
hahaha! yes sir that redneck is proud of that tat, wouldn't you be?

He better be, he is stuck with it, LOL!

I don't believe there is a Tattoo artist big enough to give me a tattoo. I HATE needles, so I won't go quietly! :(

haha! they could knock you out first.
hey, have you ever done any research into lasers? I mean, why don't you just invent a laser gun that doesn't need ammo? or would that be too logical?
or maybe something finally out of your league or too technical or not the right equipment to develop it?

WHY would I let someone with a needle, close enough to knock me out?

I have been playing with a 10 watt laser for years. Just not very portable.

The problem with Lasers is Collimation, essentially focusing the beam to keep it together. The trade mags say they are working with AI to maintain distant focus..

smithlabs! so why don't you beat them to it?

Expensive play. It is on my LONG list; but I am only active on my short list. :(

well some of those patents need to start paying, what makes them do that, a big company has to buy them from you for millions?

When a person does a patent while working for a company, they own it. I had a contract with time left when they closed my group down due to Obamacare. I decided that if the honored my contract, I would give them the results of my post employment research. If they did NOT, I would keep my results.

There is a goal I had tried to hit for a decade, of a monitor that would electronically adjust sensor sensitivity; and also a monitor that could recognize foreign mats, and reject them as unfit. After I was gone, and my mind was off this problem, The solution became obvious!

They stiffed me for over $70k, by not honoring their contract, so I kept the golden Egg! I will take it out of their hide!

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