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RE: Wild Bill Hickok: The Springfield Square Incident

in #history6 years ago

I am surprised this went to trial, with both men drawing, even if one did not manage to fire, I thought it was considered a fair fight. With both firing, even more so.

My younger brother when hre was about 5 used to call this guy Wild Bill Hick up. I always wondered what he thought, that had brought him to that conclusion, ROFLOL!



sir smithlabs! "Wild Bill Hick up" lol that's great...about the shooting, yes I was shocked that they didn't declare it a fair fight right there but I guess the town was so divided between Northern supporters and Southern supporters that they figured they'd go with a trial to make sure everyone saw that it was a righteous shooting.

I guess that was smart. Wouldn't want to start another Civil War.


I suppose sir of the few times in history that a government body made the right decision! lol.

*I hope some one put it on a calendar, it hasn't happened since!*


Especially with liberals running things! They took over a whorehouse in Nevada for unpaid taxes, It had a bar attached so the were selling booze and renting women. They took over because they had made a great deal of profit, and had NOT paid their taxes, and in less than two years the place was insolvent!

They could NOT make a profit!!!


ahhaha! you're kiddin me, what a bunch of dunder heads! if you can't take a highly profitable business and keep it running then that shows how worthless your philosophy is.
That's another great illustration of how socialist mind sets fail in real life.

Thee most incompetent Asses on this Planet seem to be running the government! We need to fire them, and put in some business MEN in their place!


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