam 關島之旅 part 2 by @gladyslui

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

This article was written by @gladyslui / 本文由 @gladyslui 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:

In Part 1 , I introduced 5 things that you can do in Guam. This time I will tell you the rest that I did in Guam and some free attractions that you can visit! If you haven't read part 1, please have a read first:

上回介紹了5樣可以在關島做的東西, 今次就讓我介紹一下一些餘下我做了的東西和一些免費的景點吧!如果你還沒有看Part 1 的話,先去看看我做了什麼吧:

【Travel with Gladys】#1 Guam 關島之旅 part 1 by @gladyslui

If you have already read it, keep reading and so you know what to do when you visit! >>>>>


6.I ❤ Guam Sign 壁畫

1 must-do item would be to take pictures in front of the I love Guam sign! This sign is actually in the middle of a traffic so be careful when you take the picture! PS. Google I love Guam Sign and you will know the location!

來到關島當然要和這麼有代表性的標誌拍照啦!不過其實這是一幅在馬路中心的壁畫,所以大家拍照時一定要小心,看清楚沒有車了才走出馬路啊!PS. 這個地點在Google search I love Guam Sign 就會找到了:P

7.Blue Aster Chapel 關島幸福藍星教堂

Some of you might already know that Guam is famous for weddings, especially for Japanese and Korean, therefore there are actually a lot of nice chapels in here. I have seen a few weddings too during my stay in Guam. However, these chapels are all private and not open to public, therefore tourists cannot just go in. However, I was already satisfied to take pictures outside as it is so pretty!!

大家可能都知道關島其中出名的原因是因為很多人都會選擇在這裡旅行結婚,特別是日本和韓國人,所以關島有很多好漂亮的教堂. 我在關島期間也看到了好幾個婚禮. 可惜的是, 這些教堂都是私人地方,所以遊客是不可以隨便進去參觀的. 不過只是在外面拍照我已經好開心了, 因為教堂真的很美!!

8.Watching sunset at the beach pool 在沙灘上看日落

In my previous blog post, I mentioned that there are a lot of hotels along the Tumon Bay coast. Therefore, one thing you must do is to watch sunset in their hotel pools. The pool i went was the one in Dusit Thani. However, if you are not staying in this hotel, you would have to pay for about 30 USD to swim in their pool. Don't try to sneak in coz they will find out!!!

上次介紹過在Tumon Bay 沿岸都是不同的酒店, 而他們的泳池都是連接著海灘的. 所以其中一個必要的活動一定是看日落! 我當時是在 Dusit Thani 這家酒店的泳池看日落的. 不過如果你不是住在這家酒店的話, 你付大概20USD 也是可以進去的. 因為保安嚴密, 如果你沒有付款他們是會知道的, 所以不要偷偷走進去啊!

9.Gun shooting 真槍實彈試射 ~ 90USD

You can actually see a lot of gun shooting place in Guam when you walk on the street, and we just went into one randomly. The package that I chose allowed me to try different guns, while if you just wanna try one, it is gonna be less expensive! When I actually went in and start shooting, I was so nervous, and I even imagined I was the movie characters where I have to kill somebody. 😂 😂 And my results are actually not bad :P

在關島,你會看到很多實彈試射的地方。 我們經過其中一間就進去了。我選的這個價錢是可以讓我是不同的槍種,但如果是是一種的話, 其實是不用那麼貴的。 還記得當時真的很害怕,我試射的時候還幻想我是在殺人的女主角😂 😂 看看我的成績都算是不錯吧:P

10.Fish Eye Marine Park關島魚眼海洋公園 ~ 12USD

This is where the cover photo of my part 1 blog post is taken! This is actually an aquarium that is directly linked to the sea. 這裡就是我part 1 cover的照片了! 其實這是一個直接在海裡的水族館.

The weather was so nice that it looks like a painting with the blue sea, I felt like I was in Maldives!!

這裡真的美得好像一幅畫, 海水藍得好像是假的. 又點像去了馬爾代夫的感覺

So this is the actual aquarium. Looking out of the windows, you can see people scuba diving with fishes swimming around them. If you want, you can also reserve scuba diving sessions online before you come here.
這就是那個水族館, 在那些小窗口望出去可以見到有人在潛水, 還有很多魚在他們身邊游來游去! 如果你有時間的話, 你也可以提前預約潛水等等的活動!

11.Taotao Tasi Guam Beach BBQ Dinner Show 海灘BBQ表演 ~ 77USD

This is a package with BBQ buffet and a beach show. Book your tickets online and there will be buses coming to pick you up and drive you to the show venue. Though I didn't take pictures of the buffet section, there were a wide variety of food including desserts and ice cream! I felt like the buffet already worthed the price... hahah

這是一個在沙灘邊享受BBQ自助餐和土人表演的Package. 在網上Book了的表演後會有餐遊巴來接我們到表演場地。當時沒有拍下食物,但我記得食物種類十分多,還有甜品和雪糕。 感覺上只是食自助餐已經值回票價了...哈哈

There's this fire section that you couldn't miss. I was really panic that they might hurt themselves while watching, but obviously they didn't ...😂

不少得的當然是玩火把的環節吧. 看表演時真的很怕他們會受傷,但當然他們沒有啦(應該只有我會在看表演時這麼不留心😂 )

12.Supermarket time! 超級市場手信時間!

Before saying goodbye, its time to get some souvenirs! If you really like beer, you must try their GUAM beer where they have their original flavour and mango flavour. Thought you won't be able to bring this home unless you have unlimited weights for your luggage😅 ... What you can bring home is the chocolate on the right picture. They are all macadamia nut flavour despite they have different packaging haha. This is also what they are famous for and personally I really like it !

臨別之前,最後要做的當然是買手信啦。如果喜歡喝啤酒的你一定要試一下他們的GUAM 啤酒,他有原味和芒果味,挺特別的! 不過這個帶回家就應該有點勉強了,除非你的行李重量沒有上限吧😅 ...另外可以買回家的就是右邊圖中的巧克力! 它們其實全部都是同一種巧克力, 只是包裝不一樣而已. 他們是Macadamia Nut的口味, 是我很喜歡的味道!

So the trip has finally come to an end ! Peace out Guam! I will seee you again real soon!:)

就這樣,我的關島之旅就結束了! 再見啦關島! 我會很快再見你的! :)

If you like my travel blog posts in Guam want to know more about me, please upvote this post and follow me @gladyslui ! Thanks for supporting me in the previous posts❤ See you all soon!

如果你喜歡我這篇遊記和想了解我更多的話就請upvote這個post和關注我 @gladyslui 吧! 多謝你們在上一個blog post的支持❤ 下次再見!

Author @gladyslui, Posted By @someone


Lovely places and nice travel photography . calm and relaxing pictures .Thanks

this place look like dream

it`s cool nd amazing place..........

amazing view, that's all photo is so realistic and very clean of object.
I very like all of your photo, keep spirit and keep to expanding your creativity @someone

best regards



Very nice pic's

Wow...excellent place to visit...Guam...beautiful.locarions...nice people...tks @someome for bringing me such info..hope you be around when i visit next summer....😋

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