Actofkindness - Assistance in the Cash Disbursement Process for the Poor Recipients of Government Assistance (08 October 2021)

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Conditions while in the BSI Bank office

The BSPS Assistance Program for the 2021 fiscal year has reached the final stage of implementation, I as the Field Facilitator Team were assigned to assist the initial implementation process, starting from verifying the eligibility of prospective recipients, distributing materials, carrying out construction to the process of disbursing cash for the costs of wages for workers who are paid for. budgeted by the local government. For the verification process, material distribution and construction implementation, I have published it in a post a few months ago.

Accompany directly when withdrawing cash

Friday, October 8, 2021, I directly accompanied Mr. Husaini as the head of the beneficiary group and attended the village head as a witness to disburse cash at Bank BSI Krueng Geukueh North Aceh. This cash disbursement is the final stage of the process we are doing to pay the cost of working wages in the BSPS assistance program for the 2021 fiscal year, and then we will compile a final report and handover with one of the beneficiaries as a symbol of the transfer of the funds.

Mr Husaini with a bank teller when withdrawing cash

This BSPS Program Assistance is a regular assistance that is allocated annually by the government to the poor to help renovate uninhabitable houses. The stages of distribution of assistance consist of several steps, including;

  • The initial survey is in the form of evaluating the eligibility of prospective recipients
  • Formation of groups of prospective recipients, consisting of 20 people per group
  • Opening of a savings book by a government-appointed bank
  • Distribution of materials according to the needs of the house to be renovated
  • Construction execution
  • And the final stage is the disbursement of workers' wages and at the same time handing over.

After completing the submission of workers' wages, I will immediately compile a detailed report on the stages of the implementation process to be re-evaluated by the central verification team, which will then be audited to the location of the distribution of the aid.





cc : @pennsif @el-nailul @heriadi @miftahuddin @klen.civil @mariana4ve

Best Regard


No friendship is good, except for a conversation that never ends

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