天然氧吧Natural Oxygen Bar by @herlife

in #cn7 years ago

This article was written by @herlife / 本文由 @herlife 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:


早前写了一篇关于桂林“两江四湖”的夜景 烟雨漓江,如入桃源 Rivers and Lakes, 今日带大家看看白天的山水之美。

Guilin is famous for its amazing landscape, I write a post about the night scenery of the famous “Two rivers and four lakes”. Today I’m gonna show you the daytime view.

广福山风景区位于桂林市五通镇,是一个还没被完全开发建设的景区,也许没有那么出名,但因其清澈见底的河水,负离子含量极高的空气,四面群山环绕而吸引无数游客前来戏水,游泳,体验天然氧吧的魅力… 也正应了那句 “山不在高,有仙则名,水不在深,有龙则灵”吧,在喧嚣的城市中生活了许久,休假的日子便很想找这么一个山清水秀的地方去养养,放松放松,享受生活。

Guangfu Mountain, maybe it is not so famous, but when you are there, breathing the fresh air, seeing the clear water and enjoy the natural swimming pool, you will be obsessed with it. Especially we lived in the noisy city for a long time, when we are having holidays; we need such a place to have a rest.

往里走会遇见一个石头搭成的“桥”,水里的鱼儿在欢乐的游着,岸上的我们在欢乐的笑着. 悠长的山径小道树遮林掩,让你在每一个转角处都会发现不一样的景色,充满着无数的好奇和惊喜。

Along the way to inside, you will see a bridge which made with stones, the fishes swim in the water happily and freely, and also we are talking and laughing in the bridge. Roads are very long and hide among the trees, in this way, in every corner; you will find different sight, filled with surprise.


Look, this is the famous fruit in Guangxi named Momordica grosvenori, it taste sweet and sour, in this hot summer, drinking a cup of Momordica grosvenori tea, you will feel so cool.


I am so attracted by the beautiful of nature, and I find a place which is perfect to enjoy.


Finally, we arrived at the nature swimming pool. Here you can relax yourself completely. Walking in the river barefoot, swimming in the clear water, enjoy the sun in the side with your cool sunglasses. All in all, this place is like a paradise.


It is said that if climbing up further, there’s a big waterfall, but the guide told us there might be snakes, we’d better not go there. We enjoy ourselves here, and it is time to say goodbye, hope the nature beauty of Guangfu Mountain will last forever.

我们下一个行程是阳朔,看下面这张图的话,是不是很期待呢? 敬请期待...

Our next trip is Yang Shuo, check the picture below, are you looking forward to it? See you next time.

感谢一直以来您的支持. :)

Pls follow, upvote & reply @herlife. Thank you!

Author @herlife, Posted By @someone


It is a really good place.
The scenery looks very nice and beautiful.
I really want to go.

it seems very nice to be in such a beautiful place, with fresh air and clear river water

Beautiful :) follow resteemed!

Thank you so much for sharing all this information! that's great! All the best! Waiting for more posts! :)

simply Beauti full i like thank you.

everything about that place looks amazing and magically / i hope it is kept pure / i guess the oxygen bar is everywhere? (-: peace

such a great trip
tnx for translate in english
i traveled with you :)

very beautiful pics love it.


wow, very beautiful with a refreshing nature

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